Appium Server 传递Android参数

时间:2024-10-12 14:04:07

server Capabilities
传递参数    Android 特定

Android Only

Capability Description Values
appActivity Activity name for the Android activity you want to launch from your package. This often needs to be preceded by a
. (e.g., .MainActivity instead of
MainActivity, .Settings
appPackage Java package of the Android app you want to run,
appWaitActivity Activity name for the Android activity you want to wait for SplashActivity
appWaitPackage Java package of the Android app you want to wait for,
deviceReadyTimeout Timeout in seconds while waiting for device to become ready 5
androidCoverage Fully qualified instrumentation class. Passed to -w in adb shell am instrument -e coverage true -w
enablePerformanceLogging (Chrome and webview only) Enable Chromedriver’s performance logging (default
true, false
androidDeviceReadyTimeout Timeout in seconds used to wait for a device to become ready after booting e.g., 30
androidDeviceSocket Devtools socket name. Needed only when tested app is a Chromium embedding browser. The socket is open by the browser and Chromedriver connects to it as a devtools client. e.g., chrome_devtools_remote
avd Name of avd to launch e.g., api19
avdLaunchTimeout How long to wait in milliseconds for an avd to launch and connect to ADB (default
avdReadyTimeout How long to wait in milliseconds for an avd to finish its boot animations (default
avdArgs Additional emulator arguments used when launching an avd e.g., -netfast
useKeystore Use a custom keystore to sign apks, default false true or false
keystorePath Path to custom keystore, default ~/.android/debug.keystore e.g., /path/to.keystore
keystorePassword Password for custom keystore e.g., foo
keyAlias Alias for key e.g., androiddebugkey
keyPassword Password for key e.g., foo
chromedriverExecutable The absolute local path to webdriver executable (if Chromium embedder provides its own webdriver, it should be used instead of original chromedriver bundled with Appium) /abs/path/to/webdriver
autoWebviewTimeout Amount of time to wait for Webview context to become active, in ms. Defaults to
e.g. 4
intentAction Intent action which will be used to start activity (default
intentCategory Intent category which will be used to start activity (default
e.g. android.intent.category.LAUNCHER,
intentFlags Flags that will be used to start activity (default
e.g. 0x10200000
optionalIntentArguments Additional intent arguments that will be used to start activity. See Intent arguments e.g. --esn <EXTRA_KEY>,
, etc.
stopAppOnReset Stops the process of the app under test, before starting the app using adb. If the app under test is created by another anchor app, setting this false, allows the process of the anchor app to be still alive, during the start of the test app using adb, default
true or false
unicodeKeyboard Enable Unicode input, default false true or false
resetKeyboard Reset keyboard to its original state, after running Unicode tests with
capability. Ignored if used alone. Default
true or false
noSign Skip checking and signing of app with debug keys, will work only with UiAutomator and not with selendroid, default
true or false
ignoreUnimportantViews Calls the setCompressedLayoutHierarchy() uiautomator function. This capability can speed up test execution, since Accessibility commands will run faster ignoring some elements. The ignored elements will not be findable,
which is why this capability has also been implemented as a toggle-able setting as well as a capability. Defaults to
true or false