I am getting a .catch error "catch error: structure (127, [[object object]])" when I execute this command in nodejs. It works fine in the Neo4j browser. can anyone shed some light on this? I can't seem to find any reference to this type of error.
当我在nodejs中执行此命令时,我收到.catch错误“catch error:structure(127,[[object object]])”。它在Neo4j浏览器中运行良好。任何人都可以对此有所了解吗?我似乎无法找到任何对此类错误的引用。
.run ("MERGE (user:Visitor {name:'Visitor', email : {paramEmail}})-[:SUBMITTED_RPA {since:timestamp()}]->(rpa:RPA {name: 'RPA', email:{paramEmail},rpa_id:{paramrpa_id}, makevehicle:{parammakeVehicle},vehicledescription:{paramvehicledescription},partdescription:{parampartdescription}}) RETURN user,rpa",
{ paramEmail: newUser.email,
parammakevehicle: newUser.makevehicle,
paramvehicledescription: newUser.vehicledescription,
parampartdescription: newUser.partdescription,
paramrpa_id: newUser.rpa_id
1 个解决方案
The error was caused by a syntax error in the "parammakeVehicle". It should have been "parammakevehicle". This is a pretty strange error code for a syntax error.
The error was caused by a syntax error in the "parammakeVehicle". It should have been "parammakevehicle". This is a pretty strange error code for a syntax error.