Neo4j - 不知道如何改进密码查询

时间:2022-09-04 18:01:27

I have this query returning very fast, 0.5 seconds and returning all 303 records expected. Note: "Woka" here means "Book".


MATCH (p:Publisher)-[r:PUBLISHED]->(w:Woka)<-[s:AUTHORED]-(a:Author),
WHERE (a.author_name = 'Camus, Albert') 
RETURN w.woka_id as woka_id, p.publisher_name as publisher_name, w.woka_title as woka_title, a.author_name as author_name, l.language_name as language_name, b.bisac_code as bisac_code, b.bisac_value as bisac_value 
ORDER BY woka_id;

And I want to add more info, a description for example. I have the Description nodes created and the relationships created, were exists, between Language and Description and Description and Book (Woka). The query below returns all descriptions as null, but only for 60 records instead of 303. This is because not all the books have a description. Execution time is still ok, 0.3 seconds.


MATCH (p:Publisher)-[r:PUBLISHED]->(w:Woka)<-[s:AUTHORED]-(a:Author), 
(l:Language)-[t:USED]->(w:Woka), (b:Bisac)<-[u:INCLUDED]-(w:Woka),
WHERE (a.author_name = 'Camus, Albert') 
RETURN w.woka_id as woka_id, p.publisher_name as publisher_name, w.woka_title as woka_title, a.author_name as author_name, l.language_name as language_name, b.bisac_code as bisac_code, b.bisac_value as bisac_value, d.description as description 
ORDER BY woka_id;

However I know that some of the records left out from the result set, the difference between 50 and 303 does have a description. I build another query using OPTIONAL, but this one (shown below) never returns, runs for ever.


MATCH (p:Publisher)-[r:PUBLISHED]->(w:Woka)<-[s:AUTHORED]-(a:Author),
OPTIONAL MATCH (d:Description)-[v:HAS_DESCRIPTION]-(w:Woka)-[:AUTHORED]-(a:Author)  
WHERE (a.author_name = 'Camus, Albert') 
RETURN w.woka_id as woka_id, p.publisher_name as publisher_name, w.woka_title as woka_title, a.author_name as author_name, l.language_name as language_name, b.bisac_code as bisac_code, b.bisac_value as bisac_value, d.description as description 
ORDER BY woka_id;

Don't know how to improve the query to get optional descriptions where exists and nulls when these don't exists for the original result set of 303 records?


3 个解决方案


Could you try this?


MATCH (p:Publisher)-[r:PUBLISHED]->(w:Woka)<-[s:AUTHORED]-(a:Author), (l:Language)-[t:USED]->(w)-[u:INCLUDED]->(b:Bisac) 
WHERE (a.author_name = 'Camus, Albert') 
WITH p,r,w,s,a,l,t,u,b
RETURN w.woka_id as woka_id, p.publisher_name as publisher_name, w.woka_title as woka_title, a.author_name as author_name, l.language_name as language_name, b.bisac_code as bisac_code, b.bisac_value as bisac_value, d.description as description 
ORDER BY woka_id;


I think we already had this conversation some time ago.


you have to get down your intermediate cardinalities


use directions in your relationships


don't repeat patterns you already solved, like


OPTIONAL MATCH (d:Description)-[v:HAS_DESCRIPTION]-(w:Woka)-[:AUTHORED]-(a:Author)

should be


If you are matching long paths you create a lot of potential matches in between, for each of those rows the next match(es) are executed and if they create multiple rows each you get a multiplication of rows1*rows2*rows3

如果您匹配长路径,则会在两者之间创建大量潜在匹配,对于每个行执行下一个匹配,如果它们分别创建多个行,则会得到rows1 * rows2 * rows3的乘法

So you have to use either DISTINCT or an aggregation in between to get the cardinalities down as much as possible.


Just demonstrating it for your first example, once with DISTINCT, once with collect. It might not be necessary here, but it is just for demonstration as the example is small enough.


MATCH (p:Publisher)-[r:PUBLISHED]->(w:Woka)<-[s:AUTHORED]-(a:Author)
WHERE (a.author_name = 'Camus, Albert') 

MATCH (l:Language)-[t:USED]->(w)
WITH w,a,p, collect(l) as languages

MATCH (w)-[u:INCLUDED]->(b:Bisac) 
RETURN w.woka_id as woka_id, w.woka_title as woka_title, 
       p.publisher_name as publisher_name, 
       a.author_name as author_name, 
       [l in languages | l.language_name] as language_names, 
       b.bisac_code as bisac_code, b.bisac_value as bisac_value 
ORDER BY woka_id;

You correctly use OPTIONAL MATCH but there again you have to take into consideration that potential additional row-counts are multiplicated in.

你正确地使用了OPTIONAL MATCH但是你必须再次考虑到潜在的额外行数是多重的。

An alternative option for OPTIONAL MATCH is to use a path expression and deconstruction, e.g. for description:

OPTIONAL MATCH的另一种选择是使用路径表达式和解构,例如,描述:

RETURN w.woka_id as woka_id, w.woka_title as woka_title, 
       [p in ()<-[:HAS_DESCRIPTION]-(w) | head(nodes(p)).description] as descriptions


In addition to @pablosaraiva's reply make sure you have an index on :Author and property author_name:

除@ pablosaraiva的回复外,请确保您有索引:作者和财产author_name:

create index on :Author(author_name)

If this and pablo's reply don't help, please post the query plan of your query. Use explain <myquery> for this (assuming you're on >=2.2)

如果这和pablo的回复没有帮助,请发布您的查询的查询计划。为此使用explain (假设你在> = 2.2)


Could you try this?


MATCH (p:Publisher)-[r:PUBLISHED]->(w:Woka)<-[s:AUTHORED]-(a:Author), (l:Language)-[t:USED]->(w)-[u:INCLUDED]->(b:Bisac) 
WHERE (a.author_name = 'Camus, Albert') 
WITH p,r,w,s,a,l,t,u,b
RETURN w.woka_id as woka_id, p.publisher_name as publisher_name, w.woka_title as woka_title, a.author_name as author_name, l.language_name as language_name, b.bisac_code as bisac_code, b.bisac_value as bisac_value, d.description as description 
ORDER BY woka_id;


I think we already had this conversation some time ago.


you have to get down your intermediate cardinalities


use directions in your relationships


don't repeat patterns you already solved, like


OPTIONAL MATCH (d:Description)-[v:HAS_DESCRIPTION]-(w:Woka)-[:AUTHORED]-(a:Author)

should be


If you are matching long paths you create a lot of potential matches in between, for each of those rows the next match(es) are executed and if they create multiple rows each you get a multiplication of rows1*rows2*rows3

如果您匹配长路径,则会在两者之间创建大量潜在匹配,对于每个行执行下一个匹配,如果它们分别创建多个行,则会得到rows1 * rows2 * rows3的乘法

So you have to use either DISTINCT or an aggregation in between to get the cardinalities down as much as possible.


Just demonstrating it for your first example, once with DISTINCT, once with collect. It might not be necessary here, but it is just for demonstration as the example is small enough.


MATCH (p:Publisher)-[r:PUBLISHED]->(w:Woka)<-[s:AUTHORED]-(a:Author)
WHERE (a.author_name = 'Camus, Albert') 

MATCH (l:Language)-[t:USED]->(w)
WITH w,a,p, collect(l) as languages

MATCH (w)-[u:INCLUDED]->(b:Bisac) 
RETURN w.woka_id as woka_id, w.woka_title as woka_title, 
       p.publisher_name as publisher_name, 
       a.author_name as author_name, 
       [l in languages | l.language_name] as language_names, 
       b.bisac_code as bisac_code, b.bisac_value as bisac_value 
ORDER BY woka_id;

You correctly use OPTIONAL MATCH but there again you have to take into consideration that potential additional row-counts are multiplicated in.

你正确地使用了OPTIONAL MATCH但是你必须再次考虑到潜在的额外行数是多重的。

An alternative option for OPTIONAL MATCH is to use a path expression and deconstruction, e.g. for description:

OPTIONAL MATCH的另一种选择是使用路径表达式和解构,例如,描述:

RETURN w.woka_id as woka_id, w.woka_title as woka_title, 
       [p in ()<-[:HAS_DESCRIPTION]-(w) | head(nodes(p)).description] as descriptions


In addition to @pablosaraiva's reply make sure you have an index on :Author and property author_name:

除@ pablosaraiva的回复外,请确保您有索引:作者和财产author_name:

create index on :Author(author_name)

If this and pablo's reply don't help, please post the query plan of your query. Use explain <myquery> for this (assuming you're on >=2.2)

如果这和pablo的回复没有帮助,请发布您的查询的查询计划。为此使用explain (假设你在> = 2.2)