今天看effective STL第26条条款时,发现自己之前没意识到如下的几点(看来自己的c++基础还是渣渣水平o(╯□╰)o)。
#include <iostream> #include <list> #include <stack> #include <vector> #include <deque> #include <queue> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; class A{ public: A(int value){ v = value; } int V() const{ return v; } bool operator==(const A &x){ cout << "member function called!" << endl; return v==x.V(); } private: int v; }; class B{ public: B(int value){ v = value; } int V()const{ return v; } bool operator==(const A &x){ cout << "member function of B called" << endl; return v==x.V(); } private: int v; }; class C{ public: C(int value){ v = value; } int V() const { return v; } bool operator==(const int &x){ cout << "member function of C called" << endl; return v==x; } private: int v; }; bool operator==(const C &x,const double &y){ cout << "global function called" << endl; return x.V()==y; } bool operator==(const C &x,const int &y){ cout << "global function called" << endl; return x.V() == y; } bool operator==(const A &x,const A &y){ cout << "global function called" << endl; return x.V()==y.V(); } int main(){ A ta(5); A tb(5); ta == tb; B ca(5); ca == ta;//调用==左边类的operator== C tc(5); /* const double tmp = 5; tc==tmp; 编译不过,因为编译器无法抉择选择哪个类C中的==还是全局中的== */<( ̄ˇ ̄)/ const int tmp = 5; tc==tmp;//输出member function of C called system("pause"); return 0; }