
时间:2021-07-04 18:15:42

I'm currently making a form wich works, but it doesn't send predefined values. I have a few fields that I have predefined such as the user and total amount. So it does send the values I enter, but not the ones that I have predefined Can someone please help me, so that this thing can work as it should?


<?php require('includes/config.php'); 

//if not logged in redirect to login page
if(!$user->is_logged_in()){ header('Location: index.php'); } 
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function calculate(e)
    $('#total').val($('#next').val() * $('#nextprice').val() + $('#current').val() * $('#currentprice').val());

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if(strlen($_POST['name2']) == 0)
    { $error_msg ="- Please, provide us with your name.<br>"; } 

    //Field error 
    echo "<b>Your message can't be send due to the following reason:</b><br><br>"; 
    echo $error_msg; 
    echo "<br>Click on <a href='javascript:history.back(1)'>Go back</a> and provide us with your name.<br><br>"; 
    $recipient = "*********";  
    $subject = "******";  
    $header = "From: " . $_POST['uwemail'] . "\n"; 
    $mail_body = "Contact script werd op " . date("d-m-Y") . " om " . date("H:i") . " uur uitgevoerd.\n"; 
    $mail_body .= "De volgende persoon zou graag kaarten bestellen:\n\n"; 
    $mail_body .= "Naam: " . $_POST['name2'] . "\n"; 
    $mail_body .= "Met als kaartnummer: " . $_POST['card2'] . "\n"; 
    $mail_body .= "Aantal kaarten voor de lopende productie: " . $_POST['current2'] . "\n"; 
    $mail_body .= "Aantal kaarten voor de komende productie: " . $_POST['next2'] . "\n"; 
    $mail_body .= "Voor een totaal: " . $_POST['total2'] . "\n";            
    $mail_body .= "\n\n -- Einde van het contact bericht --"; 
    mail($recipient, $subject, $mail_body, $header); 
    print "<b>IMPORTANT!</b>";
    print "<br><br>Thank you for your reservation.";
    print "<br><br>Please note that this will be final upon receipt of payment of the total amount of";
    print " POST TOTAAL";
    print "EUR to Mazzini Theatre Productions";
    print "<br><br>Confirmation of reservation and payment instruction details will be sent to you via email.";
    print "<br><br>We are looking forward to meet you.";
            <form action="<? echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="POST" name="contact">
                            <div class="row uniform 50%">
                                <div class="6u 12u(mobilep)">
                                Your personal card number
                                    <input type="text" name="card2" id="card" value="<?php echo $_SESSION['username']; ?>" placeholder="Card Number" disabled/>
                                <div class="6u 12u(mobilep)">
                                Please enter your name. (mandatory)
                                    <input type="text" name="name2" id="name" value="" placeholder="Your name" />
                            <div class="row uniform 50%">
                                <div class="6u 12u(mobilep)">
                                Current Project - Smile
                                    <input type="text" name="current2" id="current" value="" placeholder="How many tickets would you like?" />
                                <div class="6u 12u(mobilep)">
                                Next Project - Sand
                                    <input type="text" name="next2" id="next" value="" placeholder="How many tickets would you like?" />
                            <div class="row uniform 50%">
                                <div class="6u 12u(mobilep)">
                                    <input type="hidden" id="currentprice" value="10" />
                                <div class="6u 12u(mobilep)">
                                    <input type="hidden" id="nextprice" value="10" placeholder="" />
                                            <div class="6u 12u(mobile)">
                                                <input name="uwemail" placeholder="Email" type="hidden" value="**THIS WORKS**"/>
                            <div class="6u 12u(mobilep)">
                            Total price.(In EUR)
                                    <input type="text" name="total2" id="total" value=""  disabled/>

                            <div class="row uniform">
                                <div class="12u">
                                    <ul class="actions align-center">
                                        <li><input type="submit" name="submit"value="Place Order"/></li>



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3 个解决方案



For your calculated fields you set attribute disabled. Fields with this attribute are not sent by form. Remove that attribute. You can set in that place readonly attribute




Forms do not send disabled fields. You alternatively can use readonly instead of disabled.




your hidden inputs are missing name= that's why they are not sent




For your calculated fields you set attribute disabled. Fields with this attribute are not sent by form. Remove that attribute. You can set in that place readonly attribute




Forms do not send disabled fields. You alternatively can use readonly instead of disabled.




your hidden inputs are missing name= that's why they are not sent
