
时间:2021-04-25 17:59:54

原文转自:Parallel Labs

typedef struct node_t {
    TYPE value; 
    node_t *next
typedef struct queue_t {
    NODE *head; 
    NODE *tail;
    LOCK q_h_lock;
    LOCK q_t_lock;
} Q;
initialize(Q *q) {
   node = new_node()   // Allocate a free node
   node->next = NULL   // Make it the only node in the linked list
   q->head = q->tail = node   // Both head and tail point to it
   q->q_h_lock = q->q_t_lock = FREE   // Locks are initially free
enqueue(Q *q, TYPE value) {
   node = new_node()       // Allocate a new node from the free list
   node->value = value     // Copy enqueued value into node
   node->next = NULL       // Set next pointer of node to NULL
   lock(&q->q_t_lock)      // Acquire t_lock in order to access Tail
      q->tail->next = node // Link node at the end of the queue
      q->tail = node       // Swing Tail to node
   unlock(&q->q_t_lock)    // Release t_lock
dequeue(Q *q, TYPE *pvalue) {
   lock(&q->q_h_lock)   // Acquire h_lock in order to access Head
      node = q->head    // Read Head
      new_head = node->next       // Read next pointer
      if new_head == NULL         // Is queue empty?
         unlock(&q->q_h_lock)     // Release h_lock before return
         return FALSE             // Queue was empty
      *pvalue = new_head->value   // Queue not empty, read value
      q->head = new_head  // Swing Head to next node
   unlock(&q->q_h_lock)   // Release h_lock
   free(node)             // Free node
   return TRUE            // Queue was not empty, dequeue succeeded