
时间:2023-01-20 17:36:40

Can anyone explain the difference between a fork and a thread?


5 个解决方案



A fork gives you a brand new process, which is a copy of the current process, with the same code segments. As the memory image changes (typically this is due to different behavior of the two processes) you get a separation of the memory images (Copy On Write), however the executable code remains the same. Tasks do not share memory unless they use some Inter Process Communication (IPC) primitive.


One process can have multiple threads, each executing in parallel within the same context of the process. Memory and other resources are shared among threads, therefore shared data must be accessed through some primitive and synchronization objects (like mutexes, condition variables and semaphores) that allow you to avoid data corruption.





Fork is nothing but a new process that looks exactly like the old or the parent process but still it is a different process with different process ID and having it’s own memory. Parent process creates a separate address space for child. Both parent and child process possess the same code segment, but execute independently from each other.


The simplest example of forking is when you run a command on shell in unix/linux. Each time a user issues a command, the shell forks a child process and the task is done.


When a fork system call is issued, a copy of all the pages corresponding to the parent process is created, loaded into a separate memory location by the OS for the child process, but in certain cases, this is not needed. Like in ‘exec’ system calls, there is not need to copy the parent process pages, as execv replaces the address space of the parent process itself.


Few things to note about forking are:


  • The child process will be having it’s own unique process ID.
  • 子进程将拥有自己的唯一进程ID。
  • The child process shall have it’s own copy of parent’s file descriptor.
  • 子进程应该具有父进程的文件描述符的自己的副本。
  • File locks set by parent process shall not be inherited by child process.
  • 父进程设置的文件锁不能被子进程继承。
  • Any semaphores that are open in the parent process shall also be open in the child process.
  • 在父进程中打开的任何信号量也应该在子进程中打开。
  • Child process shall have it’s own copy of message queue descriptors of the parents.
  • 子进程应该有它自己的父进程消息队列描述符的副本。
  • Child will have it’s own address space and memory.
  • 子程序将拥有自己的地址空间和内存。


Threads are Light Weight Processes (LWPs). Traditionally, a thread is just a CPU (and some other minimal state) state with the process containing the remains (data, stack, I/O, signals). Threads require less overhead than “forking” or spawning a new process because the system does not initialize a new system virtual memory space and environment for the process. While most effective on a multiprocessor system where the process flow can be scheduled to run on another processor thus gaining speed through parallel or distributed processing, gains are also found on uniprocessor systems which exploit latency in I/O and other system functions which may halt process execution.


Threads in the same process share:


  • Process instructions
  • 过程说明
  • Most data
  • 大多数数据
  • open files (descriptors)
  • 打开的文件(描述符)
  • signals and signal handlers
  • 信号和信号处理程序
  • current working directory
  • 当前工作目录
  • User and group id
  • 用户和组id

More details can be found here.




Dacav's answer is excellent, I just wanted to add that not all threading models give you true multi-processing.


For example, Ruby's default threading implementation doesn't use true OS / kernel threads. Instead it mimics having multiple threads by switching between the Thread objects within a single kernel thread / process.

例如,Ruby的默认线程实现不使用真正的OS /内核线程。相反,它通过在单个内核线程/进程内的线程对象之间切换来模拟具有多个线程的情况。

This is important on multiprocessor / multi-core systems, because these types of lightweight threads can only run on a single core - you don't get much in the way of performance boost from having multiple threads.


The other place this makes a difference is when one thread blocks (waiting on I/O or calling a driver's IOCTL), all Threads block.


This isn't very common nowadays - most threading implementations use kernel threads which don't suffer from these issues - but its worth mentioining for completeness.


By contrast, fork gives you another process which is runnable simultaneously on another physical CPU while the original process is executing. Some people find IPC more suitable for their app, others prefer threading.


Good luck and have fun! Multi-threading is both challenging and rewarding.




Threads are functions run in parallel, fork is a new process with parents inheritance. Threads are good to execute a task in parallel, while forks are independent process, that also are running simultaneously. Threads have race conditions and there controls semaphores and locks or mutexes, pipes can both be used in fork and thread.




  1. Threads share the address space of the process that created it; processes have their own address space.
  2. 线程共享创建进程的地址空间;进程有自己的地址空间。
  3. Threads have direct access to the data segment of its process; processes have their own copy of the data segment of the parent process.
  4. 线程可以直接访问进程的数据段;进程有自己的父进程的数据段副本。
  5. Threads can directly communicate with other threads of its process; processes must use interprocess communication to communicate with sibling processes.
  6. 线程可以直接与进程的其他线程通信;进程必须使用进程间通信与同级进程通信。
  7. Threads have almost no overhead; processes have considerable overhead.
  8. 线程几乎没有开销;过程有相当大的开销。
  9. New threads are easily created; new processes require duplication of the parent process.
  10. 很容易创建新线程;新的进程需要父进程的重复。
  11. Threads can exercise considerable control over threads of the same process; processes can only exercise control over child processes.
  12. 线程可以对同一进程的线程执行相当大的控制;进程只能对子进程进行控制。
  13. Changes to the main thread (cancellation, priority change, etc.) may affect the behavior of the other threads of the process; changes to the parent process does not affect child processes
  14. 对主线程的更改(取消、优先级更改等)可能会影响进程中其他线程的行为;对父进程的更改不会影响子进程



A fork gives you a brand new process, which is a copy of the current process, with the same code segments. As the memory image changes (typically this is due to different behavior of the two processes) you get a separation of the memory images (Copy On Write), however the executable code remains the same. Tasks do not share memory unless they use some Inter Process Communication (IPC) primitive.


One process can have multiple threads, each executing in parallel within the same context of the process. Memory and other resources are shared among threads, therefore shared data must be accessed through some primitive and synchronization objects (like mutexes, condition variables and semaphores) that allow you to avoid data corruption.





Fork is nothing but a new process that looks exactly like the old or the parent process but still it is a different process with different process ID and having it’s own memory. Parent process creates a separate address space for child. Both parent and child process possess the same code segment, but execute independently from each other.


The simplest example of forking is when you run a command on shell in unix/linux. Each time a user issues a command, the shell forks a child process and the task is done.


When a fork system call is issued, a copy of all the pages corresponding to the parent process is created, loaded into a separate memory location by the OS for the child process, but in certain cases, this is not needed. Like in ‘exec’ system calls, there is not need to copy the parent process pages, as execv replaces the address space of the parent process itself.


Few things to note about forking are:


  • The child process will be having it’s own unique process ID.
  • 子进程将拥有自己的唯一进程ID。
  • The child process shall have it’s own copy of parent’s file descriptor.
  • 子进程应该具有父进程的文件描述符的自己的副本。
  • File locks set by parent process shall not be inherited by child process.
  • 父进程设置的文件锁不能被子进程继承。
  • Any semaphores that are open in the parent process shall also be open in the child process.
  • 在父进程中打开的任何信号量也应该在子进程中打开。
  • Child process shall have it’s own copy of message queue descriptors of the parents.
  • 子进程应该有它自己的父进程消息队列描述符的副本。
  • Child will have it’s own address space and memory.
  • 子程序将拥有自己的地址空间和内存。


Threads are Light Weight Processes (LWPs). Traditionally, a thread is just a CPU (and some other minimal state) state with the process containing the remains (data, stack, I/O, signals). Threads require less overhead than “forking” or spawning a new process because the system does not initialize a new system virtual memory space and environment for the process. While most effective on a multiprocessor system where the process flow can be scheduled to run on another processor thus gaining speed through parallel or distributed processing, gains are also found on uniprocessor systems which exploit latency in I/O and other system functions which may halt process execution.


Threads in the same process share:


  • Process instructions
  • 过程说明
  • Most data
  • 大多数数据
  • open files (descriptors)
  • 打开的文件(描述符)
  • signals and signal handlers
  • 信号和信号处理程序
  • current working directory
  • 当前工作目录
  • User and group id
  • 用户和组id

More details can be found here.




Dacav's answer is excellent, I just wanted to add that not all threading models give you true multi-processing.


For example, Ruby's default threading implementation doesn't use true OS / kernel threads. Instead it mimics having multiple threads by switching between the Thread objects within a single kernel thread / process.

例如,Ruby的默认线程实现不使用真正的OS /内核线程。相反,它通过在单个内核线程/进程内的线程对象之间切换来模拟具有多个线程的情况。

This is important on multiprocessor / multi-core systems, because these types of lightweight threads can only run on a single core - you don't get much in the way of performance boost from having multiple threads.


The other place this makes a difference is when one thread blocks (waiting on I/O or calling a driver's IOCTL), all Threads block.


This isn't very common nowadays - most threading implementations use kernel threads which don't suffer from these issues - but its worth mentioining for completeness.


By contrast, fork gives you another process which is runnable simultaneously on another physical CPU while the original process is executing. Some people find IPC more suitable for their app, others prefer threading.


Good luck and have fun! Multi-threading is both challenging and rewarding.




Threads are functions run in parallel, fork is a new process with parents inheritance. Threads are good to execute a task in parallel, while forks are independent process, that also are running simultaneously. Threads have race conditions and there controls semaphores and locks or mutexes, pipes can both be used in fork and thread.




  1. Threads share the address space of the process that created it; processes have their own address space.
  2. 线程共享创建进程的地址空间;进程有自己的地址空间。
  3. Threads have direct access to the data segment of its process; processes have their own copy of the data segment of the parent process.
  4. 线程可以直接访问进程的数据段;进程有自己的父进程的数据段副本。
  5. Threads can directly communicate with other threads of its process; processes must use interprocess communication to communicate with sibling processes.
  6. 线程可以直接与进程的其他线程通信;进程必须使用进程间通信与同级进程通信。
  7. Threads have almost no overhead; processes have considerable overhead.
  8. 线程几乎没有开销;过程有相当大的开销。
  9. New threads are easily created; new processes require duplication of the parent process.
  10. 很容易创建新线程;新的进程需要父进程的重复。
  11. Threads can exercise considerable control over threads of the same process; processes can only exercise control over child processes.
  12. 线程可以对同一进程的线程执行相当大的控制;进程只能对子进程进行控制。
  13. Changes to the main thread (cancellation, priority change, etc.) may affect the behavior of the other threads of the process; changes to the parent process does not affect child processes
  14. 对主线程的更改(取消、优先级更改等)可能会影响进程中其他线程的行为;对父进程的更改不会影响子进程