
时间:2022-04-01 18:02:47

I have following JsonArray consisting of Long Values:

我有以下由Long Values组成的JsonArray:

[1234567873,852369471,9517,789 ,4826,96127435]
    Long   ,  Long   ,Long,Long,Long,  Long

After sent over the eventbus there is a JsonArray consisting of Integers and Longs:


 [1234567873,852369471,9517   ,789    ,4826   ,96127435]
     Long   ,  Long   ,Integer,Integer,Integer,Long

Obiously Vertx downsize small number-Longs to save memory - that's why I got the Cannot cast from Integer to Long-ClassCastException when I try following Code:

很奇怪Vertx缩小了小数量 - Longs以节省内存 - 这就是为什么当我尝试使用Code时,我无法从Integer转换为Long-ClassCastException:

List<Long> collect = -> (Long) element).collect(Collectors.toList());

In contrast to that following Codeline works:


    for (int jsonArrayIndex = 0; jsonArrayIndex < jsonArray.size(); jsonArrayIndex++) {
        Long longValue = jsonArray.getLong(jsonArrayIndex);

How this can work?


2 个解决方案



JSON does not have a concept of Long or Integer, only the much more general concept of number (see the JSON spec at Therefore it is up to your code to decide what object (i.e. Integer or Long) to parse a particular JSON number into.


By using (which returns a Stream<Object>) you are allowing the Vertx library to decide which object to parse each element into. In this case, it chooses the most appropriate type for each element one by one, i.e. some get parsed into a Long and some into an Integer. If you had any numbers like 1.5, these would likely be parsed into Double (you would need to check this though).

通过使用返回Stream ),您允许Vertx库决定将每个元素解析为哪个对象。在这种情况下,它为每个元素逐个选择最合适的类型,即一些被解析为Long而一些被解析为Integer。如果您有任何数字,如1.5,这些可能会解析为Double(你需要检查这个)。

However, by using the jsonArray.getLong() method, you are telling Vertx that you have decided what object to parse each element into (a Long) a therefore it will not try to be clever by selecting the most appropriate type for each element. If you had any number like 1.5 here, this method would likely throw an exception (again, you would have to check this).




Even tho you can't cast from Integer to Long (because of class hierarchy, Integer would have to extend Long at it doesn't), you can convert from int to long, that's probably what this method does behind the scenes.




JSON does not have a concept of Long or Integer, only the much more general concept of number (see the JSON spec at Therefore it is up to your code to decide what object (i.e. Integer or Long) to parse a particular JSON number into.


By using (which returns a Stream<Object>) you are allowing the Vertx library to decide which object to parse each element into. In this case, it chooses the most appropriate type for each element one by one, i.e. some get parsed into a Long and some into an Integer. If you had any numbers like 1.5, these would likely be parsed into Double (you would need to check this though).

通过使用返回Stream ),您允许Vertx库决定将每个元素解析为哪个对象。在这种情况下,它为每个元素逐个选择最合适的类型,即一些被解析为Long而一些被解析为Integer。如果您有任何数字,如1.5,这些可能会解析为Double(你需要检查这个)。

However, by using the jsonArray.getLong() method, you are telling Vertx that you have decided what object to parse each element into (a Long) a therefore it will not try to be clever by selecting the most appropriate type for each element. If you had any number like 1.5 here, this method would likely throw an exception (again, you would have to check this).




Even tho you can't cast from Integer to Long (because of class hierarchy, Integer would have to extend Long at it doesn't), you can convert from int to long, that's probably what this method does behind the scenes.
