Javascript Vert.x EventBus客户端SockJS获取主机和连接端口

时间:2021-01-12 18:06:12

I am using Vert.x Core 3.3.3 and Web 3.3.3 in Java as an EventBus server and Vert.x 2.0.0 and SockJS 1.1.1 on a web client in Javascript to connect to the EventBus. I am connected, able to send and receive messages, and all inbound and outbound traffic is open. Everything is functioning properly.

我在Java中使用Vert.x Core 3.3.3和Web 3.3.3作为EventBus服务器,在Javascript中的Web客户端上使用Vert.x 2.0.0和SockJS 1.1.1连接到EventBus。我已连接,能够发送和接收消息,并且所有入站和出站流量都已打开。一切都运转正常。

My server is able to get the host and port for each EventBus connection when the client connects. This comes from the SockJSHandler's bridge event in Java, via socket().remoteAddress() in the format "host:port".


On the web client side, is there functionality to get the remote address (host and port of the server) of the EventBus SockJS connection to my Vert.x Server's EventBus? I have looked in the documentation for Vert.x Web Client ( & but have not found anything useful.

在Web客户端,是否有功能将EventBus SockJS连接的远程地址(服务器的主机和端口)连接到我的Vert.x服务器的EventBus?我查看了Vert.x Web Client的文档(,但没有找到任何有用的东西。

If you need more info please let me know. Thanks in advance.



I misunderstood what I was actually looking for in my original question and phrased it poorly. I know what the host and port of the EventBus are when I make the connection (i.e. var eb = new EventBus('localhost:8080/eventbus'); as @Paulo said).

我在我原来的问题中误解了我实际上在寻找什么,并且表达得很糟糕。我知道当我建立连接时EventBus的主机和端口是什么(即var eb = new EventBus('localhost:8080 / eventbus');正如@Paulo所说的那样)。

What I am actually looking for is the host and port for the Handler that my client registers on that EventBus. I can see this on the server side as mentioned above. The host comes back as an ip address, not what I passed in to create the EventBus connection on the client-side. And the port is different, because a new SockJS connection is made for that handler (?). Is it possible to get the host and port, especially port, of the SockJS connection for my client's Handler.


1 个解决方案



The information you want to have is something you already know. When you create a eventbus connection from your client web application you do:


var eb = new EventBus('http://localhost:8080/eventbus');

As you can see the parameter you must pass to the constructor contains what you want to know:



Most of the times you do not want to use an hardcoded hostname + port but the location where your html has been served so in JavaScript you can just do:


And that will give you the location where your server is running.




The information you want to have is something you already know. When you create a eventbus connection from your client web application you do:


var eb = new EventBus('http://localhost:8080/eventbus');

As you can see the parameter you must pass to the constructor contains what you want to know:



Most of the times you do not want to use an hardcoded hostname + port but the location where your html has been served so in JavaScript you can just do:


And that will give you the location where your server is running.
