
时间:2022-01-12 18:07:03

I am trying to write a node.js app that works with neo4j, using the node-neo4j module. I am trying to submit a query from nodejs and found it wasn't working, so I tried submitting it from the neo4j browser console, in order to more easily root cause my typo, and found that it worked properly there. Any ideas as to what is going on?


The query:


Match (a:Paper { uid:26327110, citation:"Seitz A.  \"Moving beyond a binary view of specificity in perceptual learning.\" Journal of vision. 15 12 (2015 Sep 1): 1422.", date:"2015 Sep 1"}) return a

2 个解决方案



You should probably be using parameters anyway and they might help with any encoding issues. That would look like this:


var query_string = "MATCH (a:Paper {attributes}) RETURN a"

var attributes = {uid: 26327110, citation: "Seitz A. \"Moving beyond a binary view of specificity in perceptual learning.\" Journal of vision. 15 12 (2015 Sep 1): 1422.", date: "2015 Sep 1"};

db.cypherQuery(query_string, {attributes: attributes});

Of course you can use individual parameters for individual values if you like. Not only do parameters help you not worry about encoding, but the allow Neo4j to cache the query. Also, if you are passing in values from the user parameters also help you to prevent injection attacks.




In this situation, it turns out I was just an idiot - the error occurred because I created a new database with a new password and forgot to adjust my node server's authentication. If you ever have a similar issue and see the following error in your node console: [Error: HTTP Error 401 when running the cypher query against neo4j. undefined: undefined] then you too, have a case of the idiot. As Kunal suggested in the comments to the original question, check your authentication.

在这种情况下,结果证明我只是个傻瓜——出现错误是因为我用新的密码创建了一个新的数据库,忘记调整节点服务器的身份验证。如果您曾经遇到过类似的问题,并在您的节点控制台中看到以下错误:[error:针对neo4j运行cypher查询时,HTTP error 401。那你也有个白痴的例子。正如库纳尔在对原始问题的评论中所建议的,检查您的身份验证。



You should probably be using parameters anyway and they might help with any encoding issues. That would look like this:


var query_string = "MATCH (a:Paper {attributes}) RETURN a"

var attributes = {uid: 26327110, citation: "Seitz A. \"Moving beyond a binary view of specificity in perceptual learning.\" Journal of vision. 15 12 (2015 Sep 1): 1422.", date: "2015 Sep 1"};

db.cypherQuery(query_string, {attributes: attributes});

Of course you can use individual parameters for individual values if you like. Not only do parameters help you not worry about encoding, but the allow Neo4j to cache the query. Also, if you are passing in values from the user parameters also help you to prevent injection attacks.




In this situation, it turns out I was just an idiot - the error occurred because I created a new database with a new password and forgot to adjust my node server's authentication. If you ever have a similar issue and see the following error in your node console: [Error: HTTP Error 401 when running the cypher query against neo4j. undefined: undefined] then you too, have a case of the idiot. As Kunal suggested in the comments to the original question, check your authentication.

在这种情况下,结果证明我只是个傻瓜——出现错误是因为我用新的密码创建了一个新的数据库,忘记调整节点服务器的身份验证。如果您曾经遇到过类似的问题,并在您的节点控制台中看到以下错误:[error:针对neo4j运行cypher查询时,HTTP error 401。那你也有个白痴的例子。正如库纳尔在对原始问题的评论中所建议的,检查您的身份验证。