
时间:2021-08-27 17:33:31









#ifndef __THREAD_H__

#define __THREAD_H__


#ifdef WIN32  //define the macro for Win32 thread


#include <windows.h>

#include <process.h> 


/*************  mutex (use CRITICAL_SECTION in windows) ***************/

#define       THREAD_MUTEX             CRITICAL_SECTION

#define       INITIALIZE_MUTEX(mutex)     InitializeCriticalSection(mutex)

#define       DESTROY_MUTEX            DeleteCriticalSection

#define       LOCK_MUTEX               EnterCriticalSection

#define       UNLOCK_MUTEX             LeaveCriticalSection

#define       THREAD_HANDLE            unsigned long



typedef unsigned int (__stdcall * THREAD_FUN_TYPE)(void *);


#else  //define the macro for POSIX thread


#include <pthread.h>


/*************  mutex (use CRITICAL_SECTION in windows) ***************/

#define       THREAD_MUTEX             pthread_mutex_t

#define       INITIALIZE_MUTEX(mutex)     pthread_mutex_init(mutex, NULL)   

#define       DESTROY_MUTEX            pthread_mutex_destroy

#define     LOCK_MUTEX                 pthread_mutex_lock

#define       UNLOCK_MUTEX             pthread_mutex_unlock

#define       THREAD_HANDLE            pthread_t



typedef void *( * THREAD_FUN_TYPE)(void *);


#endif  //WIN32




**  Function : This function is used to create a new thread. The new thread's

               function has the form as follows:

                    int (* pThreadFun) (void *) 

              (one argument which is void * and return an integer type data)


**      Input: pThreadFun -- the address of function to create a new thread

**                 pParam -- the parament of the new thread


**  return the handle of the new thread


inline extern THREAD_HANDLE CREATE_THREAD(int (* pThreadFun)( void * ),  void * pParam);




**  Function : This function is used to end a thread. This function is

               usually used at the end of the Thread function.


inline extern void END_THREAD();



**  Function : This function is used to close the handle of a thread.

**     input : hThread -- the handle of the thread.


inline extern void CLOSE_THREAD(THREAD_HANDLE hThread);



**  Function : This function is used to wait for another thread.

               So the main thread used this function will suspend

              until the waiting thread finished.


**     input : hThread -- the handle of waiting thread.


inline extern void WAIT_THREAD(THREAD_HANDLE hThread);


#endif //__THREAD_H__



#include "Thread.h"


#ifdef WIN32  //define the macro for Win32 thread




**  Function : This function is used to create a new thread. The new thread's

               function has the form as follows:

                    int (* pThreadFun) (void *) 

              (one argument which is void * and return an integer type data)


**      Input: pThreadFun -- the address of function to create a new thread

**                 pParam -- the parament of the new thread


**  return the handle of the new thread


inline THREAD_HANDLE CREATE_THREAD(int (* pThreadFun)( void * ),  void * pParam)


    return _beginthreadex(NULL, 0, (THREAD_FUN_TYPE) pThreadFun, pParam, NULL, NULL);




**  Function : This function is used to end a thread. This function is

               usually used at the end of the Thread function.


inline void END_THREAD()






**  Function : This function is used to close the handle of a thread.

**     input : hThread -- the handle of the thread.




    CloseHandle((HANDLE *) hThread);




**  Function : This function is used to wait for another thread.

               So the main thread used this function will suspend

              until the waiting thread finished.


**     input : hThread -- the handle of waiting thread.


inline void WAIT_THREAD(THREAD_HANDLE hThread)


    WaitForSingleObject((HANDLE*)hThread, INFINITE);



#else  //define the macro for POSIX thread



**  Function : This function is used to create a new thread. The new thread's

               function has the form as follows:

                    int (* pThreadFun) (void *) 

              (one argument which is void * and return an integer type data)


**      Input: pThreadFun -- the address of function to create a new thread

**                 pParam -- the parament of the new thread


**  return the handle of the new thread


inline THREAD_HANDLE CREATE_THREAD(int (* pThreadFun)( void * ),  void * pParam)


    pthread_t threadID;


    pthread_create(&threadID, NULL, (THREAD_FUN_TYPE)pThreadFun, pParam);


    return threadID;




**  Function : This function is used to end a thread. This function is

               usually used at the end of the Thread function.


inline void END_THREAD()






**  Function : This function is used to close the handle of a thread.

               But the POSIX thread use the pthread_join function to

              clean the handle of the thread. So this funciton do

              nothing in Linux platform.








**  Function : This function is used to wait for another thread.

               So the main thread used this function will suspend

              until the waiting thread finished.


**     input : hThread -- the handle of waiting thread.


inline void WAIT_THREAD(THREAD_HANDLE hThread)


    void * retval;

    pthread_join(hThread, &retval);



#endif  //WIN32





#ifdef _WIN32

#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>


#include <stdlib.h>

#include <unistd.h>

#include <stdio.h>



#include "Thread.h"


//create the global mutex



//parament of the test thread

struct TParam


    int iNum;

    int ThreadID;



//test thread

int testFun(void * pParam)


    //lock the mutex : so only one thread can visit the below source at one time


    TParam * pTParam = (TParam *)pParam;


    printf("Start Thread ID: %d/n", pTParam->ThreadID);


#ifdef WIN32

    Sleep(pTParam->iNum * 1000);





    printf("Leave Thread ID: %d /n", pTParam->ThreadID);


    //unlock the mutex : let other thread use up source



    //end the thread



    return 1;




//number of created threads

#define THREAD_NUM 4


int main()


    //initialize the mutex



    TParam Param[THREAD_NUM];



    int i = 0;


    for (i = 0; i < THREAD_NUM; i++)


       Param[i].iNum = 1 + rand() % 5;

       Param[i].ThreadID = i;

       hThread[i] = CREATE_THREAD(testFun, &Param[i]);



    //wait all threads to finish

    for (i = 0; i < THREAD_NUM; i++)






    printf("All Threads have been closed./n");


    //destroy the mutex



    return 1;
