
时间:2021-12-04 18:07:22

I'm creating an app which allows for users to create reviews of locations. I had an issue with circular imports in Django which I resolved after looking at this post: Django - Circular model import issue

我正在创建一个应用程序,允许用户创建位置评论。我在Django中遇到了循环导入的问题,我在查看这篇文章后解决了这个问题:Django - 循环模型导入问题

What I did was get rid of the import in locations.models and do a lazy import of my Review model. In the Django admin, I can create a Review and assign it to a Location. However, when I open that Location in Django admin, it doesn't have any linked reviews.

我所做的是摆脱locations.models中的导入并对我的Review模型进行惰性导入。在Django管理员中,我可以创建一个Review并将其分配给一个Location。但是,当我在Django admin中打开该位置时,它没有任何链接的评论。

Haven't found anything so far to suggest why my location is not showing the review that I created. Any help or tips are much appreciated.


Django = 1.9
Python = 2.7

Django = 1.9 Python = 2.7



class Location(models.Model):
    reviews = models.ForeignKey('reviews.Review', null=True, blank=True, related_name="location_reviews")


from locations.models import Location

class Review(models.Model):
    location = models.ForeignKey(Location, on_delete=models.CASCADE)

1 个解决方案



If you have a foreign key Review.location, that means that each review belongs to one location.


class Review(models.Model):
    location = models.ForeignKey(Location, on_delete=models.CASCADE)

You can then follow the relationship backwards from a location to see its reviews.



See the docs on following relationships backwards for more info.


You probably don't need to define a foreign key on both models. Defining a foreign key Location.review means that each location has one review (or no reviews), which doesn't really make sense. Setting review.location does not update the reviews field for that location, they are completely separate fields.




If you have a foreign key Review.location, that means that each review belongs to one location.


class Review(models.Model):
    location = models.ForeignKey(Location, on_delete=models.CASCADE)

You can then follow the relationship backwards from a location to see its reviews.



See the docs on following relationships backwards for more info.


You probably don't need to define a foreign key on both models. Defining a foreign key Location.review means that each location has one review (or no reviews), which doesn't really make sense. Setting review.location does not update the reviews field for that location, they are completely separate fields.
