
时间:2021-09-07 17:33:57

I am currently working with a small program where a field must be selected of a DBGrid and then with the help of an inputbox, the value can be updated.


The Database has a field called CaseNumber that has the primary key. The code must identify the field name of the field and the case number of the selected row, with that information, the database can be updated.


Here is a copy of my code:


procedure TfrmManagePatientInformation.btnChangeClick(Sender: TObject);
var NewValue, Fieldname : String;
    CaseNumber : Integer;
// Make sure that the Case Number will not be changed
if DBGridPatients.SelectedField.FieldName = 'CaseNumber' then
 MessageDlg('The Case Number of a patient cannot be changed!',mtError,[mbOK],0);
 // Get Fieldname
 Fieldname := DBGridPatients.SelectedField.FieldName;

 // Get Case Number of the selected row
 CaseNumber := StrToInt(DBGridPatients.Fields[0].Value);

 // Get new value
 NewValue := InputBox('New Value','Please enter the new value!','');

 // Change the value permanently
 PatientQuery.Active := False;
 PatientQuery.SQL.Text := 'Update CurrentPatients SET ' + QuotedStr(FieldName) + ' = ' + QuotedStr(NewValue) + ' where CaseNumber = :CaseNumber';
 PatientQuery.Parameters.ParamByName('CaseNumber').Value := CaseNumber;

 MessageDlg('Information changed successfully!',mtConfirmation,[mbOK],0);

Each time I run it, it gives me an error:


No value given for one or more required parameters.


What can I do to solve this?


1 个解决方案



@Kobik's answer is the correct one for the point you specifically asked about.

@ Kobik的回答是你特别提出的问题的正确答案。

This is another way to address the point, namely how to update data without having to create Sql UPDATE statements yourself. Try this

这是解决这一问题的另一种方法,即如何在不必自己创建Sql UPDATE语句的情况下更新数据。尝试这个

  1. If you don't already have one, add to your form a DBNavigator connected to the same DataSource as your DBGrid. Keep an eye at runtime on the changing state of its buttons.


  2. In your code block which opens the AdoQuery, add the following lines after PatientQuery.Open



  DBGrid1.Options := DBGrid1.Options + [dgEditing];
  DBGrid1.Columns[0].ReadOnly := True;

The above assumes your PK is displayed in the LH column of the grid, hence the index 0.


The option dgEditing allows you to click in any cell (except the PK ones, because we've set those to ReadOnly) and change the value. Notice that when you do this at runtime, the tick and cross buttons on the DBNavigator become enabled so that you can save or abandon the change(s). Notice also that if you click in another row while you're editing a cell, the change you've made is automatically posted to the dataset.


And, at its simplest, that's all there is to it. On the same Component Palette tab as the DBGrid, you'll also find various other db-aware component that you can use in a similar way, in particular the TDBEdit and TDBMemo.

而且,就其最简单而言,就是它的全部内容。在与DBGrid相同的Component Palette选项卡上,您还可以找到各种其他可以以类似方式使用的db-aware组件,特别是TDBEdit和TDBMemo。

If you need any help about this way of working (which is the standard Delphi way of editing DB data), try googling a bit and, if you're still stuck, ask a new q here on SO.




@Kobik's answer is the correct one for the point you specifically asked about.

@ Kobik的回答是你特别提出的问题的正确答案。

This is another way to address the point, namely how to update data without having to create Sql UPDATE statements yourself. Try this

这是解决这一问题的另一种方法,即如何在不必自己创建Sql UPDATE语句的情况下更新数据。尝试这个

  1. If you don't already have one, add to your form a DBNavigator connected to the same DataSource as your DBGrid. Keep an eye at runtime on the changing state of its buttons.


  2. In your code block which opens the AdoQuery, add the following lines after PatientQuery.Open



  DBGrid1.Options := DBGrid1.Options + [dgEditing];
  DBGrid1.Columns[0].ReadOnly := True;

The above assumes your PK is displayed in the LH column of the grid, hence the index 0.


The option dgEditing allows you to click in any cell (except the PK ones, because we've set those to ReadOnly) and change the value. Notice that when you do this at runtime, the tick and cross buttons on the DBNavigator become enabled so that you can save or abandon the change(s). Notice also that if you click in another row while you're editing a cell, the change you've made is automatically posted to the dataset.


And, at its simplest, that's all there is to it. On the same Component Palette tab as the DBGrid, you'll also find various other db-aware component that you can use in a similar way, in particular the TDBEdit and TDBMemo.

而且,就其最简单而言,就是它的全部内容。在与DBGrid相同的Component Palette选项卡上,您还可以找到各种其他可以以类似方式使用的db-aware组件,特别是TDBEdit和TDBMemo。

If you need any help about this way of working (which is the standard Delphi way of editing DB data), try googling a bit and, if you're still stuck, ask a new q here on SO.
