23 个解决方案
参考 那英《雾里看花》
参考 那英《雾里看花》
内核对象在整个系统内可以访问,用户对象只在本进程内可以访问。 GDI句柄不是内核对象。
《深入解析Windows操作系统-Windows Internals》
《深入解析Windows操作系统-Windows Internals》
Graphic Objects
Home | Overview | How Do I | Tutorial
Windows provides a variety of drawing tools to use in device contexts. It provides pens to draw lines, brushes to fill interiors, and fonts to draw text. MFC provides graphic-object classes equivalent to the drawing tools in Windows. The table below shows the available classes and the equivalent Windows graphics device interface (GDI) handle types.
The general literature on programming for the Windows GDI applies to the Microsoft Foundation classes that encapsulate GDI graphic objects. This article explains the use of these graphic-object classes:
Classes for Windows GDI Objects
Class Windows handle type
Each graphic-object class in the class library has a constructor that allows you to create graphic objects of that class, which you must then initialize with the appropriate create function, such as CreatePen.
Each graphic-object class in the class library has a cast operator that will cast an MFC object to the associated Windows handle. The resulting handle is valid until the associated object detaches it. Use the object’s Detach member function to detach the handle.
The following code casts a CPen object to a Windows handle:
CPen myPen;
myPen.CreateSolidPen( PS_COSMETIC, 1, RGB(255,255,0) );
HPEN hMyPen = (HPEN) myPen;
Process of Creating a Graphic Object in a Device Context
The following four steps are typically used when you need a graphic object for a drawing operation:
Define a graphic object on the stack frame. Initialize the object with the type-specific create function, such as CreatePen. Alternatively, initialize the object in the constructor. See the discussion of one-stage and two-stage creation, which provides example code.
Select the object into the current device context, saving the old graphic object that was selected before.
When done with the current graphic object, select the old graphic object back into the device context to restore its state.
Allow the frame-allocated graphic object to be deleted automatically when the scope is exited.
Note If you will be using a graphic object repeatedly, you can allocate it once and select it into a device context each time it is needed. Be sure to delete such an object when you no longer need it.
What do you want to know more about?
One-stage and two-stage construction of graphic objects
Example of constructing a pen in one and two stages
Example of selecting a pen into a device context
Device contexts
Graphic Objects
Home | Overview | How Do I | Tutorial
Windows provides a variety of drawing tools to use in device contexts. It provides pens to draw lines, brushes to fill interiors, and fonts to draw text. MFC provides graphic-object classes equivalent to the drawing tools in Windows. The table below shows the available classes and the equivalent Windows graphics device interface (GDI) handle types.
The general literature on programming for the Windows GDI applies to the Microsoft Foundation classes that encapsulate GDI graphic objects. This article explains the use of these graphic-object classes:
Classes for Windows GDI Objects
Class Windows handle type
Each graphic-object class in the class library has a constructor that allows you to create graphic objects of that class, which you must then initialize with the appropriate create function, such as CreatePen.
Each graphic-object class in the class library has a cast operator that will cast an MFC object to the associated Windows handle. The resulting handle is valid until the associated object detaches it. Use the object’s Detach member function to detach the handle.
The following code casts a CPen object to a Windows handle:
CPen myPen;
myPen.CreateSolidPen( PS_COSMETIC, 1, RGB(255,255,0) );
HPEN hMyPen = (HPEN) myPen;
Process of Creating a Graphic Object in a Device Context
The following four steps are typically used when you need a graphic object for a drawing operation:
Define a graphic object on the stack frame. Initialize the object with the type-specific create function, such as CreatePen. Alternatively, initialize the object in the constructor. See the discussion of one-stage and two-stage creation, which provides example code.
Select the object into the current device context, saving the old graphic object that was selected before.
When done with the current graphic object, select the old graphic object back into the device context to restore its state.
Allow the frame-allocated graphic object to be deleted automatically when the scope is exited.
Note If you will be using a graphic object repeatedly, you can allocate it once and select it into a device context each time it is needed. Be sure to delete such an object when you no longer need it.
What do you want to know more about?
One-stage and two-stage construction of graphic objects
Example of constructing a pen in one and two stages
Example of selecting a pen into a device context
Device contexts
Window Object Topics
Home | Overview | How Do I | Tutorial
A C++ window object (whether for a frame window or some other kind of window) is distinct from its corresponding Windows window (the HWND), but the two are tightly linked. A good understanding of the relationship between a C++ window object and an HWND is crucial for effective programming with MFC.
The general literature on programming for Windows is a good resource for learning how to use the CWnd member functions, which typically encapsulate the HWND APIs. See Books That Help You Learn MFC.
Functions for Operating On a CWnd
CWnd and its derived classes provide constructors, destructors, and member functions to initialize the object, create the underlying Windows structures, and access the encapsulated HWND. CWnd also provides member functions that encapsulate Windows APIs for sending messages, accessing the window’s state, converting coordinates, updating, scrolling, accessing the Clipboard, and many other tasks. Most Windows window-management APIs that take an HWND argument are encapsulated as member functions of CWnd. The names of the functions and their parameters are preserved in the CWnd member function. For details about the Windows APIs encapsulated by CWnd, see class CWnd.
CWnd and Windows Messages
One of the primary purposes of CWnd is to provide an interface for handling Windows messages, such as WM_PAINT or WM_MOUSEMOVE. Many of the member functions of CWnd are handlers for standard messages—those beginning with the identifier afx_msg and the prefix “On,” such as OnPaint and OnMouseMove. Message Handling and Mapping Topics covers messages and message handling in detail. The information there applies equally to the framework’s windows and those that you create yourself for special purposes.
What do you want to know more about?
The relationship between a C++ window object and an HWND
Working with windows of your own
Window classes derived from class CWnd
Registering window “classes” (as in Win32 SDK programming)
General window creation sequence
Destroying window objects
Device contexts: objects that make Windows drawing device independent
Graphic objects: pens, brushes, fonts, bitmaps, palettes, regions
One-stage and two-stage construction of objects such as pens
Selecting a graphic object into a device context
Window Object Topics
Home | Overview | How Do I | Tutorial
A C++ window object (whether for a frame window or some other kind of window) is distinct from its corresponding Windows window (the HWND), but the two are tightly linked. A good understanding of the relationship between a C++ window object and an HWND is crucial for effective programming with MFC.
The general literature on programming for Windows is a good resource for learning how to use the CWnd member functions, which typically encapsulate the HWND APIs. See Books That Help You Learn MFC.
Functions for Operating On a CWnd
CWnd and its derived classes provide constructors, destructors, and member functions to initialize the object, create the underlying Windows structures, and access the encapsulated HWND. CWnd also provides member functions that encapsulate Windows APIs for sending messages, accessing the window’s state, converting coordinates, updating, scrolling, accessing the Clipboard, and many other tasks. Most Windows window-management APIs that take an HWND argument are encapsulated as member functions of CWnd. The names of the functions and their parameters are preserved in the CWnd member function. For details about the Windows APIs encapsulated by CWnd, see class CWnd.
CWnd and Windows Messages
One of the primary purposes of CWnd is to provide an interface for handling Windows messages, such as WM_PAINT or WM_MOUSEMOVE. Many of the member functions of CWnd are handlers for standard messages—those beginning with the identifier afx_msg and the prefix “On,” such as OnPaint and OnMouseMove. Message Handling and Mapping Topics covers messages and message handling in detail. The information there applies equally to the framework’s windows and those that you create yourself for special purposes.
What do you want to know more about?
The relationship between a C++ window object and an HWND
Working with windows of your own
Window classes derived from class CWnd
Registering window “classes” (as in Win32 SDK programming)
General window creation sequence
Destroying window objects
Device contexts: objects that make Windows drawing device independent
Graphic objects: pens, brushes, fonts, bitmaps, palettes, regions
One-stage and two-stage construction of objects such as pens
Selecting a graphic object into a device context
我靠,有这本书?fak 你

一些简单的问题回答起来并不容易。内核对象这个概念首先要界定(或者说楼主的本意实际是什么)。内核是指操作系统内核吗?如果是操作系统内核,那么可以明确的是,Windows的内核(不讨论已经完全过时的非NT内核,如Windows 9x)是不包括图形对象的,尽管处于效率考虑,Windows负责图形处理的部分有在内核空间运行的驱动组件)。
Windows操作系统正如它名称暗示,其基本特征是图形界面。我对微软内部不熟悉,但我的猜想中,微软内部应该有不同的开发小组,对Windows内核开发小组而言,关心的问题应该很多,一个内核同时支持Windows客户版本和服务器版本,服务器版本应用场合重点就不在图形界面上。从MinWin( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MinWin)概念的提出,侧面说明微软的Windows内核开发小组的独立性意识也在加强。
另外,前面赵老师给出工具也不是查看内核对象的,内核对象查看工具是这个: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb896657
参考 那英《雾里看花》
参考 那英《雾里看花》
内核对象在整个系统内可以访问,用户对象只在本进程内可以访问。 GDI句柄不是内核对象。
《深入解析Windows操作系统-Windows Internals》
《深入解析Windows操作系统-Windows Internals》
Graphic Objects
Home | Overview | How Do I | Tutorial
Windows provides a variety of drawing tools to use in device contexts. It provides pens to draw lines, brushes to fill interiors, and fonts to draw text. MFC provides graphic-object classes equivalent to the drawing tools in Windows. The table below shows the available classes and the equivalent Windows graphics device interface (GDI) handle types.
The general literature on programming for the Windows GDI applies to the Microsoft Foundation classes that encapsulate GDI graphic objects. This article explains the use of these graphic-object classes:
Classes for Windows GDI Objects
Class Windows handle type
Each graphic-object class in the class library has a constructor that allows you to create graphic objects of that class, which you must then initialize with the appropriate create function, such as CreatePen.
Each graphic-object class in the class library has a cast operator that will cast an MFC object to the associated Windows handle. The resulting handle is valid until the associated object detaches it. Use the object’s Detach member function to detach the handle.
The following code casts a CPen object to a Windows handle:
CPen myPen;
myPen.CreateSolidPen( PS_COSMETIC, 1, RGB(255,255,0) );
HPEN hMyPen = (HPEN) myPen;
Process of Creating a Graphic Object in a Device Context
The following four steps are typically used when you need a graphic object for a drawing operation:
Define a graphic object on the stack frame. Initialize the object with the type-specific create function, such as CreatePen. Alternatively, initialize the object in the constructor. See the discussion of one-stage and two-stage creation, which provides example code.
Select the object into the current device context, saving the old graphic object that was selected before.
When done with the current graphic object, select the old graphic object back into the device context to restore its state.
Allow the frame-allocated graphic object to be deleted automatically when the scope is exited.
Note If you will be using a graphic object repeatedly, you can allocate it once and select it into a device context each time it is needed. Be sure to delete such an object when you no longer need it.
What do you want to know more about?
One-stage and two-stage construction of graphic objects
Example of constructing a pen in one and two stages
Example of selecting a pen into a device context
Device contexts
Graphic Objects
Home | Overview | How Do I | Tutorial
Windows provides a variety of drawing tools to use in device contexts. It provides pens to draw lines, brushes to fill interiors, and fonts to draw text. MFC provides graphic-object classes equivalent to the drawing tools in Windows. The table below shows the available classes and the equivalent Windows graphics device interface (GDI) handle types.
The general literature on programming for the Windows GDI applies to the Microsoft Foundation classes that encapsulate GDI graphic objects. This article explains the use of these graphic-object classes:
Classes for Windows GDI Objects
Class Windows handle type
Each graphic-object class in the class library has a constructor that allows you to create graphic objects of that class, which you must then initialize with the appropriate create function, such as CreatePen.
Each graphic-object class in the class library has a cast operator that will cast an MFC object to the associated Windows handle. The resulting handle is valid until the associated object detaches it. Use the object’s Detach member function to detach the handle.
The following code casts a CPen object to a Windows handle:
CPen myPen;
myPen.CreateSolidPen( PS_COSMETIC, 1, RGB(255,255,0) );
HPEN hMyPen = (HPEN) myPen;
Process of Creating a Graphic Object in a Device Context
The following four steps are typically used when you need a graphic object for a drawing operation:
Define a graphic object on the stack frame. Initialize the object with the type-specific create function, such as CreatePen. Alternatively, initialize the object in the constructor. See the discussion of one-stage and two-stage creation, which provides example code.
Select the object into the current device context, saving the old graphic object that was selected before.
When done with the current graphic object, select the old graphic object back into the device context to restore its state.
Allow the frame-allocated graphic object to be deleted automatically when the scope is exited.
Note If you will be using a graphic object repeatedly, you can allocate it once and select it into a device context each time it is needed. Be sure to delete such an object when you no longer need it.
What do you want to know more about?
One-stage and two-stage construction of graphic objects
Example of constructing a pen in one and two stages
Example of selecting a pen into a device context
Device contexts
Window Object Topics
Home | Overview | How Do I | Tutorial
A C++ window object (whether for a frame window or some other kind of window) is distinct from its corresponding Windows window (the HWND), but the two are tightly linked. A good understanding of the relationship between a C++ window object and an HWND is crucial for effective programming with MFC.
The general literature on programming for Windows is a good resource for learning how to use the CWnd member functions, which typically encapsulate the HWND APIs. See Books That Help You Learn MFC.
Functions for Operating On a CWnd
CWnd and its derived classes provide constructors, destructors, and member functions to initialize the object, create the underlying Windows structures, and access the encapsulated HWND. CWnd also provides member functions that encapsulate Windows APIs for sending messages, accessing the window’s state, converting coordinates, updating, scrolling, accessing the Clipboard, and many other tasks. Most Windows window-management APIs that take an HWND argument are encapsulated as member functions of CWnd. The names of the functions and their parameters are preserved in the CWnd member function. For details about the Windows APIs encapsulated by CWnd, see class CWnd.
CWnd and Windows Messages
One of the primary purposes of CWnd is to provide an interface for handling Windows messages, such as WM_PAINT or WM_MOUSEMOVE. Many of the member functions of CWnd are handlers for standard messages—those beginning with the identifier afx_msg and the prefix “On,” such as OnPaint and OnMouseMove. Message Handling and Mapping Topics covers messages and message handling in detail. The information there applies equally to the framework’s windows and those that you create yourself for special purposes.
What do you want to know more about?
The relationship between a C++ window object and an HWND
Working with windows of your own
Window classes derived from class CWnd
Registering window “classes” (as in Win32 SDK programming)
General window creation sequence
Destroying window objects
Device contexts: objects that make Windows drawing device independent
Graphic objects: pens, brushes, fonts, bitmaps, palettes, regions
One-stage and two-stage construction of objects such as pens
Selecting a graphic object into a device context
Window Object Topics
Home | Overview | How Do I | Tutorial
A C++ window object (whether for a frame window or some other kind of window) is distinct from its corresponding Windows window (the HWND), but the two are tightly linked. A good understanding of the relationship between a C++ window object and an HWND is crucial for effective programming with MFC.
The general literature on programming for Windows is a good resource for learning how to use the CWnd member functions, which typically encapsulate the HWND APIs. See Books That Help You Learn MFC.
Functions for Operating On a CWnd
CWnd and its derived classes provide constructors, destructors, and member functions to initialize the object, create the underlying Windows structures, and access the encapsulated HWND. CWnd also provides member functions that encapsulate Windows APIs for sending messages, accessing the window’s state, converting coordinates, updating, scrolling, accessing the Clipboard, and many other tasks. Most Windows window-management APIs that take an HWND argument are encapsulated as member functions of CWnd. The names of the functions and their parameters are preserved in the CWnd member function. For details about the Windows APIs encapsulated by CWnd, see class CWnd.
CWnd and Windows Messages
One of the primary purposes of CWnd is to provide an interface for handling Windows messages, such as WM_PAINT or WM_MOUSEMOVE. Many of the member functions of CWnd are handlers for standard messages—those beginning with the identifier afx_msg and the prefix “On,” such as OnPaint and OnMouseMove. Message Handling and Mapping Topics covers messages and message handling in detail. The information there applies equally to the framework’s windows and those that you create yourself for special purposes.
What do you want to know more about?
The relationship between a C++ window object and an HWND
Working with windows of your own
Window classes derived from class CWnd
Registering window “classes” (as in Win32 SDK programming)
General window creation sequence
Destroying window objects
Device contexts: objects that make Windows drawing device independent
Graphic objects: pens, brushes, fonts, bitmaps, palettes, regions
One-stage and two-stage construction of objects such as pens
Selecting a graphic object into a device context
我靠,有这本书?fak 你

一些简单的问题回答起来并不容易。内核对象这个概念首先要界定(或者说楼主的本意实际是什么)。内核是指操作系统内核吗?如果是操作系统内核,那么可以明确的是,Windows的内核(不讨论已经完全过时的非NT内核,如Windows 9x)是不包括图形对象的,尽管处于效率考虑,Windows负责图形处理的部分有在内核空间运行的驱动组件)。
Windows操作系统正如它名称暗示,其基本特征是图形界面。我对微软内部不熟悉,但我的猜想中,微软内部应该有不同的开发小组,对Windows内核开发小组而言,关心的问题应该很多,一个内核同时支持Windows客户版本和服务器版本,服务器版本应用场合重点就不在图形界面上。从MinWin( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MinWin)概念的提出,侧面说明微软的Windows内核开发小组的独立性意识也在加强。
另外,前面赵老师给出工具也不是查看内核对象的,内核对象查看工具是这个: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb896657