import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFCell; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFCellStyle; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFFont; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFRow; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFSheet; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook; import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.HorizontalAlignment; import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.VerticalAlignment; import org.apache.poi.ss.util.CellRangeAddress;
<a class="mini-button" iconCls="icon-download" onclick="ExportExcel()">导出Excel</a> <script type="text/javascript"> mini.parse(); var obj = mini.getParams(); var task_grid = mini.get("task_grid"); var btnYes = document.getElementById("yes"); var btnNo = document.getElementById("no"); task_grid.load({"id":obj.id}); function ExportExcel(){ window.location.href="/random/export?id="+obj.id; } </script>
public void export() { int task_id = getParaToInt("id"); Map<String, String> titleData = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();//标题,后面用到 只有linkedMap有序 titleData.put("kz_staff_id", "组长"); titleData.put("fkz_staff_id", "组员"); titleData.put("ky1_staff_id", "组员"); titleData.put("ky2_staff_id", "组员"); titleData.put("bul_name", "项目/工程"); String name = rtService.findbytask_id(task_id).get("task_name"); File file = new File(getTitle(name)); file = saveFile(titleData,file,task_id,name); this.renderFile(file); } private static final String FILEPATH = PathKit.getWebRootPath() + File.separator + "upload" + File.separator ; private static String getTitle(String name) { Date date = new Date(); SimpleDateFormat dateFormat=new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); String title=FILEPATH+dateFormat.format(date) + ".xls"; return title; } private File saveFile(Map<String, String> headData, File file,int task_id,String name) { // 创建工作薄 HSSFWorkbook hssfWorkbook = new HSSFWorkbook(); // sheet:一张表的简称 // row:表里的行 // 创建工作薄中的工作表 HSSFSheet hssfSheet = hssfWorkbook.createSheet(); hssfSheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(1, 2, 4, 4)); hssfSheet.setColumnWidth(0, 3766); hssfSheet.setColumnWidth(1, 3766); hssfSheet.setColumnWidth(2, 3766); hssfSheet.setColumnWidth(3, 3766); hssfSheet.setColumnWidth(4, 6000); //创建单元格格式 HSSFCellStyle cellStyle = hssfWorkbook.createCellStyle(); HSSFCellStyle cellStyle1 = hssfWorkbook.createCellStyle(); //水平居中 HorizontalAlignment align = HorizontalAlignment.CENTER; cellStyle.setAlignment(align); cellStyle1.setAlignment(align); //垂直居中 VerticalAlignment vertical = VerticalAlignment.CENTER; cellStyle.setVerticalAlignment(vertical); cellStyle1.setVerticalAlignment(vertical); //设置字体 HSSFFont font = hssfWorkbook.createFont(); HSSFFont font1 = hssfWorkbook.createFont(); font.setFontHeightInPoints((short)15); font1.setFontHeightInPoints((short)10); font.setBold(true); font1.setBold(true); cellStyle.setFont(font); cellStyle1.setFont(font1); //创建headerrow HSSFRow headerRow = hssfSheet.createRow(0); hssfSheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(0, 0, 0, 4)); HSSFCell headercell = headerRow.createCell(0); headercell.setCellValue(name); //将格式应用到具体单元格中 headercell.setCellStyle(cellStyle); //创建复杂表头 HSSFRow initRow = hssfSheet.createRow(1); hssfSheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(1, 1, 0, 3)); HSSFCell initcell = initRow.createCell(0); initcell.setCellValue("巡查小组"); initcell.setCellStyle(cellStyle1); HSSFCell cell1 = initRow.createCell(4); cell1.setCellValue("项目/工程"); cell1.setCellStyle(cellStyle1); // 创建行 HSSFRow row = hssfSheet.createRow(2); // 创建单元格,设置表头 创建列 HSSFCell cell = null; // 初始化索引 int rowIndex = 2; int cellIndex = 0; // 创建标题行 row = hssfSheet.createRow(rowIndex); rowIndex++; // 遍历标题 for (String h : headData.keySet()) { //创建列 cell = row.createCell(cellIndex); cell.setCellStyle(cellStyle1); //索引递增 cellIndex++; //逐列插入标题 cell.setCellValue(headData.get(h)); } // 得到所有记录 行:列 int random_task = rtService.findTypeById(task_id).getInt("random_type"); List<Record> list = rtService.exportList(task_id,random_task); Record record = null; if (list != null) { // 获取所有的记录 有多少条记录就创建多少行 for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { row = hssfSheet.createRow(rowIndex); // 得到所有的行 一个record就代表 一行 record = list.get(i); //下一行索引 rowIndex++; //刷新新行索引 cellIndex = 0; // 在有所有的记录基础之上,便利传入进来的表头,再创建N行 for (String h : headData.keySet()) { cell = row.createCell(cellIndex); cellIndex++; //按照每条记录匹配数据 cell.setCellValue(record.get(h) == null ? "" : record.get(h).toString()); } } } try { FileOutputStream fileOutputStreane = new FileOutputStream(file); hssfWorkbook.write(fileOutputStreane); fileOutputStreane.flush(); fileOutputStreane.close(); hssfWorkbook.close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return file; }
//export public List<Record> exportList(int task_id,int random_task){ List<Record> list = new ArrayList<Record>(); if(random_task == 1){ //单位工程 String sql="select t.*,b.bul_name,sk.name as kz_staff_id,sf.name as fkz_staff_id,s1.name as ky1_staff_id,s2.name as ky2_staff_id from tbl_random_task t inner join tbl_random_relation r on t.global_no = r.global_no inner join tbl_staff sk on r.kz_staff_id = sk.id inner join tbl_staff sf on r.fkz_staff_id = sf.id inner join tbl_staff s1 on r.ky1_staff_id = s1.id inner join tbl_staff s2 on r.ky2_staff_id = s2.id inner join tbl_building b on r.unit_id = b.id where t.status =1 and t.id = '"+task_id+"' "; list = Db.find(sql); }else{ //建设项目 String sql="select t.*,p.pro_name as bul_name,sk.name as kz_staff_id,sf.name as fkz_staff_id,s1.name as ky1_staff_id,s2.name as ky2_staff_id from tbl_random_task t inner join tbl_random_relation r on t.global_no = r.global_no inner join tbl_staff sk on r.kz_staff_id = sk.id inner join tbl_staff sf on r.fkz_staff_id = sf.id inner join tbl_staff s1 on r.ky1_staff_id = s1.id inner join tbl_staff s2 on r.ky2_staff_id = s2.id inner join tbl_project p on r.unit_id = p.id where t.status =1 and t.id = '"+task_id+"' "; list = Db.find(sql); } return list; }