0.1 CE locally and it works fine. However on my remote server it fails to start because port 9001 used by hsql is already in use. I want to change the port 9001. How do I do this pls. I get that I may however eventually have to use mysql db instead of hsqldb but I want to try changing the port first for now. Help pls
0.1 CE本地,它工作正常。但是在我的远程服务器上它无法启动,因为hsql使用的端口9001已经在使用中。我想更改端口9001.我该怎么做这个。我知道我可能最终必须使用mysql db而不是hsqldb但我想先尝试更改端口。请帮忙
2 个解决方案
Fixed following: http://forums.pentaho.com/showthread.php?51100-HSQL-server-port-conflict
In Pentaho 3.7.0 there is an undocumented context parameter to configure which port Pentaho will use when starting HSQL. Add this to web.xml and it will be read by the listener org.pentaho.platform.web.http.context.HsqldbStartupListener
在Pentaho 3.7.0中,有一个未记录的上下文参数来配置Pentaho在启动HSQL时将使用的端口。将其添加到web.xml,侦听器将读取它org.pentaho.platform.web.http.context.HsqldbStartupListener
Take a look at this blog post - it's quite old, but still applies. Are you sure however something else is using 9001? quite rare, i wonder if you just have a previous instance of pentaho still running!
看一下这篇博客文章 - 它已经很老了,但仍然适用。你确定其他东西使用的是9001吗?非常罕见,我想知道你是否还有以前的pentaho实例仍在运行!
Fixed following: http://forums.pentaho.com/showthread.php?51100-HSQL-server-port-conflict
In Pentaho 3.7.0 there is an undocumented context parameter to configure which port Pentaho will use when starting HSQL. Add this to web.xml and it will be read by the listener org.pentaho.platform.web.http.context.HsqldbStartupListener
在Pentaho 3.7.0中,有一个未记录的上下文参数来配置Pentaho在启动HSQL时将使用的端口。将其添加到web.xml,侦听器将读取它org.pentaho.platform.web.http.context.HsqldbStartupListener
Take a look at this blog post - it's quite old, but still applies. Are you sure however something else is using 9001? quite rare, i wonder if you just have a previous instance of pentaho still running!
看一下这篇博客文章 - 它已经很老了,但仍然适用。你确定其他东西使用的是9001吗?非常罕见,我想知道你是否还有以前的pentaho实例仍在运行!