如何在JavaMail IMAP连接期间临时禁用协议跟踪

时间:2021-10-07 18:12:57

You can specify whether JavaMail emits a protocol-level trace either when setting the Properties for your Session (by setting the "mail.debug" property to "true") or by calling Session.setDebug before you do the store connect.


However, when the Protocol object gets instantiated, it creates a "protocol" TraceLogger that persists for the lifetime of the protocol object. Which appears to mean that you can't temporarily disable protocol-level debug logging on a connection once you start using it.


There is a Protocol.suspendTracing method. And it does allow you to temporarily turn off protocol trace output. A bunch of the IMAP auth methods use it to keep your credentials out of the logfile. But suspendTracing is protected, so it's not callable from regular user code.

有一个Protocol.suspendTracing方法。它确实允许您暂时关闭协议跟踪输出。一堆IMAP auth方法使用它来保存您的凭据不受日志文件的影响。但是suspendTracing受到保护,因此无法通过常规用户代码进行调用。

Is there another way to temporarily turn off IMAP protocol tracing? (I'd prefer temporarily turning off just the traceInput logging, but I'm fine with disabling all logging.) Do I need to write and register a whole Protocol subclass so I can get access to Protocol.suspendTracing?

还有另一种暂时关闭IMAP协议跟踪的方法吗? (我更喜欢暂时关闭traceInput日志记录,但我可以禁用所有日志记录。)我是否需要编写并注册一个完整的Protocol子类,以便我可以访问Protocol.suspendTracing?

2 个解决方案


You could use Session.setDebugOut to set your own stream and control it from there.


If you're using java.util.logging, you can change the logging level at any time.



Not the best solution but, you can install a custom log filter on the com.sun.mail.imap.protocol logger to check that some specific thread is allowed to produce output. Assuming your connection is local to one thread


    public class ServiceFilter implements Filter {

        private static final ThreadLocal<javax.mail.Service> id = new ThreadLocal<>();

        public static void suspendTracing(javax.mail.Service s) {

        public static void enableTracing(javax.mail.Service s) {
            if (s.equals(id.get())) {

        public boolean isLoggable(LogRecord record) {
            return id.get() == null;

The downside is that this code becomes part of your project and it is another resource that you have to manage.



You could use Session.setDebugOut to set your own stream and control it from there.


If you're using java.util.logging, you can change the logging level at any time.



Not the best solution but, you can install a custom log filter on the com.sun.mail.imap.protocol logger to check that some specific thread is allowed to produce output. Assuming your connection is local to one thread


    public class ServiceFilter implements Filter {

        private static final ThreadLocal<javax.mail.Service> id = new ThreadLocal<>();

        public static void suspendTracing(javax.mail.Service s) {

        public static void enableTracing(javax.mail.Service s) {
            if (s.equals(id.get())) {

        public boolean isLoggable(LogRecord record) {
            return id.get() == null;

The downside is that this code becomes part of your project and it is another resource that you have to manage.
