如果只知道密钥和明文,则恢复AES IV

时间:2022-07-12 18:25:30

If I decrypt a ciphertext in AES-CBC mode and the decrypted plaintext of the first block does not match the original known plaintext, it is clear that the IV used for decryption does not match the IV used during encryption.


Neither of the IVs used for encryption or decryption is known.


If I knew the ciphertext, I could do the following to find the IV used during encryption (tried it and it works):


  1. Set IV=0
  2. x = decrypt(ciphertext, IV)
  3. x =解密(密文,IV)

  4. originalIV = x xor originalPlaintext
  5. originalIV = x xor originalPlaintext

Is there a way to recover the IV that was used in the encryption, given I know the original plaintext (before encryption), the wrong plaintext after decryption and the key?


1 个解决方案


Assuming I understood the question: this is absolutely possible, and absolutely off topic. Notice you shouldn't ask crypto questions on a programmer forum or you'll get all sorts of wrong answers.


Let D be your cipher decryption function. If you have the known plaintext PT, the key K and ciphertext from CBC mode CT then you can recover the first IV used for encryption via:


IV0 = D(CT0) ^ PT0

In your steps I assume by decrypt you mean CBC mode. This works because for a single block CBC_Decrypt(K,IV=0,CT) == D(K,CT).

在你的步骤中我假设你解密你的意思是CBC模式。这是有效的,因为对于单个块CBC_Decrypt(K,IV = 0,CT)== D(K,CT)。


Assuming I understood the question: this is absolutely possible, and absolutely off topic. Notice you shouldn't ask crypto questions on a programmer forum or you'll get all sorts of wrong answers.


Let D be your cipher decryption function. If you have the known plaintext PT, the key K and ciphertext from CBC mode CT then you can recover the first IV used for encryption via:


IV0 = D(CT0) ^ PT0

In your steps I assume by decrypt you mean CBC mode. This works because for a single block CBC_Decrypt(K,IV=0,CT) == D(K,CT).

在你的步骤中我假设你解密你的意思是CBC模式。这是有效的,因为对于单个块CBC_Decrypt(K,IV = 0,CT)== D(K,CT)。