
时间:2021-05-30 18:27:57

I'm trying to learn node, I saw lot of material (as suggested in that famous SO question), the problem is that all the books I saw, or tutorials either use a web framework like express or simply limit themselves to explain what node is and go no deeper than explaining how to create a very basic http server which listens for requests on some port.
So I'm really wondering is there anybody who uses node w/o a web framework? If so they must have learned it somewhere, so could you please suggest where can I learn it?
I know that this is very low level, but I don't mind, I have already a familiarity on how to create servers in C.
I'd really like to understand how we really serve static content with node (customly organized in folders) and how we actually introduce logic into our html (I looked all this up but found only results on how to do it using Express, where logic is introduced by something like <% //code %>, but can this be done in pure node?).

The question similar to mine which has been already asked here does not really have an answer. The best answer just suggests to read the official nodejs documentation which is like saying:
there you have a dictionary with millions of words in Latin, good luck in learning it.

So can you suggest some well documented, robust book/ tutorial where is shown how to create a real world website using raw node?
If not, I guess I'll have to stick to php + Apache and try to optimize those to scale.

我想学习节点,我看到很多的材料(如在著名的问题),问题是所有的书我看到,或教程使用web框架表达或简单地限制自己解释什么是节点,再比解释如何创建一个非常基本的http服务器端口侦听请求。我想知道有没有人使用node w/o一个web框架?如果是这样的话,他们一定是在什么地方学的,你能告诉我在哪里可以学吗?我知道这是非常低的水平,但我不介意,我已经熟悉如何创建服务器c .我非常想了解我们服务静态内容与节点(自定义文件夹组织)和我们如何介绍逻辑到我们的html(我看着这一切,但只发现结果如何使用表达,逻辑是引入了< % % > / /代码,但这是在纯节点完成吗?)。这里已经问过的与我类似的问题并没有真正的答案。最好的答案就是阅读官方的nodejs文档,就像在说:你有一本字典,里面有数百万个拉丁语单词,祝你好运。那么,你能给我推荐一些有良好文档记录的、健壮的书籍/教程吗?如果没有,我想我必须坚持php + Apache,并尝试优化它们的规模。

2 个解决方案



Node.js by itself is a Javascript execution engine (based on V8) that runs on many different platforms and comes with a standard library. It's somewhat analogous to any other interpreted language with its standard library (such as Python or PHP). It would not be accurate to describe plain node.js as a "web platform" by itself. It has the core tools where one can make a web platform out of it, but it can also be used for all sorts of other types of uses that have nothing to do with being a web platform. For example, I've built some command line build tools out of it for doing various forms of text processing (a use that does no networking of any kind).


So I guess "raw" node just means solving whatever problem you want to solve without building on top of 3rd party libraries (beyond the standard library that node.js comes with). Personally, I'm not sure why you really want to do that. One huge advantage of node.js development is the whole NPM eco-system where there are thousands of pre-built, free and open source modules that solve thousands of problems. Some are a few functions, but still useful and others are whole APIs that solve rich sets of problems. The beauty of NPM and this eco-system is that with one simple command you can add any one of these modules to your project and with a couple lines of code, you can be using it in your project. I'd consider it silly to avoid this advantage.


So learning raw node.js means learning Javascript, learning the tools often used for node.js development (debugger, NPM, console, etc...) and learning the standard library that comes with node.js. Few people ever want to sit down and actually learn every function in the standard library. Usually what people do is take a good long look at all the modules available in the standard library, page through each one to get a sense of what kinds of things they have in them and then find yourself something you want to build and start building it. As you are forced to find things and figure out how they work from the documentation or from Google searches or from studying other node.js code you find, you will learn how portions of the standard library works and what it does. If you are doing I/O (file, network, etc...), you will quickly encounter lots of asynchronous APIs in the standard library and you will generally want or need to become proficient at handling async operations (which is really just learning async Javascript), but will likely be important in a node.js project.


If you really want to "study" the standard library by itself, then both Amazon and Google have long lists of resources you can page through to see which ones seem to approach things the way you want to. Asking for us to find such a resource for you is considered "off topic" here on * so I will leave you to go consult those lists and decide what looks interesting. I myself knew client-side Javascript and picked up node.js by just reading some web resources and then working on my own projects. Eventually, I built a node.js system that runs on a Raspberry Pi and sits in my attic monitoring temperature probes, switching attic fans based on temperature differences and offering a web interface for controlling, configuring and reporting on everything that is going on. It's half a web app and half a stand-alone temperature controller.


Unfortunately, the documentation for the node.js standard library is not richly descriptive (I'm being kind there). It's technically accurate, but often doesn't answer many of the common questions anyone wanting to use an API would quickly have. It appears to assume that you already know a lot of the Unix C standard library as it has many similar functions (particularly for file access). Plus, one of the documentation drawbacks of an object hierarchy (where things inherit from other things) is that it can be hard to put together in one place everything that a given object does. Instead you have to mentally collect and understand what the base objects do and then try to figure out how that fits in to what the root object is doing. This isn't a challenge that only node.js faces, lots of object oriented systems have this documentation challenge (it used to drive me nuts with YUI).

不幸的是,节点的文档。js标准库的描述不是很丰富(我在那里很好)。它在技术上是准确的,但通常不能回答任何想要使用API的人会很快遇到的许多常见问题。它似乎假定您已经了解了许多Unix C标准库,因为它有许多类似的功能(特别是对于文件访问)。此外,对象层次结构(从其他事物继承东西的地方)的一个文档缺陷是,很难将给定对象所做的一切放在一个地方。相反,您必须在头脑中收集和理解基对象的功能,然后尝试找出它如何与根对象的功能相适应。这并不是唯一的挑战。js faces,很多面向对象的系统都有这样的文档挑战(它曾经让我和YUI一起抓狂)。

What I quickly found is that I really needed to be able to find the relevant library source code for any standard library function so I could look at how the function was actually written in order to answer my questions. This is such a huge advantage of both open source and how searchable GitHub is (all the standard library source is on GitHub).


So, page through all the modules in the node.js standard library to familiarize yourself with what is there and where you'd find it. Then find yourself an app you want to build and build it. If you're building a web app, I can think of no reason why you would ever want to do that without using a framework someone else has already built for you (I use Express). There's just no reason to reinvent everything yourself. If you want to make sure you understand the HTTP module before using Express, then build yourself a simple web server using only the HTTP module that serves two static files and use the HTTP module going the other way to request a couple web pages from other servers. Then, start using Express to build your own web app.


As for some of your more specific questions:


I'd really like to understand how we really serve static content with node (customly organized in folders)


Some of the answers to this question show you a basic node-only web server that serves up static content from a file system. More examples and explanation here.


how we actually introduce logic into our html (I looked all this up but found only results on how to do it using Express, where logic is introduced by something like <% //code %>, but can this be done in pure node?).

我们如何在html中引入逻辑(我查找了所有这些,但只找到了如何使用Express来实现逻辑的结果,其中的逻辑是由<% //code %>之类的东西引入的,但这能在纯节点中实现吗?)

Introducing "logic" into your HTML from scratch means that you first build a system for serving static web pages and then you add to that a system for parsing through the web pages (on the server) to find directives in them that mean your server should do something to modify or add to the HTML before sending it to the client. There are many different ways of doing this which is why there are probably 50 different systems out there already for doing this. A search for node.js template systems will find you a list. Again, I have no idea why you would want to build one of these from scratch. It is a bit of a research project to figure out which of the zillions out there matches your desires the best (I'm using Handlebars, a derivative of Mustache myself), but that should be way, way less work than building your own system from scratch. And, even if you want some grand capabilities that can't be easily accomplished with a stock system, you may as well start with a stock system and extend it.




What you're asking for seems to be two different things, you want to do raw Node, but at the same time know how people use it in the real world. Pretty much everyone uses at the very least, Express (or Koa if you're on the bleeding edge) as their web framework. They provide the bare bones to create a robust web server. Then, for your actual front end, you'd use either AngularJS or ReactJS, you wouldn't do any rendering server side template rendering (e.g. no <% %> code blocks). If you choose to go the React route, you'll need additional libraries like BaconJS to assist with the glue, as React is just the view layer, whereas Angular is an all encompassing MVC framework.

你所要求的似乎是两个不同的东西,你想做原始节点,但同时知道人们如何在现实世界中使用它。几乎每个人都至少使用Express(或者Koa,如果你在边缘的话)作为他们的web框架。它们为创建健壮的web服务器提供了基础。然后,对于实际的前端,您将使用AngularJS或反应物js,而不会进行任何呈现服务器端模板呈现(例如,没有<% >代码块)。如果您选择使用React路径,您将需要像BaconJS这样的附加库来辅助粘合,因为React只是视图层,而angle是一个包含所有内容的MVC框架。

One of the best ways to learn, is to look at the MEAN stack yeoman generator https://github.com/DaftMonk/generator-angular-fullstack . Use the generator to make an app, and read its source to see how it is structured, and just start hacking away at it to get to do what you want.




Node.js by itself is a Javascript execution engine (based on V8) that runs on many different platforms and comes with a standard library. It's somewhat analogous to any other interpreted language with its standard library (such as Python or PHP). It would not be accurate to describe plain node.js as a "web platform" by itself. It has the core tools where one can make a web platform out of it, but it can also be used for all sorts of other types of uses that have nothing to do with being a web platform. For example, I've built some command line build tools out of it for doing various forms of text processing (a use that does no networking of any kind).


So I guess "raw" node just means solving whatever problem you want to solve without building on top of 3rd party libraries (beyond the standard library that node.js comes with). Personally, I'm not sure why you really want to do that. One huge advantage of node.js development is the whole NPM eco-system where there are thousands of pre-built, free and open source modules that solve thousands of problems. Some are a few functions, but still useful and others are whole APIs that solve rich sets of problems. The beauty of NPM and this eco-system is that with one simple command you can add any one of these modules to your project and with a couple lines of code, you can be using it in your project. I'd consider it silly to avoid this advantage.


So learning raw node.js means learning Javascript, learning the tools often used for node.js development (debugger, NPM, console, etc...) and learning the standard library that comes with node.js. Few people ever want to sit down and actually learn every function in the standard library. Usually what people do is take a good long look at all the modules available in the standard library, page through each one to get a sense of what kinds of things they have in them and then find yourself something you want to build and start building it. As you are forced to find things and figure out how they work from the documentation or from Google searches or from studying other node.js code you find, you will learn how portions of the standard library works and what it does. If you are doing I/O (file, network, etc...), you will quickly encounter lots of asynchronous APIs in the standard library and you will generally want or need to become proficient at handling async operations (which is really just learning async Javascript), but will likely be important in a node.js project.


If you really want to "study" the standard library by itself, then both Amazon and Google have long lists of resources you can page through to see which ones seem to approach things the way you want to. Asking for us to find such a resource for you is considered "off topic" here on * so I will leave you to go consult those lists and decide what looks interesting. I myself knew client-side Javascript and picked up node.js by just reading some web resources and then working on my own projects. Eventually, I built a node.js system that runs on a Raspberry Pi and sits in my attic monitoring temperature probes, switching attic fans based on temperature differences and offering a web interface for controlling, configuring and reporting on everything that is going on. It's half a web app and half a stand-alone temperature controller.


Unfortunately, the documentation for the node.js standard library is not richly descriptive (I'm being kind there). It's technically accurate, but often doesn't answer many of the common questions anyone wanting to use an API would quickly have. It appears to assume that you already know a lot of the Unix C standard library as it has many similar functions (particularly for file access). Plus, one of the documentation drawbacks of an object hierarchy (where things inherit from other things) is that it can be hard to put together in one place everything that a given object does. Instead you have to mentally collect and understand what the base objects do and then try to figure out how that fits in to what the root object is doing. This isn't a challenge that only node.js faces, lots of object oriented systems have this documentation challenge (it used to drive me nuts with YUI).

不幸的是,节点的文档。js标准库的描述不是很丰富(我在那里很好)。它在技术上是准确的,但通常不能回答任何想要使用API的人会很快遇到的许多常见问题。它似乎假定您已经了解了许多Unix C标准库,因为它有许多类似的功能(特别是对于文件访问)。此外,对象层次结构(从其他事物继承东西的地方)的一个文档缺陷是,很难将给定对象所做的一切放在一个地方。相反,您必须在头脑中收集和理解基对象的功能,然后尝试找出它如何与根对象的功能相适应。这并不是唯一的挑战。js faces,很多面向对象的系统都有这样的文档挑战(它曾经让我和YUI一起抓狂)。

What I quickly found is that I really needed to be able to find the relevant library source code for any standard library function so I could look at how the function was actually written in order to answer my questions. This is such a huge advantage of both open source and how searchable GitHub is (all the standard library source is on GitHub).


So, page through all the modules in the node.js standard library to familiarize yourself with what is there and where you'd find it. Then find yourself an app you want to build and build it. If you're building a web app, I can think of no reason why you would ever want to do that without using a framework someone else has already built for you (I use Express). There's just no reason to reinvent everything yourself. If you want to make sure you understand the HTTP module before using Express, then build yourself a simple web server using only the HTTP module that serves two static files and use the HTTP module going the other way to request a couple web pages from other servers. Then, start using Express to build your own web app.


As for some of your more specific questions:


I'd really like to understand how we really serve static content with node (customly organized in folders)


Some of the answers to this question show you a basic node-only web server that serves up static content from a file system. More examples and explanation here.


how we actually introduce logic into our html (I looked all this up but found only results on how to do it using Express, where logic is introduced by something like <% //code %>, but can this be done in pure node?).

我们如何在html中引入逻辑(我查找了所有这些,但只找到了如何使用Express来实现逻辑的结果,其中的逻辑是由<% //code %>之类的东西引入的,但这能在纯节点中实现吗?)

Introducing "logic" into your HTML from scratch means that you first build a system for serving static web pages and then you add to that a system for parsing through the web pages (on the server) to find directives in them that mean your server should do something to modify or add to the HTML before sending it to the client. There are many different ways of doing this which is why there are probably 50 different systems out there already for doing this. A search for node.js template systems will find you a list. Again, I have no idea why you would want to build one of these from scratch. It is a bit of a research project to figure out which of the zillions out there matches your desires the best (I'm using Handlebars, a derivative of Mustache myself), but that should be way, way less work than building your own system from scratch. And, even if you want some grand capabilities that can't be easily accomplished with a stock system, you may as well start with a stock system and extend it.




What you're asking for seems to be two different things, you want to do raw Node, but at the same time know how people use it in the real world. Pretty much everyone uses at the very least, Express (or Koa if you're on the bleeding edge) as their web framework. They provide the bare bones to create a robust web server. Then, for your actual front end, you'd use either AngularJS or ReactJS, you wouldn't do any rendering server side template rendering (e.g. no <% %> code blocks). If you choose to go the React route, you'll need additional libraries like BaconJS to assist with the glue, as React is just the view layer, whereas Angular is an all encompassing MVC framework.

你所要求的似乎是两个不同的东西,你想做原始节点,但同时知道人们如何在现实世界中使用它。几乎每个人都至少使用Express(或者Koa,如果你在边缘的话)作为他们的web框架。它们为创建健壮的web服务器提供了基础。然后,对于实际的前端,您将使用AngularJS或反应物js,而不会进行任何呈现服务器端模板呈现(例如,没有<% >代码块)。如果您选择使用React路径,您将需要像BaconJS这样的附加库来辅助粘合,因为React只是视图层,而angle是一个包含所有内容的MVC框架。

One of the best ways to learn, is to look at the MEAN stack yeoman generator https://github.com/DaftMonk/generator-angular-fullstack . Use the generator to make an app, and read its source to see how it is structured, and just start hacking away at it to get to do what you want.
