在windows server 2012 r2上部署时出现BadImageFormatException

时间:2020-12-27 18:16:39

I am deploying my Asp.net application on Windows Server 2012 R2(x64). I get a runtime BadImageFormatException while using 64-bit dll. When I run it with IIS Express or application published on local machine IIS everything works well (Application pools -> solution name -> Enable 32-bit applications set to False, All projects in solution are also set for Platform target x64). Deploy is going through Team City & Octopus Deploy.

我在Windows Server 2012 R2(x64)上部署我的Asp.net应用程序。我在使用64位dll时获得一个运行时BadImageFormatException。当我使用IIS Express或本地机器IIS上发布的应用程序运行它时,一切都运行得很好(应用程序池—>解决方案名称—>允许将32位应用程序设置为False,解决方案中的所有项目也为平台目标x64设置)。部署正在通过团队城市和章鱼部署。

What the solution could be?


UPD System.BadImageFormatException: An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007000B) at libxl.XmlBook.xlCreateXMLBookC() at xxx.Controllers.xxx.xxxController.LibxlTest() in C:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\aeb63fe0b246a1f3\xxx\xxx\Controllers\xxx\xxx\xxxController.cs:line 597

乌利希期刊指南系统。BadImageFormatException:尝试以错误的格式加载程序。(HRESULT: 0x8007000B)位于libxl.XmlBook.xlCreateXMLBookC()位于xxx.controllers.xxx.xxx.xxxcontroller . libxltest () in C:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\aeb63fe0b246a1f3\xxx\xxx\ xxx\xxx\xxx \xxx\xxx\xxx \xxx\xxx\xxx xxx\xxx\xxx \xxx\xxx\xxx xxx\xxx\xxx \xxx\xxx\xxx \xxx\xxx\xxx \xxx\xxx\xxx \xxx\xxx\xxx \xxx\xxx\xxx \xxx\xxx\xxx \xxx\xxx\xxx \xxx\xxx\xxx \xxx\xxx\cs:597行

There is no such path C:\TeamCity\buildAgent\ on server whrere the Octopus Tentacle is.

没有这样的路径C:\TeamCity\buildAgent\ on server whrere的章鱼触须。

2 个解决方案



Finally, it works with x86 (from bin folder) version while the solution was build for x64. Probably, it is a peculiarity of libxl. Thus, I'm developing with x64 and after deploy my post-deploy script changes it for x86 version.




OK, it looks like you or one of your references has a dependency on libXL.


Your exception result (0x8007000B) is definitely a 32-bit can't load on 64-bit issue.


libXL is C++ project, in the download zip there's a bin64 folder with a copy of libxl.dll that will work in 64-bit mode.


If you have a libXL licensed copy better to use the 64-bit dll from that.


Note that C:\TeamCity\buildAgent\ comes from the machine your project was built on, the line numbers etc get saved into your pdb files.




Finally, it works with x86 (from bin folder) version while the solution was build for x64. Probably, it is a peculiarity of libxl. Thus, I'm developing with x64 and after deploy my post-deploy script changes it for x86 version.




OK, it looks like you or one of your references has a dependency on libXL.


Your exception result (0x8007000B) is definitely a 32-bit can't load on 64-bit issue.


libXL is C++ project, in the download zip there's a bin64 folder with a copy of libxl.dll that will work in 64-bit mode.


If you have a libXL licensed copy better to use the 64-bit dll from that.


Note that C:\TeamCity\buildAgent\ comes from the machine your project was built on, the line numbers etc get saved into your pdb files.
