软件工程卷1 抽象与建模 (Dines Bjorner 著)

时间:2024-10-06 15:37:50

I 开篇

1. 绪论

II 离散数学

2. 数 (已看)

3. 集合

4. 笛卡尔

5. 类型

6. 函数

7. λ演算

8. 代数

9. 数理逻辑


10. RSL中的原子类型和值

11. RSL中的函数定义

12. 面向性质与面向模型的抽象

13. RSL中的集合

14. RSL中的笛卡尔

15. RSL中的列表

16. RSL中的映射

17. RSL中的高阶函数

IV 规约类型

18 RSL中的类型

19. 应用式规约程序设计

20. 命令式规约程序设计

21. 并发式规约程序设计

VI 其他

22. 其他



1. 绪论

  1.1 准备

工程是将科学的洞察力和人类的需求转换为技术产品的数学,职业,规范,工艺和艺术. 软件工程的科学是计算机与计算的科学



  1.2 软件工程三部曲

    1.2.1 软件和系统开发

通过计算系统, 我们指共同实现某需求的硬件和软件的组合

    1.2.2 三部曲引出


    1.2.3 领域工程



    1.2.4 需求工程

    1.2.5 软件设计

    1.2.6 讨论

  1.3 文档

    1.3.1 文档种类

    1.3.2 时期,阶段和步骤文档

    1.3.3 信息文档

    1.3.4 描述文档

    1.3.5 分析文档

  1.4 形式技术和形式工具

    1.4.1 关于形式技术和语言

    1.4.2 软件工程教材中的形式技术

    1.4.3 一些程序设计语言

    1.4.4 一些形式规约语言

    1.4.5 目前形式语言的不足

    1.4.6 其他的形式工具

    1.4.7 为什么要形式技术和形式工具

  1.5 方法和方法学

    1.5.1 方法


    1.5.2 方法学


    1.5.3 讨论

原则将由人来解释.选择和分析在绝大多数情况下也由人来进行.一些技术和一些工具可以由机器来使用,即形式化.但是这还远不是全部.因此说形式方法的概念是一个不恰当的名字.似乎更适宜说一些技术和一些工具是形式的.因此我们做出结论: 方法不能是形式的

    1.5.4 元方法学

  1.6 软件基础

    1.6.1 教学法和范式

    1.6.2 语用,语义和句法

    1.6.3 规约和程序设计范式

    1.6.4 描述,规定和规约

    1.6.5 元语言

    1.6.6 总结

  1.7 目标和效果

    1.7.1 目标

    1.7.2 效果

    1.7.3 讨论

  1.8 文献评注

  1.9 练习

2. 数

Kronecher 说过,或者人们认为他这样说过, "上帝创造了整数,所有其他都是人类的作品"

  2.1 引言

  2.2 数符和数

数符是数的名称.没有人曾经(在头脑清醒的状态下)见过数.数是抽象的数学量.它们的特点是其性质.每一个存在于数学域中的数都有确切的一个拷贝: 原始的数.许多数有简单的名称,并且相同的一个数常常有不止一个不同的简单名称: 7,seven,sieben,sept,syv,...


  2.3 数的子集

    2.3.1 自然数: Nat

令Nat表示全体自然数的集合,并根据以下BNF(Backus Normal (or Naur) Form)语法书写自然数:

  <NatNum> ::= <DecDig> | <DecDig><NatNum>

  <DecDig> ::= 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9

<DecDig> 代表十进制数位

例2.1 十进制数字自然数数符的语义.让我们来做下列思考性的实验: 令0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9从左到右"设法表示"和十进制数字0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9相应的自然数: 则

  M: <NatNum> -> Num

  M(d,n) ≡ 10 * M(d) + M(n)

  M(d) ≡ case d of 0->0, 1->1, ..., 9->9 end


例2.2 "四元一组"二进制数字自然数数符的语义.我们用"四元一组"的二进制数符来表示一个或多个特定的由0和1组成的四元一组, 即: 0000, 0001, 0010, 0011, ..., 1000, 1001. 那么我们再次得到相同的右侧描述:


    <QuaNum> ::= <QuaNum><QuaDig> | <QuaDig>


    M: <NatNum> -> Num

    M(d,n) ≡ 10 * M(d) + M(n)

    M(d) ≡ case d of 0000->0, 0001->1, ..., 1000->8, 1001-> 9 end


换句话说, 结构 "case e of p1->e'1, p2->e'2,...pn->e'n end" 的第一个参数是一个可为任意值和类型的表达式. 第二个参数是一个由逗号隔开的"三元组"序列: pi->e'i, 紧跟关键字of 之后的第一个三元组中i为1,其次为2,并依此类推.如果e的值能够表示为模式,像此处包括某个模式的所有值,那么整个case结构的值就是e'i的值,否则我们试着比较下一个三元组.如果没有三元组产生相等的比较, 即"匹配",那么整个表达式(整个case结构)的值为chaos

    2.3.2 整数: Int



[ + 和 * 的结合律和交换律: ]

  a + (b + c) = (a + b) + c, a + b = b + a

  a * (b * c) = (a * b) * c, a * b = b * a

[ * 对于 + 的分配律: ]

  a * (b + c) = a * b + b * c

[ 0 和 1 的性质 ]

  0 + a = a, 1 * a = a, 0 * a = 0

[ - 的性质 ]

  (-a) + a = 0, (-a) * b = -(a * b), (-a) * (-b) = a * b

[ 消去律 ]

  a + b = a + c => b = c, a != 0 -> (a * b = a * c => b = c)

[ 序的性质 ]

  a > 0 ^ b > 0 => a * b > 0

  ∀ a:Int • a < 0 V a = 0 V a > 0 [ 三分法 ]

[ 加法和乘法的定义 ]

  s:Int -> Int, s(i) ≡ i + 1 ≡ i'

  a + 0 = a, a + s(b) = s(a + b) = a + b + 1

  a * 0 = 0, a * s(b) = (a * b) + a

[ 整数除法 ]

  a / b as (q, r) 这里 a = b * q + r ^ 0 <= r < b

    2.3.3 实数: Real

有限可写实数:  dndn-1...d1.d'1d'2...d'm-1d'm

双重无限可写的实数:  ...d''id''i-1...d''1.d'''1d'''2...d'''j-1d'''j...


  Rat = { | i/j • i, j : Int ^ j != 0 | }

    2.3.4 无理数


    2.3.5 代数数

代数数是所有满足下列形式多项式方程的根r的实数或虚数: a * xn + b * xn-1 + ... + c * x + d = 0

其中n是任一整数,系数a,b,...,c,d是整数.√ 2 是一个代数数.根是使多项式: a * xr + b * xr-1 + ... + c * x + d 的值为0的任何数r

    2.3.6 超越数

非代数数的实数被称作超越数. 超越数的例子如 e 和 π

    2.3.7 复数和虚数

复数是作为某种多项式方程的解而出现的. 在一般数学中, 这种数(c)通常写作一对实数(a)和虚数(ib)(其中a和b本身是实数): c: a + ib


  Complex = Real x Real


  add, sub, mpy, div: Complex x Complex -> Complex

  add((a1, ib1), (a2, ib2)) ≡ (a1 + a2, ib1 + ib2)

  sub((a1, ib1), (a2, ib2)) ≡ (a1 - a2, ib1 - ib2)

  mpy((a1, ib1), (a2, ib2)) ≡ (a1 * a2 - ib1 * ib2, a1 * ib2 + a2 * ib1)

  div((a1, ib1), (a2, ib2)) ≡ ...

  2.4 类型定义: 数

那么在什么时间和场合,数被用于对论域, 需求和软件建模呢?当对这些现象和概念的操作需要诸如加法,减法,乘法和较少出现的除法操作的时候,我们用数对某些(具体的)现象和某些(抽象的)概念建模




  Nat, Int, Real



  N = Nat

  I = Int

  R = Real

N代表自然数值的类型(即类).I 和 R 代表整数和实数值的类型



  Height, Weight = Real

  Population, Female, Male = Nat

  Deviation = Int


  2.5 总结

  2.6 文献评注

  2.7 练习

3. 集合

  3.1 背景

  3.2 数学的集合

  3.3 特殊集合

    3.3.1 外延公理

    3.3.2 划分

    3.3.3 幂集

  3.4 分类和类型定义: 集合

    3.4.1 集合抽象

    3.4.2 集合类型表达式和类型定义

    3.4.3 分类

  3.5 RSL中的集合

  3.6 文献评注

  3.7 练习

4. 笛卡尔

  4.1 要点

  4.2 笛卡尔值表达式

  4.3 笛卡尔类型

  4.4 笛卡尔的目

  4.5 笛卡尔的相等

  4.6 一些构造的例子

  4.7 分类和类型定义: 笛卡尔

    4.7.1 笛卡尔抽象

    4.7.2 笛卡尔类型表达式和类型定义

  4.8 RSL中的笛卡尔

  4.9 文献评注

  4.10 练习

5. 类型

  5.1 值和类型

  5.2 现象和概念类型

    5.2.1 现象和概念

    5.2.2 实体: 原子和复合

    5.2.3 属性和值

  5.3 程序设计语言类型概念

  5.4 分类或抽象类型

  5.5 内建和具体类型

  5.6 类型检查

    5.6.1 类型确定的变量和表达式

    5.6.2 类型错误

    5.6.3 类型错误检测

  5.7 类型作为集合,类型作为格

  5.8 总结

  5.9 练习

6. 函数

  6.1 概述

  6.2 要点

    6.2.1 背景

    6.2.2 一些函数概念

  6.3 函数是如何产生的

  6.4 关于求值概念的题外话

    6.4.1 求值,解释和细化

    6.4.2 两个求值的例子

    6.4.3 函数调用

  6.5 函数代数

    6.5.1 代数

    6.5.2 函数类型

    6.5.3 高阶函数类型

    6.5.4 非确定性函数

    6.5.5 常量函数

    6.5.6 严格函数

    6.5.7 严格函数和严格函数调用

    6.5.8 函数上的操作

  6.6 Curry化和λ记法

    6.6.1 Curry化

    6.6.2 λ记法

    6.6.3 Curry化和λ记法的例子

  6.7 关系和函数

    6.7.1 谓词

    6.7.2 通过关系搜索的函数求值

    6.7.3 非确定性函数

  6.8 类型定义

  6.9 结论

  6.10 文献评注

  6.11 练习

7. λ演算

  7.1 非形式介绍

  7.2 "纯"λ演算句法

  7.3 λ演算的运用

  7.4 "纯"λ演算语义

    7.4.1 *和约束变量

    7.4.2 绑定和辖域

    7.4.3 变量的冲突和混淆

    7.4.4 带入

    7.4.5 α转换和β转换规则

    7.4.6 λ转换

  7.5 名调用和值调用

  7.6 Church-Rosser定理----非形式版本

  7.7 RSLλ记法

    7.7.1 扩展λ表达式

    7.7.2 "let...in...end"结构

  7.8 不动点

    7.8.1 要点

    7.8.2 非形式概述

    7.8.3 不动点操作符Y

    7.8.4 不动点求值

  7.9 讨论

    7.9.1 概述

    7.9.2 关于最小,最大,全部不动点

    7.9.3 强调

    7.9.4 原则,技术和工具

  7.10 文献评注

    7.10.1 参考文献

    7.10.2 Alonzo Church, 1903-1995

  7.11 练习

8. 代数

  8.1 引言

  8.2 代数概念的形式定义

  8.3 代数是如何产生的

  8.4 代数的种类

    8.4.1 具体代数

    8.4.2 抽象代数

    8.4.3 异构代数

    8.4.4 泛代数

  8.5 规约代数

    8.5.1 表达代数的句法方式

    8.5.2 一个栈代数的例子

    8.5.3 一个队列代数的例子

9. 数理逻辑

10. RSL中的原子类型和值

11. RSL中的函数定义

12. 面向性质与面向模型的抽象

13. RSL中的集合

14. RSL中的笛卡尔

15. RSL中的列表

16. RSL中的映射

17. RSL中的高阶函数

18 RSL中的类型

19. 应用式规约程序设计

20. 命令式规约程序设计

21. 并发式规约程序设计

22. 其他


1. 抽象(Abstract): 关注于本质性质的某事物. 抽象是一个关系: 对于其他(具有----被认为是----非本质性质的)某事物来说,某事物是抽象

2. 抽象代数(Abstract algebra): 抽象代数是用规定函数的一般性质而非函数值的公设(公理,定律)来定义载体元素和函数的代数.(抽象代数也成为公设代数或公理代数. 研究代数的公理方法构成通常被称作现代代数的基石)

3. 抽象数据类型(Abstract data type): 抽象数据类型是值的集合以及在这些数据值上抽象定义的函数的集合, 并且没有定义这些值的外部世界或计算机(即数据)表示

4. 抽象(Abstraction): "抽象的艺术,思考中的分离行为; 纯粹的观念: 想象的某事物"

5. 抽象函数(Abstraction function): 抽象函数是应用于具体类型(concrete type)的值(value)上并产生----被称为相应的----抽象类型(abstract type)的值的函数(与检索函数(retrieve function)一样

6. 抽象句法(Abstract syntax): 抽象句法是一个规则的集合, 通常是公理系统(axiom system)的形式,或者是一个分类定义(sort definition)的集合形式,它定义了一个结构的集合且没有规定精确的外部世界或这些结构的计算机(即数据)表示

284. 形式(的)(Formal): 通过"形式的"在我们的上下文(即软件工程的上下文)中,我们指一个语言,系统,论证(推理方式),程序或规约,其句法和语义基于数学(包括数理逻辑)(的规则)

672. 规约(Specification): 我们使用术语"规约"来涵盖领域描述(domain description), 需求规定(requirements prescription)和软件设计(software design)的概念.特别地,规约通常是由许多定义(definition)构成的一个定义


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55. D. Bj0rner: Programming Languages: Formal Development of Interpreters and Compilers. In: International Computing Symposium 77 (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1977) pp 1-21

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60. D. Bj0rner: The Vienna Development Method: Software Abstraction and Program Synthesis. In: Mathematical Studies of Information Processing, vol 75 of LNCS (Springer, 1979)

61. Edited by D. Bj0rner: Abstract Software Specifications, vol 86 of LNCS (Springer, 1980)

62. D. Bj0rner: Application of Formal Models. In: Data Bases (INFOTECH Proceedings, 1980)

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71. D. Bj0rner: Project Graphs and Meta-Programs: Towards a Theory of Software Development. In: Proc. Capri '86 Conf. on Innovative Software Factories andAda, Lecture Notes on Computer Science, ed by N. Habermann, U. Montanari(Springer, 1986)

72. D. Bj0rner: Software Development Graphs — A Unifying Concept for Software Development? In: Vol. 241 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science, ed by K. Nori(Springer, 1986) pp 1-9

73. D. Bj0rner: Software Engineering and Programming: Past-Present-Future.IPSJ: Inform. Proc. Soc. of Japan 8, 4 (1986) pp 265-270

74. D. Bj0rner: On the Use of Formal Methods in Software Development. In:Proc. of 9th International Conf. on Software Engineering, Monterey, California(1987) pp 17-29

75. D. Bj0rner: The Stepwise Development of Software Development Graphs:Meta-Programming VDM Developments. In: See [122], vol 252 of LNCS(Springer, Heidelberg, 1987) pp 77-96

76. D. Bj0rner: Facets of Software Development: Computer Science & Programming, Engineering & Management. J. of Comput. Sci. h Techn. 4, 3 (1989) pp193-203

77. D. Bj0rner: Specification and Transformation: Methodology Aspects of the Vienna Development Method. In: TAPSOFT'89, vol 352 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Springer, Heidelberg, 1989) pp 1-35

78. D. Bj0rner: Formal Software Development: Requirements for a CASE. In: European Symposium on Software Development Environment and CASE Technology, Konigswinter, FRG, June 17-21 (Springer, Heidelberg, 1991)

79. D. Bj0rner: Formal Specification Is an Experimental Science (in English). In: Intl. Conf. on Perspectives of System Informatics (1991)

80. D. Bj0rner: Formal Specification Is an Experimental Science (in Russian). Programmirovanie 6 (1991) pp 24-43

81. D. Bj0rner: Towards a Meaning of 'M' in VDM. In: Formal Description of Programming Concepts, ed by E. Neuhold, M. Paul (Springer, Heidelberg, 1991) pp 137-258

82. D. Bj0rner: Prom Research to Practice: Self-reliance of the Developing World Through Software Technology: Usage, Education & Training, Development & Research, pp 65-71. In: Information Processing '92, IFIP World Congress '92,Madrid, ed by J. van Leeuwen (IFIP Transaction A-12: Algorithms, Software,Architecture, North-Holland 1992)

83. D. Bj0rner: Trustworthy Computing Systems: The ProCoS Experience. In:14'th ICSE: Intl. Conf. on Software Eng., Melbourne, Australia (ACM Press,1992) pp 15-34

84. D. Bj0rner. Formal Models of Robots: Geometry & Kinematics, chapter 3,pages 37-58. Eds.: W. Roscoe and J. Woodcock, A Classical Mind, Festschrift for C.A.R. Hoare. Prentice Hall, January 1994.

85. D. Bj0rner: Prospects for a Viable Software Industry — Enterprise Models, Design Calculi, and Reusable Modules. In: First ACM Japan Chapter Conference(World Scientific, Singapore 1994)

86. D. Bj0rner: Software Systems Engineering — From Domain Analysis to Requirements Capture: An Air Traffic Control Example. In: 2nd Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC '95) (IEEE Computer Society, 1995)

87. D. Bj0rner: From Domain Engineering via Requirements to Software. Formal Specification and Design Calculi. In: SOFSEM'97, vol 1338 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Springer, 1997) pp 219-248

88. D. Bj0rner: Challenges in Domain Modelling — Algebraic or Otherwise. Research, Department of Information Technology, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark (1998)

89. D. Bj0rner: Domains as Prerequisites for Requirements and Software &c. In:RTSE'97: Requirements Targeted Software and Systems Engineering, vol 1526of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, ed by M. Broy, B. Rumpe (Springer,Heidelberg 1998) pp 1-41

90. D. Bj0rner: Formal Methods in the 21st Century — An Assessment of Today,Predictions for The Future — Panel position presented at the ICSE'98, Kyoto,Japan. Technical Report, Department of Information Technology, TechnicalUniversity of Denmark (1998)

91. D. Bj0rner: Issues in International Cooperative Research — Why Not Asian,African or Latin American 'Esprits'? Research, Department of InformationTechnology, Technical University of Denmark, DK-2800 Lyngby, Denmark(1998)

92. D. Bj0rner: A Triptych Software Development Paradigm: Domain, Requirements and Software. Towards a Model Development of a Decision Support System for Sustainable Development. In: Festschrift to Hans Langmaack: Correct Systems Design: Recent Insight and Advances, vol 1710 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, ed by E.-R. Olderog, B. Steffen (Springer, 1999) pp 29-60

93. D. Bj0rner: Challenge 2000: some aspects of: "How to Create a Software Industry". In: Proceedings of CSIC'99, Ed.: R. Jalili (1999)

94. D. Bj0rner: Where Do Software Architectures Come from? Systematic Development from Domains and Requirements. A Re-assessment of Software Engineering? South African Journal of Computer Science 22 (1999) pp 3-13

95. D. Bj0rner: Domain Engineering, A Software Engineering Discipline in Need of Research. In: SOFSEM'2000: Theory and Practice of Informatics, vol 1963 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Springer) pp 1-17

96. D. Bj0rner: Domain Modelling: Resource Management Strategics, Tactics &Operations, Decision Support and Algorithmic Software. In: Millennial Perspectives in Computer Science, ed by J. Davies, B. Roscoe, J. Woodcock (Palgrave, UK 2000) pp 23-40

97. D. Bj0rner: Formal Software Techniques in Railway Systems. In: 9th IFAC Symposium on Control in Transportation Systems, ed by E. Schnieder (DVI2000) pp 1-12

98. D. Bj0rner: Informatics: A Truly Interdisciplinary Science — Computing Science and Mathematics. In: 9th Intl. Colloquium on Numerical Analysis and Computer Science with Applications, ed by D. Bainov (Academic Publications, Bulgaria 2000)

99. D. Bj0rner: Informatics: A Truly Interdisciplinary Science — Prospects for an Emerging World. In: Information Technology and Communication — at the Dawn of the New Millennium, ed by S. Balasubramanian (AIT Press, 2000)pp 71-84

100. D. Bj0rner: Pinnacles of Software Engineering: 25 Years of Formal Methods. Annals of Software Engineering 10 (2000) pp 11-66

101. D. Bj0rner: Informatics Models of Infrastructure Domains. In: Computer Science and Information Technologies (Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems, Yerevan, Armenia 2001) pp 13-73

102. D. Bj0rner: On Formal Techniques in Protocol Engineering: Example Challenges. In: Formal Techniques for Networks and Distributed Systems (Eds.:Myungchul Kim, Byoungmoon Chin, Sungwon Kang and Danhyung Lee) (Kluwer, 2001) pp 395-420

103. D. Bj0rner: Some Thoughts on Teaching Software Engineering - Central Roles of Semantics. In: Liber Amicorum: Professor Jaco de Bakker (Stichting Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 2002) pp27-45

104. D. Bj0rner: Domain Engineering: A "Radical Innovation" for Systems and Software Engineering? In: Verification: Theory and Practice, vol 2772 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Springer, Heidelberg 2003)

105. D. Bj0rner: Dynamics of Railway Nets: On an Interface Between Automatic Control and Software Engineering. In: CTS2003: 10th IFAC Symposium on Control in Transportation Systems (Elsevier Science, Oxford, UK 2003)

106. D. Bj0rner: Logics of Formal Software Specification Languages — The Possible Worlds cum Domain Problem. In: Fourth Pan-Hellenic Symposium on Logic, ed by L. Kirousis (Univ. of Thessaloniki, 2003)

107. D. Bj0rner: New Results and Trends in Formal Techniques for the Development of Software for Transportation Systems. In: FORMS 2003: Symposium on Formal Methods for Railway Operation and Control Systems (Institutfur Verkehrssicherheit und Automatisierungstechnik, Techn. Univ. of Braunschweig, Germany, 2003)

108. D. Bj0rner. 'What Is a Method?" — An Essay on Some Aspects of Software Engineering, chapter 9, pages 175-203. Monographs in Computer Science. IFIP: International Federation for Information Processing. Springer, NY, USA,2003. Programming Methodology: Recent Work by Members of IFIP Working Group 2.3. Eds.: Annabelle Mclver and Carroll Morgan.

109. D. Bj0rner: What Is an Infrastructure? In: Formal Methods at the Crossroads.From Panacea to Foundational Support (Springer, Heidelberg, Germany 2003)

110. D. Bj0rner: Towards "Posit & Prove" Design Calculi for Requirements Engineering and Software Design. In: From Object- Orientation to Formal Methods- Essays in Memory of Ole-Johan Dahl, Lecture Notes in Computer Science,Vol. 2635 (Springer, 2004)

111. D. Bj0rner: Domain Engineering: "Upstream" from Requirements Engineering and Software Design. US ONR + Univ. of Genoa Workshop, Santa Margherita Ligure (June 2000)

112. D. Bj0rner, J.R. Cuellar: Software Engineering Education: Roles of Formal Specification and Design Calculi. Annals of Software Engineering 6 (1998) pp365-410

113. D. Bj0rner, Y.L. Dong, S. Prehn: Domain Analyses: A Case Study of Station Management. In: KICS'94: Kunming International CASE Symposium, Yunnan Province, China (1994)

114. D. Bj0rner, L. Druffel: Industrial Experience in Using Formal Methods. In:Intl. Conf. on Software Engineering (IEEE Computer Society Press, 1990) pp264-266

115. Edited by D. Bj0rner, A. Ershov, N. Jones: Partial Evaluation and Mixed Computation. Proceedings of the IFIP TC2 Workshop, Gammel Avernces, Denmark,October 1987 (North-Holland, 1988)

116. D. Bj0rner, C. George, S. Prehn. Scheduling and Rescheduling of Trains, chapter 8, pages 157-184. Industrial Strength Formal Methods in Practice, Eds.:Michael G. Hinchey and Jonathan P. Bowen. FACIT, Springer, London, England, 1999.

117. D. Bj0rner, C.W. George, A.E. Haxthausen et al.: "UML"-ising Formal Techniques. In: INT 2004: Third International Workshop on Integration of Specification Techniques for Applications in Engineering, vol 3147 of Lecture Notesin Computer Science (Springer, 2004, ETAPS, Barcelona, Spain) pp 423-450

118. D. Bj0rner, C.W. George, S. Prehn: Computing Systems for Railways — A Rolefor Domain Engineering. Relations to Requirements Engineering and Softwarefor Control Applications. In: Integrated Design and Process Technology. Editors: Bernd Kraemer and John C. Petterson (Society for Design and ProcessScience, Texas, USA 2002)

119. D. Bj0rner, A.E. Haxthausen, K. Havelund: Formal, Model-Oriented SoftwareDevelopment Methods: From VDM to ProCoS, and from RAISE to LaCoS.Future Generation Computer Systems (North-Holland, 1992)

120. Edited by D. Bj0rner, C. Jones: The Vienna Development Method: The MetaLanguage, vol 61 of LNCS (Springer, 1978)

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122. D. Bj0rner, C. Jones, M.M. an Airchinnigh, E. Neuhold, editors. VDM -A Formal Method at Work. Proc. VDM-Europe Symposium 1987, Brussels,Belgium, Springer, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 252, 1987.

123. D. Bj0rner, S. Koussobe, R. Noussi, G. Satchok: Michael Jackson's ProblemFrames: Towards Methodological Principles of Selecting and Applying Formal Software Development Techniques and Tools. In: ICFEM'91: Intl. Conf.on 'Formal Engineering Methods", Hiroshima, Japan, ed by L. ShaoQi, M.Hinchley (IEEE Computer Society Press, CA, USA 1997) pp 263-271

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