默认情况下PHP mail()使用什么SMTP服务器,有更好的选择吗?

时间:2022-03-24 18:14:38

I host my site with GoDaddy , and I use the PHP mail() function at the moment to send form mails from my site. GoDaddy has a 1000 SMTP relay limit per day for form mail stuff, but they swear that with my PHP script that I should not be touching it.

我用GoDaddy托管我的网站,我现在使用PHP mail()函数从我的网站发送表单邮件。 GoDaddy每天为表单邮件提供1000个SMTP中继限制,但是他们发誓我的PHP脚本不应该触及它。

  1. Since mail() doesn't take SMTP info, does it just automatically use GoDaddy's (or whatever hosting you may be on)?


  2. If my site is going to be expecting more than 1000 emails sent out a day (separate instances, not in a loop), should I be using a different method, or is mail() the right choice?


8 个解决方案


Php uses by default, the local mail-server. However you can specify this in your php.ini configuration file.


If you expect to send more email than that, you might want to look into finding a different server to mail from, or alternative hosting



Dont use mail() function of php it will send your mail to junk only. Instead use SMTP php mailer function.

不要使用php的mail()函数,它会将你的邮件发送到垃圾邮件。而是使用SMTP php邮件程序功能。

Why we should use SMTP instead PHP mail():

为什么我们应该使用SMTP代替PHP mail():

SMTP log in to an actual account on a mailserver and send the mail through SMTP to another mail server. If the mail server is configured correctly, your mails are sent from an actual account on a mailserver and will not wind up flagged as spam.


Mail sent with the mail() function is sent with sendmail in most cases. There is no authentication going on and it will almost always be flagged as spam if you use the "From:" in the extra headers.


This is because if you take a look at an original email file in say, gmail, you will see the headers that are sent. You are actually sending from user@serverhostname.tld and not someone@example.com like you had told the mail function to do. If you use SMTP and view the original the email is actually sent from someone@example.com


You can download SMTP class from:


  1. https://code.google.com/a/apache-extras.org/p/phpmailer/source/browse/trunk/class.smtp.php?r=170
  2. http://www.phpclasses.org/package/14-PHP-Sends-e-mail-messages-via-SMTP-protocol.html


On a *nix machine, the PHP mail() function does not support SMTP, but instead uses the sendmail() or other configured mail script on the server. This script can send through an SMTP, but this isn't the easiest way within PHP (unless you already have the script). To use SMTP, I would recommend PHPMailer. I have been using it for a few years now and have been impressed. It supports SMTP along with many other protocols and also has other helpful functionality, such as adding a text only body for an HTML email and creating the proper email headers. You can also extend the class to set defaults, such as the SMTP server and from email/name so you don't have to set these every time you want to send an email. It also does very nice error reporting and debugging.

在* nix机器上,PHP mail()函数不支持SMTP,而是使用服务器上的sendmail()或其他配置的邮件脚本。此脚本可以通过SMTP发送,但这不是PHP中最简单的方法(除非您已经拥有该脚本)。要使用SMTP,我建议使用PHPMailer。我已经使用它几年了,并留下了深刻的印象。它支持SMTP以及许多其他协议,还具有其他有用的功能,例如为HTML电子邮件添加纯文本正文以及创建正确的电子邮件标头。您还可以扩展类以设置默认值,例如SMTP服务器和电子邮件/名称,这样您就不必在每次发送电子邮件时都设置这些默认值。它还可以进行非常好的错误报告和调试。

I would also recommend this class for sending out 1000s of emails. I recently did >5000 in one day with it and had no problems.

我还建议这个课程发送1000多封电子邮件。我最近在一天内做了> 5000并且没有问题。


If you need to use an external email server that requires authentication, you will not be able to use the PHP mail() function.

如果您需要使用需要身份验证的外部电子邮件服务器,您将无法使用PHP mail()函数。

I recommend using: http://pear.php.net/package/Mail



mail() does use the setting as defined in the php.ini. Windows servers require an actual smtp server while *nix servers will use whatever mta is installed on the server (if any).

mail()确实使用php.ini中定义的设置。 Windows服务器需要实际的smtp服务器,而* nix服务器将使用服务器上安装的任何mta(如果有)。

As others have mentioned, if you do want to use an alternate smtp server, use an alternative library like SwiftMailer. Also you'd want to make sure the smtp server is fast. I have seen slowdowns when using an smtp server like gmail.


GoDaddy uses a Smart SMTP Relay, even on for dedicated servers hosted with GoDaddy. The limit is based on how many emails are going through the Smart relay.


If you have a valid reason for needing to send more emails and you can verify that your site isn't spamming and that all of the emails are opt-in, support will increase the limit for you if you give them an estimate of how many emails you need to send out.



Since this is an old post I thought it would be helpful if I updated the answer -

由于这是一篇旧帖,我认为如果我更新答案会有帮助 -

This is a lot simpler to do now than it used to be :-) In PHP 4 the PEAR Mail package is typically already installed, and this really simple tutorial shows you the few lines of code that you need to add to your php file http://email.about.com/od/emailprogrammingtips/qt/PHP_Email_SMTP_Authentication.htm

这比现在要简单得多:-)在PHP 4中,PEAR Mail包通常已经安装,这个非常简单的教程向您展示了需要添加到php文件中的几行代码http ://email.about.com/od/emailprogrammingtips/qt/PHP_Email_SMTP_Authentication.htm

Most hosting companies list the SMTP settings that you'll need. I use JustHost, and they list theirs at https://my.justhost.com/cgi/help/26 (under Outgoing Mail Server)



If you need to use a third party mail service I'd recommend dropping the use of mail() and replace with the SwiftMailer library. It's a feature rich component (supports authentication, attachments, encryption etc) we've used it in a few places. It's also free and open source.



I've been using the open source project phpmailer for about seven years-- it is terrific! You could use it to connect to an offsite SMTP server.

我一直在使用开源项目phpmailer大约七年 - 这太棒了!您可以使用它来连接到非现场SMTP服务器。


Php uses by default, the local mail-server. However you can specify this in your php.ini configuration file.


If you expect to send more email than that, you might want to look into finding a different server to mail from, or alternative hosting



Dont use mail() function of php it will send your mail to junk only. Instead use SMTP php mailer function.

不要使用php的mail()函数,它会将你的邮件发送到垃圾邮件。而是使用SMTP php邮件程序功能。

Why we should use SMTP instead PHP mail():

为什么我们应该使用SMTP代替PHP mail():

SMTP log in to an actual account on a mailserver and send the mail through SMTP to another mail server. If the mail server is configured correctly, your mails are sent from an actual account on a mailserver and will not wind up flagged as spam.


Mail sent with the mail() function is sent with sendmail in most cases. There is no authentication going on and it will almost always be flagged as spam if you use the "From:" in the extra headers.


This is because if you take a look at an original email file in say, gmail, you will see the headers that are sent. You are actually sending from user@serverhostname.tld and not someone@example.com like you had told the mail function to do. If you use SMTP and view the original the email is actually sent from someone@example.com


You can download SMTP class from:


  1. https://code.google.com/a/apache-extras.org/p/phpmailer/source/browse/trunk/class.smtp.php?r=170
  2. http://www.phpclasses.org/package/14-PHP-Sends-e-mail-messages-via-SMTP-protocol.html


On a *nix machine, the PHP mail() function does not support SMTP, but instead uses the sendmail() or other configured mail script on the server. This script can send through an SMTP, but this isn't the easiest way within PHP (unless you already have the script). To use SMTP, I would recommend PHPMailer. I have been using it for a few years now and have been impressed. It supports SMTP along with many other protocols and also has other helpful functionality, such as adding a text only body for an HTML email and creating the proper email headers. You can also extend the class to set defaults, such as the SMTP server and from email/name so you don't have to set these every time you want to send an email. It also does very nice error reporting and debugging.

在* nix机器上,PHP mail()函数不支持SMTP,而是使用服务器上的sendmail()或其他配置的邮件脚本。此脚本可以通过SMTP发送,但这不是PHP中最简单的方法(除非您已经拥有该脚本)。要使用SMTP,我建议使用PHPMailer。我已经使用它几年了,并留下了深刻的印象。它支持SMTP以及许多其他协议,还具有其他有用的功能,例如为HTML电子邮件添加纯文本正文以及创建正确的电子邮件标头。您还可以扩展类以设置默认值,例如SMTP服务器和电子邮件/名称,这样您就不必在每次发送电子邮件时都设置这些默认值。它还可以进行非常好的错误报告和调试。

I would also recommend this class for sending out 1000s of emails. I recently did >5000 in one day with it and had no problems.

我还建议这个课程发送1000多封电子邮件。我最近在一天内做了> 5000并且没有问题。


If you need to use an external email server that requires authentication, you will not be able to use the PHP mail() function.

如果您需要使用需要身份验证的外部电子邮件服务器,您将无法使用PHP mail()函数。

I recommend using: http://pear.php.net/package/Mail



mail() does use the setting as defined in the php.ini. Windows servers require an actual smtp server while *nix servers will use whatever mta is installed on the server (if any).

mail()确实使用php.ini中定义的设置。 Windows服务器需要实际的smtp服务器,而* nix服务器将使用服务器上安装的任何mta(如果有)。

As others have mentioned, if you do want to use an alternate smtp server, use an alternative library like SwiftMailer. Also you'd want to make sure the smtp server is fast. I have seen slowdowns when using an smtp server like gmail.


GoDaddy uses a Smart SMTP Relay, even on for dedicated servers hosted with GoDaddy. The limit is based on how many emails are going through the Smart relay.


If you have a valid reason for needing to send more emails and you can verify that your site isn't spamming and that all of the emails are opt-in, support will increase the limit for you if you give them an estimate of how many emails you need to send out.



Since this is an old post I thought it would be helpful if I updated the answer -

由于这是一篇旧帖,我认为如果我更新答案会有帮助 -

This is a lot simpler to do now than it used to be :-) In PHP 4 the PEAR Mail package is typically already installed, and this really simple tutorial shows you the few lines of code that you need to add to your php file http://email.about.com/od/emailprogrammingtips/qt/PHP_Email_SMTP_Authentication.htm

这比现在要简单得多:-)在PHP 4中,PEAR Mail包通常已经安装,这个非常简单的教程向您展示了需要添加到php文件中的几行代码http ://email.about.com/od/emailprogrammingtips/qt/PHP_Email_SMTP_Authentication.htm

Most hosting companies list the SMTP settings that you'll need. I use JustHost, and they list theirs at https://my.justhost.com/cgi/help/26 (under Outgoing Mail Server)



If you need to use a third party mail service I'd recommend dropping the use of mail() and replace with the SwiftMailer library. It's a feature rich component (supports authentication, attachments, encryption etc) we've used it in a few places. It's also free and open source.



I've been using the open source project phpmailer for about seven years-- it is terrific! You could use it to connect to an offsite SMTP server.

我一直在使用开源项目phpmailer大约七年 - 这太棒了!您可以使用它来连接到非现场SMTP服务器。