
时间:2021-03-20 18:01:37

I currently have a Join object that I am trying to write a custom deserializer for. We store the database key and the Java class name of the object in the JSON, and that looks something like this:


    "@class": "com.mysite.data.ExpertFor",
    "id": "expert-for-1",
    "leftId": "user-profile-1",
    "leftType": "com.mysite.data.UserProfile",
    "rightId": "hotel-1",
    "rightType": "com.mysite.data.Hotel"

We do this so we don't have to store the actual object in the database; rather, we retrieve it when we deserialize it. The issue is that my custom serializer cannot see the @class element in the JSON stream - therefore, it cannot properly instantiate the needed object after all the data is read. Here is my deserializer:

我们这样做,所以我们不必将实际对象存储在数据库中;相反,我们在反序列化时检索它。问题是我的自定义序列化程序无法在JSON流中看到@class元素 - 因此,在读取所有数据后,它无法正确实例化所需的对象。这是我的解串器:

public Join deserialize(JsonParser jp, DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException {
    Map<String, Object> values = new HashMap<String, Object>();

    // Loop through the JSON document and pull out all
    // the values and put them into the map
    JsonToken token = jp.nextToken();
    while (token != JsonToken.END_OBJECT) {
        logger.info("Non-data field: [" + token + "], name is [" + jp.getCurrentName() + "], text is [" + jp.getText() + "]");
        if (token == JsonToken.VALUE_STRING) {
            values.put(jp.getCurrentName(), jp.getText());
        token = jp.nextToken();
    // remainder of code omitted for brevity

Now, the Log4J lines that are written to the logs show all of the appropriate elements of the JSON I would expect, EXCEPT the @class element


Data field: [VALUE_STRING], name is [id], text is [expert-for-1]
Data field: [VALUE_STRING], name is [leftId], text is [user-profile-1]
Data field: [VALUE_STRING], name is [rightId], text is [hotel-1]
Data field: [VALUE_STRING], name is [leftType], text is [com.mysite.data.UserProfile]
Data field: [VALUE_STRING], name is [rightType], text is [com.mysite.data.Hotel]

I have tried adding the @JsonTypeInfo annotation to my class, like


@JsonTypeInfo(use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.CLASS, include = JsonTypeInfo.As.PROPERTY, property = "@class") 

but it appears the element is getting 'swallowed' by the code, and I don't know how to get at it. And I need this, because any descendants of Join will need to be deserialized. Here is some additional information about the hierarchy this class is in:


Adding the @TypeInfo annotation was only there as an attempt to try and see what was going on. I am getting the same behavior whether that is there or not. What's really strange is that we are using this same basic functionality in other classes that need custom deserialization and those see the @class just fine. Here is the heirarchy of this:


@JsonAutoDetect(value = JsonMethod.NONE)
@JsonTypeInfo(use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.CLASS, include = JsonTypeInfo.As.PROPERTY, property = "@class")
public abstract class TaggedObject implements Serializable {

and then we have DataObject


public abstract class DataObject extends TaggedObject {

and then we have our Join class:


@JsonSerialize(using = Join.Serializer.class)
@JsonDeserialize(using = Join.Deserializer.class)
public abstract class Join<L, R> extends DataObject {

I would think the @JsonTypeInfo would be inherited from TaggedObject, but it is not seen here, whereas it is seen by other classes within the same hierarchy.


Anyone have any ideas on how I can grab the class of this object so I can create the appropriate object? What am I missing here?


2 个解决方案



You should not try to manually handle @class AND declare it to be handled by Jackson with @JsonTypeInfo -- either let Jackson fully handle it (which it can and will do), or remove anntoation and handle things manually.

您不应该尝试手动处理@class并声明它由Jackson与@JsonTypeInfo处理 - 要么让Jackson完全处理它(它可以做和将要做),或者删除anntoation并手动处理事情。



using Jackson Tree Model, the following code prints the missing @class:

使用Jackson Tree Model,以下代码打印缺少的@class:

ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
JsonNode root = mapper.readTree(jsonString);
Iterator<String> iterator = root.fieldNames();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
    String fieldName = iterator.next();
    String fieldValue = root.get(fieldName).asText();
    System.out.println("name is [" + fieldName + "], text is [" + fieldValue + "]");


name is [@class], text is [com.mysite.data.ExpertFor]
name is [id], text is [expert-for-1]
name is [leftId], text is [user-profile-1]
name is [leftType], text is [com.mysite.data.UserProfile]
name is [rightId], text is [hotel-1]
name is [rightType], text is [com.mysite.data.Hotel]



You should not try to manually handle @class AND declare it to be handled by Jackson with @JsonTypeInfo -- either let Jackson fully handle it (which it can and will do), or remove anntoation and handle things manually.

您不应该尝试手动处理@class并声明它由Jackson与@JsonTypeInfo处理 - 要么让Jackson完全处理它(它可以做和将要做),或者删除anntoation并手动处理事情。



using Jackson Tree Model, the following code prints the missing @class:

使用Jackson Tree Model,以下代码打印缺少的@class:

ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
JsonNode root = mapper.readTree(jsonString);
Iterator<String> iterator = root.fieldNames();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
    String fieldName = iterator.next();
    String fieldValue = root.get(fieldName).asText();
    System.out.println("name is [" + fieldName + "], text is [" + fieldValue + "]");


name is [@class], text is [com.mysite.data.ExpertFor]
name is [id], text is [expert-for-1]
name is [leftId], text is [user-profile-1]
name is [leftType], text is [com.mysite.data.UserProfile]
name is [rightId], text is [hotel-1]
name is [rightType], text is [com.mysite.data.Hotel]