如何配置ScrewTurn Wiki以使用SQL Server?

时间:2021-01-29 18:13:13

I'm trying to configure the excellent ScrewTurn Wiki product on my server, and haven't been able to make sense of the documentation.

我正在尝试在我的服务器上配置出色的ScrewTurn Wiki产品,并且无法理解文档。

I'd like to configure it to use SQL Server for storage. Do I still need to specify a valid value for the PublicDirectory key in web.config?

我想将其配置为使用SQL Server进行存储。我是否仍需要在web.config中为PublicDirectory键指定有效值?

This is how I've tried to configure the connection so far, but obviously I'm missing something else:


<add name="WikiData"
  connectionString="Data Source=xxx;Initial Catalog=xxx;User ID=xxx;Password=xxx"

I can't even get the page to load without complaining about the PublicDirectory key after adding this connection string. Before I added the connection string, the site came up fine without SQL Server implementation. I'm not even getting a chance to see if the DB connection works and don't know what to name it here, if the name makes any difference in the key.

添加此连接字符串后,我甚至无法在不抱怨PublicDirectory键的情况下加载页面。在我添加连接字符串之前,该网站在没有SQL Server实现的情况下正常运行。我甚至没有机会看到数据库连接是否正常工作,并且不知道在这里命名的是什么,如果名称在密钥中有任何不同。

How can I get this working properly?


1 个解决方案


figured it out, did not see the connection string section. resolved.



figured it out, did not see the connection string section. resolved.
