QList: length()和count()函数的差异?

时间:2022-05-24 18:29:22

I'm wondering what the difference between the functions QList::length() and QList::count() really is.


The docs say:


int QList::length() const

This function is identical to count().


int QList::count(const T & value) const

Returns the number of occurrences of value in the list.


This function requires the value type to have an implementation of operator==().


But how can a function without parameters (length()) be the same as one with parameters (count())? The description of the count()-function makes sense for me.


However, what does the length()-function exactly do? Did they mean that it is the same as the size()-function of QList?


2 个解决方案



int QList::length() const is NOT equivalent to int QList::count(const T & value) const but to int QList::count() const (see the next signature for the count() method).

int QList::length() const并不等同于int QList::count(const T & value) const,但对于int QList::count() const(参见下一个对count()方法的签名)。

The right link: http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qlist.html#count-1


In QList class, methods length(), size() and count() (without parameter) are equivalent and will return the same result.




There are two count methods, one which takes parameters, and one which does not. If you look at the source, you can see that length(), size(), and count all have the same implementation (return p.size();), and int QList<T>::count(const T &t) const has another implementation.

有两种计数方法,一种采用参数,另一种不采用参数。如果查看源代码,可以看到length()、size()和count都有相同的实现(return .size();)和int QList ::count(const t&t) const有另一个实现。



int QList::length() const is NOT equivalent to int QList::count(const T & value) const but to int QList::count() const (see the next signature for the count() method).

int QList::length() const并不等同于int QList::count(const T & value) const,但对于int QList::count() const(参见下一个对count()方法的签名)。

The right link: http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qlist.html#count-1


In QList class, methods length(), size() and count() (without parameter) are equivalent and will return the same result.




There are two count methods, one which takes parameters, and one which does not. If you look at the source, you can see that length(), size(), and count all have the same implementation (return p.size();), and int QList<T>::count(const T &t) const has another implementation.

有两种计数方法,一种采用参数,另一种不采用参数。如果查看源代码,可以看到length()、size()和count都有相同的实现(return .size();)和int QList ::count(const t&t) const有另一个实现。