是否可以让Glassfish JAAS领域与一个已安装的应用程序共享某些类?

时间:2021-08-04 18:03:58

In my company, we're developping an application which stores its data in a Neo4j DB using a semi-custom persistence layer. Using that persistence layer, we declared our security layer using classical classes : User, Group, Privilege and so on.


These elements are naturally persisted to our Neo4J DB.

这些元素自然地存在于我们的Neo4J DB中。

Unfortunatly, we now want to declare our custom JAAS realm, usign that Neo4J DB as back-end. To write that realm in the fastest possible fashion, we decided to use our application code in that realm (by the grace of a maven <dependency/>).

不幸的是,我们现在想宣布我们的自定义JAAS领域,将Neo4J DB作为后端。为了以尽可能最快的方式编写该领域,我们决定在该领域中使用我们的应用程序代码(通过maven 的优雅)。

Unfortunatly, we have discovered that, when we deploy our JAAS realm, application code fail to load wih various


java.lang.RuntimeException: EJB Container initialization error 
Exception while loading the app : EJB Container initialization error 

Maybe is it linked to the fact that we deploy our JAAS realm in ${domaindir}/lib ?

也许它与我们在$ {domaindir} / lib中部署JAAS领域的事实有关?

Anyway, is there a solution to have one glassfish JAAS realm share some code with one application deployed in domain ?

无论如何,是否有一个解决方案让一个glassfish JAAS领域与域中部署的一个应用程序共享一些代码?

1 个解决方案



You say that the JAAS classes are deployed to /domain/lib (which seems correct me). I assume that your application classes are deployed as a WAR or EAR.

你说JAAS类被部署到/ domain / lib(这似乎是正确的)。我假设您的应用程序类被部署为WAR或EAR。

If your implementation of the JAAS realm depends on classes that are in the WAR/EAR, you get classloading issues because of classloader hierarchy. The /domain/lib classloader cannot access classes in your WAR/EAR.

如果JAAS领域的实现依赖于WAR / EAR中的类,则由于类加载器层次结构而导致类加载问题。 / domain / lib类加载器无法访问WAR / EAR中的类。

You should extract the depending classes to a separate jar and put them in /domain/lib too.

您应该将依赖类提取到单独的jar中,并将它们放在/ domain / lib中。

See here for more info about the classloader hierarchy: http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E18930_01/html/821-2418/beadf.html




You say that the JAAS classes are deployed to /domain/lib (which seems correct me). I assume that your application classes are deployed as a WAR or EAR.

你说JAAS类被部署到/ domain / lib(这似乎是正确的)。我假设您的应用程序类被部署为WAR或EAR。

If your implementation of the JAAS realm depends on classes that are in the WAR/EAR, you get classloading issues because of classloader hierarchy. The /domain/lib classloader cannot access classes in your WAR/EAR.

如果JAAS领域的实现依赖于WAR / EAR中的类,则由于类加载器层次结构而导致类加载问题。 / domain / lib类加载器无法访问WAR / EAR中的类。

You should extract the depending classes to a separate jar and put them in /domain/lib too.

您应该将依赖类提取到单独的jar中,并将它们放在/ domain / lib中。

See here for more info about the classloader hierarchy: http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E18930_01/html/821-2418/beadf.html
