使用ruby生成为/ etc / shadow格式化的SHA512 crypt-style哈希?

时间:2022-10-20 18:23:13

I want to generate SHA512 hashed passwords for inclusion directly into a /etc/shadow file for use with chef's user resource. Normally I'd go to the stdlib's Digest library for this, but it doesn't generate the hash in the right format:

我想生成SHA512散列密码,以便直接包含在/ etc / shadow文件中,以便与chef的用户资源一起使用。通常我会去stdlib的Digest库,但它不会以正确的格式生成哈希:

ruby-1.9.2-p136 :001 > require 'digest/sha2'
 => true 
ruby-1.9.2-p136 :002 > Digest::SHA512.hexdigest('test')
 => "ee26b0dd4af7e749aa1a8ee3c10ae9923f618980772e473f8819a5d4940e0db27ac185f8a0e1d5f84f88bc887fd67b143732c304cc5fa9ad8e6f57f50028a8ff" 

The format that the shadow file wants is:



Things I've looked at:


  • The openssl "dgst" module returns the same format as .hexdigest, and its "passwd" module doesn't include SHA512 support.
  • openssl“dgst”模块返回与.hexdigest相同的格式,其“passwd”模块不包含SHA512支持。

  • String#crypt, but that does not support SHA512. (edit: this is only the case on OSX - modern Linux distros will work if you specify "$6$somesalt" as the salt)
  • String#crypt,但不支持SHA512。 (编辑:这只是OSX的情况 - 如果指定“$ 6 $ somesalt”作为盐,现代Linux发行版将起作用)

  • ruby-crypt gem, but it does not support SHA512
  • ruby-crypt gem,但它不支持SHA512

For comparison, something that does return the proper format is PHP's crypt, but I'd rather not have to exec out to PHP for something that should be simple.


1 个解决方案



After further research:


  • The mkpasswd command, which on debian is in the whois package (weird):


    mkpasswd -m sha-512

    mkpasswd -m sha-512

  • String#crypt does actually call the platform's native crypt() call, however OSX (up to 10.6) does not include support for alternate ciphers. "password".crypt('$6$somesalt') will work on Linux platforms.

    String#crypt实际上调用平台的本机crypt()调用,但是OSX(最多10.6)不包括对备用密码的支持。 “password”.crypt('$ 6 $ somesalt')将在Linux平台上运行。



After further research:


  • The mkpasswd command, which on debian is in the whois package (weird):


    mkpasswd -m sha-512

    mkpasswd -m sha-512

  • String#crypt does actually call the platform's native crypt() call, however OSX (up to 10.6) does not include support for alternate ciphers. "password".crypt('$6$somesalt') will work on Linux platforms.

    String#crypt实际上调用平台的本机crypt()调用,但是OSX(最多10.6)不包括对备用密码的支持。 “password”.crypt('$ 6 $ somesalt')将在Linux平台上运行。