
时间:2022-07-05 18:05:17

I am trying to add a gRPC to one of our vert.x servers and running into some issues. Has anyone else tried running gRPC alongside vert.x? The first issue I am running into is due to a netty dependency version mismatch: Vert.x wants to use netty 4.0, while gRPC needs netty 4.1.

我想在我们的一个管道上加一个gRPC。x服务器出现了一些问题。还有其他人试过在vert.x旁边运行gRPC吗?我遇到的第一个问题是由于netty依赖版本不匹配:Vert。x希望使用netty 4.0,而gRPC需要netty 4.1。

Specifically, the issue I am running into is when netty 4.1.0-Beta5 is used I get a AbstractMethodError on a call to org.vertx.java.core.http.impl.AssembledFullHttpRequest.touch because that method is not implemented. AssembledFullHttpRequest implements the ReferenceCounted interface that netty provides, which added a touch method between versions 4.0 and 4.1.

具体地说,我遇到的问题是,当使用netty 4.0 .0- beta5时,我在对org.vertx.java.core.http. impbledfullhttprequest的调用中获得一个AbstractMethodError。触摸,因为那个方法没有实现。AssembledFullHttpRequest实现了netty提供的可引用的接口,它在4.0和4.1版本之间添加了一个触摸方法。

Any advice would be appreciated.


I have also posted this question to the gRPC and Vert.x google groups.


Thanks, Aaron


2 个解决方案



I think there is currently no way to run it together due version mismatch.




There is now official gRPC support for vert.x see vertx-grpc.

现在有官方的gRPC对vert的支持。x vertx-grpc见。

The project also provides a custom compiler plugin to provide vertx-y API's instead of the general java ones.

该项目还提供了一个定制的编译器插件,以提供vertx-y API而不是一般的java API。

And the simple manual.




I think there is currently no way to run it together due version mismatch.




There is now official gRPC support for vert.x see vertx-grpc.

现在有官方的gRPC对vert的支持。x vertx-grpc见。

The project also provides a custom compiler plugin to provide vertx-y API's instead of the general java ones.

该项目还提供了一个定制的编译器插件,以提供vertx-y API而不是一般的java API。

And the simple manual.
