如何用Guice / Jersey钩住Jackson ObjectMapper

时间:2021-12-07 18:05:47

I can't seem to get my Jackson ObjectMapper Module registered correctly.

我似乎无法正确地注册我的Jackson ObjectMapper模块。

I'm using a Guice + Jersey + Jackson (FasterXML) stack.

我正在使用Guice + Jersey + Jackson (FasterXML)堆栈。

I've followed how to customise the ObjectMapper based on various question here. In particular, I have a ContextResolver declared, marked as an @javax.ws.rs.ext.Provider and a @javax.inject.Singleton.

我一直在关注如何根据这里的各种问题定制ObjectMapper。特别地,我声明了一个上下文解析器,标记为@javax.ws.r .ext。提供者和@javax.inject.Singleton。

I have a GuiceServletContextListener along the lines of:


protected Injector getInjector() {

     Injector injector = Guice.createInjector(new DBModule(dataSource),
            new ServletModule()
                protected void configureServlets() {

                    // Mapper

                    // ... 

                    Map<String, String> initParams = new HashMap<String, String>();
                    initParams.put("com.sun.jersey.api.json.POJOMappingFeature", "true");


    return injector;

Mapper defined


import javax.inject.Singleton;
import javax.ws.rs.Produces;
import javax.ws.rs.ext.ContextResolver;
import javax.ws.rs.ext.Provider;

public class JacksonOMP implements ContextResolver<ObjectMapper> {

  public ObjectMapper getContext(Class<?> aClass) {
    final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
    mapper.registerModule(new Hibernate4Module());
    return mapper;

However - with this configuration alone, getContext() is never called, so the mapper is never registered. I'm stuck in a typical guice--annotations-mystery, where it's practically untraceable to what I'm actually supposed to be doing. Spring users just report registering the component, and the container just picks it up.


This answer talks about overriding my own javax.ws.rs.core.Application implementation. However, this looks hard-wired in the jersey-guice impementation of GuiceContainer to be DefaultResourceConfig():

这个答案涉及到覆盖我自己的javax.ws.r .core。应用程序实现。然而,这在GuiceContainer的jersy -guice嵌套中看起来是硬连线的,它是DefaultResourceConfig():

protected ResourceConfig getDefaultResourceConfig(Map<String, Object> props,
        WebConfig webConfig) throws ServletException {
    return new DefaultResourceConfig();

Am I supposed subclass GuiceContainer here? Or is there some other magic annotation that I'm missing?


This seems a fairly common thing to want to do - I'm surprised at how hard it's proving to do with this guice combination.


1 个解决方案



I'm stuck in a typical guice--annotations-mystery, where it's practically untraceable to what I'm actually supposed to be doing. Spring users just report registering the component, and the container just picks it up.


You really should read excellent Guice documentation. Guice is very easy to use, it has very small number of basic concepts. Your problem is in that you mixed Jersey JAX-RS dependency injection and Guice dependency injection. If you are using GuiceContainer then you declare that you will be using Guice for all of your DI, so you have to add bindings with Guice and not with JAX-RS.

您确实应该阅读优秀的Guice文档。Guice很容易使用,它有非常少的基本概念。您的问题是您混合了Jersey JAX-RS依赖注入和Guice依赖注入。如果您正在使用GuiceContainer,那么您将声明您将对所有DI使用Guice,因此必须添加与Guice的绑定,而不是与JAX-RS的绑定。

For instance, you do not need ContextResolver, you should use plain Guice Provider instead:

例如,您不需要上下文解析器,您应该使用普通的Guice Provider:

import com.google.inject.Provider;

public class ObjectMapperProvider implements Provider<ObjectMapper> {
    public ObjectMapper get() {
        final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
        mapper.registerModule(new Hibernate4Module());
        return mapper;

Then you should add corresponding binding to your module:



This will bind ObjectMapper, but it is not enough to use Jersey with Jackson. You will need some kind of MessageBodyReader/MessageBodyWriter, e.g. JacksonJsonProvider. You will need another provider for it:


public class JacksonJsonProviderProvider implements Provider<JacksonJsonProvider> {
    private final ObjectMapper mapper;

    JacksonJsonProviderProvider(ObjectMapper mapper) {
        this.mapper = mapper;

    public JacksonJsonProvider get() {
        return new JacksonJsonProvider(mapper);

Then bind it:



This is all you need to do - no subclassing is needed.


There is a room for code size optimization though. If I were you I would use @Provides-methods:

尽管如此,还是有空间进行代码大小优化。如果我是你,我会使用@ provides方法:

@Provides @Singleton
ObjectMapper objectMapper() {
    final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
    mapper.registerModule(new Hibernate4Module());
    return mapper;

@Provides @Singleton
JacksonJsonProvider jacksonJsonProvider(ObjectMapper mapper) {
    return new JacksonJsonProvider(mapper);

These methods should be added to one of your modules, e.g. to anonymous ServletModule. Then you won't need separate provider classes.
BTW, you should use JerseyServletModule instead of plain ServletModule, it provides a lot of useful bindings for you.




I'm stuck in a typical guice--annotations-mystery, where it's practically untraceable to what I'm actually supposed to be doing. Spring users just report registering the component, and the container just picks it up.


You really should read excellent Guice documentation. Guice is very easy to use, it has very small number of basic concepts. Your problem is in that you mixed Jersey JAX-RS dependency injection and Guice dependency injection. If you are using GuiceContainer then you declare that you will be using Guice for all of your DI, so you have to add bindings with Guice and not with JAX-RS.

您确实应该阅读优秀的Guice文档。Guice很容易使用,它有非常少的基本概念。您的问题是您混合了Jersey JAX-RS依赖注入和Guice依赖注入。如果您正在使用GuiceContainer,那么您将声明您将对所有DI使用Guice,因此必须添加与Guice的绑定,而不是与JAX-RS的绑定。

For instance, you do not need ContextResolver, you should use plain Guice Provider instead:

例如,您不需要上下文解析器,您应该使用普通的Guice Provider:

import com.google.inject.Provider;

public class ObjectMapperProvider implements Provider<ObjectMapper> {
    public ObjectMapper get() {
        final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
        mapper.registerModule(new Hibernate4Module());
        return mapper;

Then you should add corresponding binding to your module:



This will bind ObjectMapper, but it is not enough to use Jersey with Jackson. You will need some kind of MessageBodyReader/MessageBodyWriter, e.g. JacksonJsonProvider. You will need another provider for it:


public class JacksonJsonProviderProvider implements Provider<JacksonJsonProvider> {
    private final ObjectMapper mapper;

    JacksonJsonProviderProvider(ObjectMapper mapper) {
        this.mapper = mapper;

    public JacksonJsonProvider get() {
        return new JacksonJsonProvider(mapper);

Then bind it:



This is all you need to do - no subclassing is needed.


There is a room for code size optimization though. If I were you I would use @Provides-methods:

尽管如此,还是有空间进行代码大小优化。如果我是你,我会使用@ provides方法:

@Provides @Singleton
ObjectMapper objectMapper() {
    final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
    mapper.registerModule(new Hibernate4Module());
    return mapper;

@Provides @Singleton
JacksonJsonProvider jacksonJsonProvider(ObjectMapper mapper) {
    return new JacksonJsonProvider(mapper);

These methods should be added to one of your modules, e.g. to anonymous ServletModule. Then you won't need separate provider classes.
BTW, you should use JerseyServletModule instead of plain ServletModule, it provides a lot of useful bindings for you.
