如何阻止邮件进入垃圾邮件文件夹? [重复]

时间:2020-12-04 18:14:12

This question already has an answer here:


When trigger my mail function , that mail goes to 'spam' folder not to 'inbox'. Can u please figure out whats the problem?


function send_user_email($mail, $to_email,$password, $first_name)
$html = "Hi $first_name, <br /><br />";
$html = $html . "<p> You have been registered with the system. Please find your login details below. </p>";
$html = $html . "User Name - $to_email <br />";
$html = $html . "Password - $password <br /> <br />";
$html = $html . "Regards, <br />";
$html = $html . "Team";

$mail->IsSMTP(); // telling the class to use SMTP
$mail->Host = "smtpout.XXX.XXX.XXX"; // sets GMAIL as the SMTP server
//  $mail->Host= "stmp.gmail.com"; // SMTP server
$mail->SMTPAuth = true; // enable SMTP authentication
$mail->SMTPSecure = "ssl"; // sets the prefix to the servier
$mail->Port = XXX; // set the SMTP port for the GMAIL server
$mail->Username  = "mailid"; // GMAIL username
$mail->Password  = 'password';// GMAIL password
$mail->From = "mailid";
$mail->FromName = "name";
$mail->Subject = "User invitation email";

$mail->AltBody = ""; // optional, comment out and test

$mail->Body = nl2br($html);


$mail->Send(); // send message

2 个解决方案



Few things which you can verify :)


  1. Have HTML and Text content.
  2. 拥有HTML和文本内容。

  3. Try to add small but quality HTML body not just br's.
  4. 尝试添加小而优质的HTML正文,而不仅仅是br。

  5. Verify that the SMTP server which you use is set-upped properly. Usually if you use paid SMTP's this is not a problem, but if its your build it may have problems.
  6. 验证您使用的SMTP服务器是否已正确设置。通常,如果您使用付费SMTP,这不是问题,但如果您的构建它可能有问题。

  7. SPF records are often, a problem as if they are missing any mail can/will be counted as spam.
  8. SPF记录通常是一个问题,好像它们丢失了,任何邮件都可以/将被视为垃圾邮件。



Normally, an email is marked spam if its "From:" header value's domain part does not match the domain that is actually sending the email.


The easiest way to bypass this is to use a "From:" that matches your domain, and use a "Reply-To:" header to the email that you set in "From:" header


For eg: if you are sending mail from mydomain.com and your from email is me@hotmail.com, you should change your headers to this:


From: me@mydomain.com

Reply-To: me@hotmail.com



Few things which you can verify :)


  1. Have HTML and Text content.
  2. 拥有HTML和文本内容。

  3. Try to add small but quality HTML body not just br's.
  4. 尝试添加小而优质的HTML正文,而不仅仅是br。

  5. Verify that the SMTP server which you use is set-upped properly. Usually if you use paid SMTP's this is not a problem, but if its your build it may have problems.
  6. 验证您使用的SMTP服务器是否已正确设置。通常,如果您使用付费SMTP,这不是问题,但如果您的构建它可能有问题。

  7. SPF records are often, a problem as if they are missing any mail can/will be counted as spam.
  8. SPF记录通常是一个问题,好像它们丢失了,任何邮件都可以/将被视为垃圾邮件。



Normally, an email is marked spam if its "From:" header value's domain part does not match the domain that is actually sending the email.


The easiest way to bypass this is to use a "From:" that matches your domain, and use a "Reply-To:" header to the email that you set in "From:" header


For eg: if you are sending mail from mydomain.com and your from email is me@hotmail.com, you should change your headers to this:


From: me@mydomain.com

Reply-To: me@hotmail.com