
时间:2022-11-12 18:05:08

I have a query in neo4j with some aggregation functions, which takes around 10 seconds to retrieve the information. What I would like to do is store the query results into redis and from time to time the redis database would update the results from neo4j.


One record will be like:


{ entry: "123", model: "abc", reactants: [{specie: "abc@12", color: "black"}], .... }

I'm using node.js with express, thank you in advance for your attention


UPDATE: my query is quite extensive, I had to do that 'UNWIND' part to be able to search by the reactants (I wanted the products too but I didn't know how to do it). I don't know if it's possible to be optimized to at least 2 seconds but here it goes:


MATCH (rx:ModelReaction),
      OPTIONAL MATCH (rx)-[:has_gpr]-(gpr:Root) 
      OPTIONAL MATCH (rx)-[:has_crossreference_to]-(cr)-[:has_ec_number]-(ec)
WITH rx,r,cr,ec,gpr, 
     COLLECT(DISTINCT {specie: l.cpdEntry, stoichiometry: l.stoichiometry}) as reacts 
UNWIND reacts as rcts 
WITH rx,r,cr,ec,gpr, rcts, reacts 
WHERE rcts.specie =~ {searchText} OR rx.entry =~ {searchText} OR 
      rx.name =~ {searchText} OR (ec.entry IS NOT NULL AND 
      ec.entry =~ {searchText}) OR rx.geneRule =~ {searchText} 
RETURN {entry: rx.entry, 
    reactants: reacts, 
    products:COLLECT(DISTINCT {specie: r.cpdEntry, 
                               stoichiometry: r.stoichiometry}), 
    orientation: rx.orientation, name: rx.name, ecnumber: ec.entry, 
    gpr_rule: rx.geneRule, gpr_normalized: gpr.normalized_rule}
    ORDER BY ' + reactionsTableMap[sortCol] + ' ' + order + ' SKIP {offset} LIMIT {number}'

1 个解决方案



The easiest is to store the result from Neo4j as a JSON string in redis, and set an expiry time on that key. Now when you need to retrieve the data, you check if the key is there, then redis serves as a cache, and if the key is not there, you ask Neo4j, store the result in redis and returns that to your Node.js program.


Pseudo code since I don't know Node.js specifics regarding Neo4J and Redis:


var result = redis.get("Record:123")
if (result == null) {
    result = neo4j.query("...");
    redis.setex("Record:123", toJson(result), 10); // set with expiry time
return result;

Redis will handle the expiry so you don't have to.


If you want to store them all, you can store them in a LIST or a ZSET (sorted set by record Id for example) and just call redis LRANGE/ZRANGE to retrieve a part of that list/set

如果要将它们全部存储起来,可以将它们存储在LIST或ZSET中(例如按记录ID排序),只需调用redis LRANGE / ZRANGE来检索该列表/集合的一部分

Example with list:


var exist = redis.exist("Records"); // check if something stored in redis
if (!exist) {
    var queryResult = neo4j.query("...); // get a list of results from neo4j
    queryResult.foreach(result => redis.lpush("Records", toJson(result))); // add the results in the redis list
return redis.lrange("Records", 0, 50); // get the 50 first items

Now just iterate on that using the two parameters of redis.lrange by getting the ten items then the next ten.


You can also call redis EXPIRE to set an expiry time on the redis list.

您也可以调用redis EXPIRE在redis列表上设置到期时间。



The easiest is to store the result from Neo4j as a JSON string in redis, and set an expiry time on that key. Now when you need to retrieve the data, you check if the key is there, then redis serves as a cache, and if the key is not there, you ask Neo4j, store the result in redis and returns that to your Node.js program.


Pseudo code since I don't know Node.js specifics regarding Neo4J and Redis:


var result = redis.get("Record:123")
if (result == null) {
    result = neo4j.query("...");
    redis.setex("Record:123", toJson(result), 10); // set with expiry time
return result;

Redis will handle the expiry so you don't have to.


If you want to store them all, you can store them in a LIST or a ZSET (sorted set by record Id for example) and just call redis LRANGE/ZRANGE to retrieve a part of that list/set

如果要将它们全部存储起来,可以将它们存储在LIST或ZSET中(例如按记录ID排序),只需调用redis LRANGE / ZRANGE来检索该列表/集合的一部分

Example with list:


var exist = redis.exist("Records"); // check if something stored in redis
if (!exist) {
    var queryResult = neo4j.query("...); // get a list of results from neo4j
    queryResult.foreach(result => redis.lpush("Records", toJson(result))); // add the results in the redis list
return redis.lrange("Records", 0, 50); // get the 50 first items

Now just iterate on that using the two parameters of redis.lrange by getting the ten items then the next ten.


You can also call redis EXPIRE to set an expiry time on the redis list.

您也可以调用redis EXPIRE在redis列表上设置到期时间。