Markdown 代码测试

时间:2023-03-08 16:37:25
Markdown 代码测试


Markdown 代码测试


Mou, the missing Markdown editor for web developers.


Strong and Emphasize

strong or strong ( Cmd + B )

emphasize or emphasize ( Cmd + I )

Sometimes I want a lot of text to be bold.

Like, seriously, a LOT of text


Right angle brackets > are used for block quotes.

Links and Email

An email link.

Simple inline link, another inline link Smaller, one more inline link with title Resize.

A reference style link. Input id, then anywhere in the doc, define the link with corresponding id:

Titles ( or called tool tips ) in the links are optional.


An inline image Markdown 代码测试, title is optional.

A Markdown 代码测试 reference style image.

Inline code and Block code

Inline code are surround by backtick key. To create a block code:

Indent each line by at least 1 tab, or 4 spaces.
var Mou = exactlyTheAppIwant;

Ordered Lists

Ordered lists are created using "1." + Space:

  1. Ordered list item
  2. Ordered list item
  3. Ordered list item

Unordered Lists

Unordered list are created using "*" + Space:

  • Unordered list item
  • Unordered list item
  • Unordered list item

Or using "-" + Space:

  • Unordered list item
  • Unordered list item
  • Unordered list item

Hard Linebreak

End a line with two or more spaces will create a hard linebreak, called <br /> in HTML. ( Control + Return )

Above line ended with 2 spaces.

Horizontal Rules

Three or more asterisks or dashes:



This is H1

This is H2


This is H1

This is H2

This is H3

This is H4

This is H5
This is H6

Extra Syntax


Footnotes work mostly like reference-style links. A footnote is made of two things: a marker in the text that will become a superscript number; a footnote definition that will be placed in a list of footnotes at the end of the document. A footnote looks like this:

That's some text with a footnote.[1]


Wrap with 2 tilde characters:


Fenced Code Blocks

Start with a line containing 3 or more backticks, and ends with the first line with the same number of backticks:

Fenced code blocks are like Stardard Markdown’s regular code
blocks, except that they’re not indented and instead rely on
a start and end fence lines to delimit the code block.


A simple table looks like this:

First Header Second Header Third Header
Content Cell Content Cell Content Cell
Content Cell Content Cell Content Cell

If you wish, you can add a leading and tailing pipe to each line of the table:

First Header Second Header Third Header
Content Cell Content Cell Content Cell
Content Cell Content Cell Content Cell

Specify alignement for each column by adding colons to separator lines:

First Header Second Header Third Header
Left Center Right
Left Center Right



  • Toggle live preview: Shift + Cmd + I
  • Toggle Words Counter: Shift + Cmd + W
  • Toggle Transparent: Shift + Cmd + T
  • Toggle Floating: Shift + Cmd + F
  • Left/Right = 1/1: Cmd + 0
  • Left/Right = 3/1: Cmd + +
  • Left/Right = 1/3: Cmd + -
  • Toggle Writing orientation: Cmd + L
  • Toggle fullscreen: Control + Cmd + F


  • Copy HTML: Option + Cmd + C
  • Strong: Select text, Cmd + B
  • Emphasize: Select text, Cmd + I
  • Inline Code: Select text, Cmd + K
  • Strikethrough: Select text, Cmd + U
  • Link: Select text, Control + Shift + L
  • Image: Select text, Control + Shift + I
  • Select Word: Control + Option + W
  • Select Line: Shift + Cmd + L
  • Select All: Cmd + A
  • Deselect All: Cmd + D
  • Convert to Uppercase: Select text, Control + U
  • Convert to Lowercase: Select text, Control + Shift + U
  • Convert to Titlecase: Select text, Control + Option + U
  • Convert to List: Select lines, Control + L
  • Convert to Blockquote: Select lines, Control + Q
  • Convert to H1: Cmd + 1
  • Convert to H2: Cmd + 2
  • Convert to H3: Cmd + 3
  • Convert to H4: Cmd + 4
  • Convert to H5: Cmd + 5
  • Convert to H6: Cmd + 6
  • Convert Spaces to Tabs: Control + [
  • Convert Tabs to Spaces: Control + ]
  • Insert Current Date: Control + Shift + 1
  • Insert Current Time: Control + Shift + 2
  • Insert entity <: Control + Shift + ,
  • Insert entity >: Control + Shift + .
  • Insert entity &: Control + Shift + 7
  • Insert entity Space: Control + Shift + Space
  • Insert Header: Control + Shift + G
  • Shift Line Left: Select lines, Cmd + [
  • Shift Line Right: Select lines, Cmd + ]
  • New Line: Cmd + Return
  • Comment: Cmd + /
  • Hard Linebreak: Control + Return


  • Auto complete current word: Esc
  • Find: Cmd + F
  • Close find bar: Esc


  • Post on Control + Shift + S
  • Post on Tumblr: Control + Shift + T


  • Export HTML: Option + Cmd + E
  • Export PDF: Option + Cmd + P

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Don't forget to check Preferences, lots of useful options are there.

Follow @chenluois on Twitter for the latest news.

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  1. And that's the footnote. ↩︎