#using <system.dll>
#using <system.data.dll>
#using <system.drawing.dll>
#using <system.windows.forms.dll>
#using <system.xml.dll>
using namespace System;
using namespace System::ComponentModel;
using namespace System::Data;
using namespace System::Drawing;
using namespace System::Windows::Forms;
6 个解决方案
#using <system.dll>
#using <system.data.dll>
#using <system.drawing.dll>
#using <system.windows.forms.dll>
#using <system.xml.dll>
using namespace System;
using namespace System::ComponentModel;
using namespace System::Data;
using namespace System::Drawing;
using namespace System::Windows::Forms;
#define null 0
public ref class Form1: public System::Windows::Forms::Form
System::ComponentModel::Container^ components;
Button^ button1;
Button^ button2;
DataGrid^ myDataGrid;
DataSet^ myDataSet;
bool TablesAlreadyAdded;
// Required for Windows Form Designer support.
// Call SetUp to bind the controls.
if ( components != nullptr )
delete components;
void InitializeComponent()
// Create the form and its controls.
this->components = gcnew System::ComponentModel::Container;
this->button1 = gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Button;
this->button2 = gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Button;
this->myDataGrid = gcnew DataGrid;
this->Text = "DataGrid Control Sample";
this->ClientSize = System::Drawing::Size( 450, 330 );
button1->Location = System::Drawing::Point( 24, 16 );
button1->Size = System::Drawing::Size( 120, 24 );
button1->Text = "Change Appearance";
button1->Click += gcnew System::EventHandler( this, &Form1::button1_Click );
button2->Location = System::Drawing::Point( 150, 16 );
button2->Size = System::Drawing::Size( 120, 24 );
button2->Text = "Get Binding Manager";
button2->Click += gcnew System::EventHandler( this, &Form1::button2_Click );
myDataGrid->Location = System::Drawing::Point( 24, 50 );
myDataGrid->Size = System::Drawing::Size( 300, 200 );
myDataGrid->CaptionText = "Microsoft DataGrid Control";
myDataGrid->MouseUp += gcnew MouseEventHandler( this, &Form1::Grid_MouseUp );
this->Controls->Add( button1 );
this->Controls->Add( button2 );
this->Controls->Add( myDataGrid );
void SetUp()
// Create a DataSet with two tables and one relation.
/* Bind the DataGrid to the DataSet. The dataMember
specifies that the Customers table should be displayed.*/
myDataGrid->SetDataBinding( myDataSet, "Customers" );
void button1_Click( Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e )
if ( TablesAlreadyAdded )
void AddCustomDataTableStyle()
DataGridTableStyle^ ts1 = gcnew DataGridTableStyle;
ts1->MappingName = "Customers";
// Set other properties.
ts1->AlternatingBackColor = Color::LightGray;
/* Add a GridColumnStyle and set its MappingName
to the name of a DataColumn in the DataTable.
Set the HeaderText and Width properties. */
DataGridColumnStyle^ boolCol = gcnew DataGridBoolColumn;
boolCol->MappingName = "Current";
boolCol->HeaderText = "IsCurrent Customer";
boolCol->Width = 150;
ts1->GridColumnStyles->Add( boolCol );
// Add a second column style.
DataGridColumnStyle^ TextCol = gcnew DataGridTextBoxColumn;
TextCol->MappingName = "custName";
TextCol->HeaderText = "Customer Name";
TextCol->Width = 250;
ts1->GridColumnStyles->Add( TextCol );
// Create the second table style with columns.
DataGridTableStyle^ ts2 = gcnew DataGridTableStyle;
ts2->MappingName = "Orders";
// Set other properties.
ts2->AlternatingBackColor = Color::LightBlue;
// Create new ColumnStyle objects
DataGridColumnStyle^ cOrderDate = gcnew DataGridTextBoxColumn;
cOrderDate->MappingName = "OrderDate";
cOrderDate->HeaderText = "Order Date";
cOrderDate->Width = 100;
ts2->GridColumnStyles->Add( cOrderDate );
/* Use a PropertyDescriptor to create a formatted
column. First get the PropertyDescriptorCollection
for the data source and data member. */
PropertyDescriptorCollection^ pcol = this->BindingContext[myDataSet, "Customers.custToOrders"]->GetItemProperties();
/* Create a formatted column using a PropertyDescriptor.
The formatting character "c" specifies a currency format. */
DataGridColumnStyle^ csOrderAmount = gcnew DataGridTextBoxColumn( pcol[ "OrderAmount" ],"c",true );
csOrderAmount->MappingName = "OrderAmount";
csOrderAmount->HeaderText = "Total";
csOrderAmount->Width = 100;
ts2->GridColumnStyles->Add( csOrderAmount );
/* Add the DataGridTableStyle instances to
the GridTableStylesCollection. */
myDataGrid->TableStyles->Add( ts1 );
myDataGrid->TableStyles->Add( ts2 );
// Sets the TablesAlreadyAdded to true so this doesn't happen again.
TablesAlreadyAdded = true;
void button2_Click( Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e )
BindingManagerBase^ bmGrid;
bmGrid = BindingContext[myDataSet, "Customers"];
MessageBox::Show( String::Concat( "Current BindingManager Position: ", bmGrid->Position )->ToString() );
void Grid_MouseUp( Object^ sender, MouseEventArgs^ e )
// Create a HitTestInfo object using the HitTest method.
// Get the DataGrid by casting sender.
DataGrid^ myGrid = dynamic_cast<DataGrid^>(sender);
DataGrid::HitTestInfo ^ myHitInfo = myGrid->HitTest( e->X, e->Y );
Console::WriteLine( myHitInfo );
Console::WriteLine( myHitInfo->Type );
Console::WriteLine( myHitInfo->Row );
Console::WriteLine( myHitInfo->Column );
// Create a DataSet with two tables and populate it.
void MakeDataSet()
// Create a DataSet.
myDataSet = gcnew DataSet( "myDataSet" );
// Create two DataTables.
DataTable^ tCust = gcnew DataTable( "Customers" );
DataTable^ tOrders = gcnew DataTable( "Orders" );
// Create two columns, and add them to the first table.
DataColumn^ cCustID = gcnew DataColumn( "CustID",__int32::typeid );
DataColumn^ cCustName = gcnew DataColumn( "CustName" );
DataColumn^ cCurrent = gcnew DataColumn( "Current",bool::typeid );
tCust->Columns->Add( cCustID );
tCust->Columns->Add( cCustName );
tCust->Columns->Add( cCurrent );
// Create three columns, and add them to the second table.
DataColumn^ cID = gcnew DataColumn( "CustID",__int32::typeid );
DataColumn^ cOrderDate = gcnew DataColumn( "orderDate",DateTime::typeid );
DataColumn^ cOrderAmount = gcnew DataColumn( "OrderAmount",Decimal::typeid );
tOrders->Columns->Add( cOrderAmount );
tOrders->Columns->Add( cID );
tOrders->Columns->Add( cOrderDate );
// Add the tables to the DataSet.
myDataSet->Tables->Add( tCust );
myDataSet->Tables->Add( tOrders );
// Create a DataRelation, and add it to the DataSet.
DataRelation^ dr = gcnew DataRelation( "custToOrders",cCustID,cID );
myDataSet->Relations->Add( dr );
/* Populate the tables. For each customer and order,
create need two DataRow variables. */
DataRow^ newRow1;
DataRow^ newRow2;
// Create three customers in the Customers Table.
for ( int i = 1; i < 4; i++ )
newRow1 = tCust->NewRow();
newRow1[ "custID" ] = i;
// Add the row to the Customers table.
tCust->Rows->Add( newRow1 );
tCust->Rows[ 0 ][ "custName" ] = "Customer1";
tCust->Rows[ 1 ][ "custName" ] = "Customer2";
tCust->Rows[ 2 ][ "custName" ] = "Customer3";
// Give the Current column a value.
tCust->Rows[ 0 ][ "Current" ] = true;
tCust->Rows[ 1 ][ "Current" ] = true;
tCust->Rows[ 2 ][ "Current" ] = false;
// For each customer, create five rows in the Orders table.
for ( int i = 1; i < 4; i++ )
for ( int j = 1; j < 6; j++ )
newRow2 = tOrders->NewRow();
newRow2[ "CustID" ] = i;
newRow2[ "orderDate" ] = DateTime(2001,i,j * 2);
newRow2[ "OrderAmount" ] = i * 10 + j * .1;
// Add the row to the Orders table.
tOrders->Rows->Add( newRow2 );
int main()
Application::Run( gcnew Form1 );
#using <system.dll>
#using <system.data.dll>
#using <system.drawing.dll>
#using <system.windows.forms.dll>
#using <system.xml.dll>
using namespace System;
using namespace System::ComponentModel;
using namespace System::Data;
using namespace System::Drawing;
using namespace System::Windows::Forms;
#define null 0
public ref class Form1: public System::Windows::Forms::Form
System::ComponentModel::Container^ components;
Button^ button1;
Button^ button2;
DataGrid^ myDataGrid;
DataSet^ myDataSet;
bool TablesAlreadyAdded;
// Required for Windows Form Designer support.
// Call SetUp to bind the controls.
if ( components != nullptr )
delete components;
void InitializeComponent()
// Create the form and its controls.
this->components = gcnew System::ComponentModel::Container;
this->button1 = gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Button;
this->button2 = gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Button;
this->myDataGrid = gcnew DataGrid;
this->Text = "DataGrid Control Sample";
this->ClientSize = System::Drawing::Size( 450, 330 );
button1->Location = System::Drawing::Point( 24, 16 );
button1->Size = System::Drawing::Size( 120, 24 );
button1->Text = "Change Appearance";
button1->Click += gcnew System::EventHandler( this, &Form1::button1_Click );
button2->Location = System::Drawing::Point( 150, 16 );
button2->Size = System::Drawing::Size( 120, 24 );
button2->Text = "Get Binding Manager";
button2->Click += gcnew System::EventHandler( this, &Form1::button2_Click );
myDataGrid->Location = System::Drawing::Point( 24, 50 );
myDataGrid->Size = System::Drawing::Size( 300, 200 );
myDataGrid->CaptionText = "Microsoft DataGrid Control";
myDataGrid->MouseUp += gcnew MouseEventHandler( this, &Form1::Grid_MouseUp );
this->Controls->Add( button1 );
this->Controls->Add( button2 );
this->Controls->Add( myDataGrid );
void SetUp()
// Create a DataSet with two tables and one relation.
/* Bind the DataGrid to the DataSet. The dataMember
specifies that the Customers table should be displayed.*/
myDataGrid->SetDataBinding( myDataSet, "Customers" );
void button1_Click( Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e )
if ( TablesAlreadyAdded )
void AddCustomDataTableStyle()
DataGridTableStyle^ ts1 = gcnew DataGridTableStyle;
ts1->MappingName = "Customers";
// Set other properties.
ts1->AlternatingBackColor = Color::LightGray;
/* Add a GridColumnStyle and set its MappingName
to the name of a DataColumn in the DataTable.
Set the HeaderText and Width properties. */
DataGridColumnStyle^ boolCol = gcnew DataGridBoolColumn;
boolCol->MappingName = "Current";
boolCol->HeaderText = "IsCurrent Customer";
boolCol->Width = 150;
ts1->GridColumnStyles->Add( boolCol );
// Add a second column style.
DataGridColumnStyle^ TextCol = gcnew DataGridTextBoxColumn;
TextCol->MappingName = "custName";
TextCol->HeaderText = "Customer Name";
TextCol->Width = 250;
ts1->GridColumnStyles->Add( TextCol );
// Create the second table style with columns.
DataGridTableStyle^ ts2 = gcnew DataGridTableStyle;
ts2->MappingName = "Orders";
// Set other properties.
ts2->AlternatingBackColor = Color::LightBlue;
// Create new ColumnStyle objects
DataGridColumnStyle^ cOrderDate = gcnew DataGridTextBoxColumn;
cOrderDate->MappingName = "OrderDate";
cOrderDate->HeaderText = "Order Date";
cOrderDate->Width = 100;
ts2->GridColumnStyles->Add( cOrderDate );
/* Use a PropertyDescriptor to create a formatted
column. First get the PropertyDescriptorCollection
for the data source and data member. */
PropertyDescriptorCollection^ pcol = this->BindingContext[myDataSet, "Customers.custToOrders"]->GetItemProperties();
/* Create a formatted column using a PropertyDescriptor.
The formatting character "c" specifies a currency format. */
DataGridColumnStyle^ csOrderAmount = gcnew DataGridTextBoxColumn( pcol[ "OrderAmount" ],"c",true );
csOrderAmount->MappingName = "OrderAmount";
csOrderAmount->HeaderText = "Total";
csOrderAmount->Width = 100;
ts2->GridColumnStyles->Add( csOrderAmount );
/* Add the DataGridTableStyle instances to
the GridTableStylesCollection. */
myDataGrid->TableStyles->Add( ts1 );
myDataGrid->TableStyles->Add( ts2 );
// Sets the TablesAlreadyAdded to true so this doesn't happen again.
TablesAlreadyAdded = true;
void button2_Click( Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e )
BindingManagerBase^ bmGrid;
bmGrid = BindingContext[myDataSet, "Customers"];
MessageBox::Show( String::Concat( "Current BindingManager Position: ", bmGrid->Position )->ToString() );
void Grid_MouseUp( Object^ sender, MouseEventArgs^ e )
// Create a HitTestInfo object using the HitTest method.
// Get the DataGrid by casting sender.
DataGrid^ myGrid = dynamic_cast<DataGrid^>(sender);
DataGrid::HitTestInfo ^ myHitInfo = myGrid->HitTest( e->X, e->Y );
Console::WriteLine( myHitInfo );
Console::WriteLine( myHitInfo->Type );
Console::WriteLine( myHitInfo->Row );
Console::WriteLine( myHitInfo->Column );
// Create a DataSet with two tables and populate it.
void MakeDataSet()
// Create a DataSet.
myDataSet = gcnew DataSet( "myDataSet" );
// Create two DataTables.
DataTable^ tCust = gcnew DataTable( "Customers" );
DataTable^ tOrders = gcnew DataTable( "Orders" );
// Create two columns, and add them to the first table.
DataColumn^ cCustID = gcnew DataColumn( "CustID",__int32::typeid );
DataColumn^ cCustName = gcnew DataColumn( "CustName" );
DataColumn^ cCurrent = gcnew DataColumn( "Current",bool::typeid );
tCust->Columns->Add( cCustID );
tCust->Columns->Add( cCustName );
tCust->Columns->Add( cCurrent );
// Create three columns, and add them to the second table.
DataColumn^ cID = gcnew DataColumn( "CustID",__int32::typeid );
DataColumn^ cOrderDate = gcnew DataColumn( "orderDate",DateTime::typeid );
DataColumn^ cOrderAmount = gcnew DataColumn( "OrderAmount",Decimal::typeid );
tOrders->Columns->Add( cOrderAmount );
tOrders->Columns->Add( cID );
tOrders->Columns->Add( cOrderDate );
// Add the tables to the DataSet.
myDataSet->Tables->Add( tCust );
myDataSet->Tables->Add( tOrders );
// Create a DataRelation, and add it to the DataSet.
DataRelation^ dr = gcnew DataRelation( "custToOrders",cCustID,cID );
myDataSet->Relations->Add( dr );
/* Populate the tables. For each customer and order,
create need two DataRow variables. */
DataRow^ newRow1;
DataRow^ newRow2;
// Create three customers in the Customers Table.
for ( int i = 1; i < 4; i++ )
newRow1 = tCust->NewRow();
newRow1[ "custID" ] = i;
// Add the row to the Customers table.
tCust->Rows->Add( newRow1 );
tCust->Rows[ 0 ][ "custName" ] = "Customer1";
tCust->Rows[ 1 ][ "custName" ] = "Customer2";
tCust->Rows[ 2 ][ "custName" ] = "Customer3";
// Give the Current column a value.
tCust->Rows[ 0 ][ "Current" ] = true;
tCust->Rows[ 1 ][ "Current" ] = true;
tCust->Rows[ 2 ][ "Current" ] = false;
// For each customer, create five rows in the Orders table.
for ( int i = 1; i < 4; i++ )
for ( int j = 1; j < 6; j++ )
newRow2 = tOrders->NewRow();
newRow2[ "CustID" ] = i;
newRow2[ "orderDate" ] = DateTime(2001,i,j * 2);
newRow2[ "OrderAmount" ] = i * 10 + j * .1;
// Add the row to the Orders table.
tOrders->Rows->Add( newRow2 );
int main()
Application::Run( gcnew Form1 );