GaugeControl 数字时钟,温度计,仪表盘

时间:2023-03-08 16:50:28

This topic will guide you through the main terms, concepts and mechanics used in WinForms Gauges.

You will learn about the common workflow for creating gauges from scratch, starting with picking the gauge type and concluding with detailed elements customization.  conclude with以..结束

This lesson will use the gauges illustrated in the figure below as an example of the final result for the steps listed under the figure.


Depending on the complexity of your desired gauge, there are two options available to you:

the use of pre-defined gauge presets or the creation of a completely new gauge from the ground up.

This topic will guide you through the first approach.

For the second option, see the Creating a Gauge from Scratch topic.

Selecting The Gauge Type

The first step is to clarify which gauge type you need. There are three gauge types.

  1. Analog Gauges - traditional scale-based gauges. This group consists of two separate gauge types - circular and linear gauges.
  2. Digital Gauges - gauges imitating LED info panels.
  3. State Indicator Gauges - simple gauges that display images of specific shapes that change depending on the gauge state.

To learn more about gauge types, refer to the Gauge Types topic.

For this example, you will need circular gauges.

Selecting the Gauge Preset

DevExpress WinForms Gauges possess持有 a powerful and easy-to use tool that instantly creates a gauge of the desired type - the Preset Manager.

Whenever you need to create a new gauge - check the available presets first, since the gauge you are looking for may already have been created by DevExpress.

By default, this manager is automatically shown each time you drop a new GaugeControl onto the form.

Most similar to our desired gauge presets are Ignis or Haze.

GaugeControl   数字时钟,温度计,仪表盘

Pick the Ignis preset and click load.

The Preset Manager will warn you that this action will completely destroy your current gauges layout and create a new one.

Bear in mind记住 that if you have multiple gauges within a single GaugeControl, using the Preset Manager will replace all of them at once with the selected preset.

In this case, use the Gauge Styles and Style Manager instead - it affects only one gauge at a time rather than the entire GaugeControl, and changes the appearance of gauge elements without affecting your gauge layout.

Customizing Gauge Elements

The selected Ignis preset differs from what we need in this example: it has only one circle instead of two, no text labels, images, etc.

This can be easily fixed since gauges are not solid objects.

Instead, each gauge is a set of elements, each with its own appearances and settings.

To see the list of available elements, see the Visual Elements topic.

  • The light-gray circle in the Ignis preset is its scale that ranges gauge values from minimal to maximal.

It is represented by an object of the ArcScaleComponent class.

The orange bar on the scale is the range bar that indicates the current value.

To modify any gauge element, select it at design time, and either use the Visual Studio's properties window, or invoke the element's smart-tag and call the Gauge Designer as shown below.

GaugeControl   数字时钟,温度计,仪表盘

  • The default Ignis scale is a rounded line, but for this example we need a complete circle.

You can fix it by setting its ArcScale.EndAngle property to 90.

Refer to the Coordinate System article for more details.

Also, set the ArcScaleRangeBar.RoundedCaps property to false to make range bar's edges flat.

GaugeControl   数字时钟,温度计,仪表盘




Adding and Removing Gauge Elements

For the purpose of this example, you will need two scales with two range bars linked to them.

You already have the first, outer scale.

To add new gauge elements, do one of the following.


Select the gauge and click the required menu item within its smart-tag (see the following figure).

GaugeControl   数字时钟,温度计,仪表盘

For instance, in this example you could click the 'Add Scale' and 'Add RangeBar' items.

This method is fast but has a minor drawback缺点: all newly created elements appear with their default settings.

Here, in this example, you would probably want to add a scale and range bar that look exactly like the previously customized items.

To do so, use the second approach below.


Invoke the Gauge Designer and clone the required elements.

This will duplicate your existing scale and range bar, so you will only need to modify their sizes and start angles.

GaugeControl   数字时钟,温度计,仪表盘

After a slight modification (see the code below), you will get the layout illustrated on the following figure.

//Default Range Bar 
arcScaleRangeBarComponent1.StartOffset = 87F;
arcScaleRangeBarComponent1.EndOffset = 0F;
//Cloned scale 
arcScaleComponent2.RadiusX = 80F;
arcScaleComponent2.RadiusY = 80F;
arcScaleComponent2.StartAngle = 90F;
arcScaleComponent2.EndAngle = 306F;
//Cloned Range Bar 
arcScaleRangeBarComponent2.ArcScale = arcScaleComponent2;
arcScaleRangeBarComponent2.StartOffset = 68F;
arcScaleRangeBarComponent2.EndOffset = 0F;


StartOffset:   Gets or sets the offset of the range bar's nearest arc from the scale center (in case of an arc scale) or the offset of the range bar's left edge from the scale axis (in case of a linear scale).

EndOffset:     Gets or sets the offset of the range bar's most distant arc from the scale arc (in case of an arc scale) or the offset of the range bar's right edge from the scale axis (in case of a linear scale).


StartOffset=90,EndOffset=9 ;那么圆环是在90到91之间




GaugeControl   数字时钟,温度计,仪表盘

Values. Gauge Data

Images, Labels, State Indicators
Customizing Gauge Appearance
Applying Gauge Animation


Gets or sets the start value of the range.


The range bar's start value is specified by the AnchorValue property.

By default, the end value is specified by the scale's current value (ArcScale.Value or LinearScale.Value). To specify a custom end value, call the LockValue method.

GaugeControl   数字时钟,温度计,仪表盘


GaugeControl   数字时钟,温度计,仪表盘







GaugeControl   数字时钟,温度计,仪表盘

ArcScaleMarker.ShapeType  控制marker的形状

ArcScaleMarker.ShapeScale 控制marker的大小


GaugeControl   数字时钟,温度计,仪表盘


this.arcScaleMarkerComponent1.Shader = new StyleShader() { StyleColor1 = Color.Yellow, StyleColor2 = Color.Yellow };





