How to prevent downloading images and video files from my website? Is it possible? What would be the best way to do this?
23 个解决方案
No, it's not possible.
If you can see it, you can get it.
Don't post them to your site.
Otherwise it is not possible.
Images must be downloaded in order to be viewed by the client. Videos are a similar case, in many scenarios. You can setup proxy scripts to serve the files out, but that doesn't really solve the issue of preventing the user from getting their own copy. For a more thorough discussion of this topic, see the question How can I prevent/make it hard to download my flash video?
In short, no. If someone can view an image or video in their browser then they have, by definition, downloaded it. That's how the web works - it is client server based. Whatever you can view in your browser (client) has been transfered to your computer from the remote website (server).
I'd like to add a more philosophical comment. The whole intent of the internet, particularly the World Wide Web, is to share data. If you don't want people to download a picture/video/document, don't put it on the web. It's really that simple. Too many people think they can impose their own rules on an existing design. Those who want to post content on the web, and control its distribution, are looking to have their cake and eat it too.
In standard HTML, I don't know of anyway.
You didn't really say, but I'm guessing you are having problems with people deep linking into your content. If that's the case, and you are open to server side code, I believe this might work:
- Create a page that accepts a numeric id, maps it to a server file path, opens that file, writes the binary directly to the response stream.
- 创建一个接受数字id的页面,将其映射到服务器文件路径,打开该文件,将二进制文件直接写入响应流。
- On the page request, generate a bunch of random ids, and map them to the actual media urls, and store that mapping object server side somewhere (in session?) with a limited life.
- 在页面请求中,生成一堆随机id,并将它们映射到实际的媒体url,并将映射对象服务器端存储在某个地方(会话中?),使用时间有限。
- Render your pages with your media links pointing to the new media page with the appropriate id as a query string argument.
- 使用指向新媒体页面的媒体链接呈现页面,并使用适当的id作为查询字符串参数。
- Clear the mapping object and generate all new links on every postback.
- 清除映射对象并在每个回发上生成所有新的链接。
This :
- won't stop people from downloading from within your page
- 不会阻止人们从你的页面内下载
- definitely isn't as lightweight as standard HTML
- 绝对没有标准HTML那么轻量级
- and has it's own set of issues.
- 也有自己的问题。
But it's a general outline of a workable process which might help you prevent users from deep linking.
As many have said, you can't stop someone from downloading content. You just can't.
But you can make it harder.
You can overlay images with a transparent div
, which will prevent people from right clicking on them (or, setting the background of a div
to the image will have the same effect).
If you're worried about cross-linking (ie, other people linking to your images, you can check the HTTP referrer and redirect requests which come from a domain which isn't yours to "something else".
如果您担心交叉链接(例如,其他人链接到您的映像),您可以检查HTTP referrer并将来自非您的域的请求重定向到“其他”。
It also doesn't hurt to watermark your images with Photoshop or even in Lightroom 3 now. Make sure the watermark is clear and in a conspicuous place on your image. That way if it's downloaded, at least you get the advertising!
As the browser needs to transfer the content to display it (text, images, videos), the data is already on the client's computer when the website is displayed. Yet, as the previous answers give little advice on how to make it harder for non-experienced used to grab the content, here are some directions:
- General
- Overlay the respecitve content with a transparent
or a transparent image (as described in some answers to this question) -
- Open the website in a frameset, so saving may miss the frame content.
- 在一个框架集中打开网站,所以保存可能会错过框架内容。
- Open the website via
to hide the menu bar. - 通过windows . Open()打开网站,隐藏菜单栏。
- Disable right-clicks via JavaScript (not recommended due to all the side-effects on usability)
- 通过JavaScript禁用右击(由于对可用性的所有副作用不推荐)
- Load the page's HTML code from another file (which may check for a specific referer or which may be ROT13) via JavaScript, so it's harder to access the source code.
- 从另一个文件(可以通过JavaScript检查特定的引用者或ROT13)加载页面的HTML代码,因此很难访问源代码。
- Tell the browser that all content is
for the printer (something like@media print { body, div, p { display: none } }
) - 告诉浏览器,所有内容都显示为display:none for the printer(比如@media print {body, div, p {display:none})
- Use JavaScript to hide the content before a client makes a screenshot (see Stop User from using “Print Scrn”)
- 使用JavaScript在客户端进行屏幕截图之前隐藏内容(请参见停止用户使用“Print Scrn”)
- Try to disable or overwrite the clipboard (see this post)
- 尝试禁用或覆盖剪贴板(请参阅本文)
- Overlay the respecitve content with a transparent
或一个透明的图像(正如在回答这个问题时所描述的)在一个框架集中打开网站,因此保存可能会丢失框架内容。通过windows . Open()打开网站,隐藏菜单栏。通过JavaScript禁用右击(由于可用性的所有副作用不建议这样做),从另一个文件(它可以通过JavaScript检查特定的引用者或ROT13)加载页面的HTML代码,因此很难访问源代码。告诉浏览器,所有内容显示:所有的打印机(类似@media打印{身体,div,p {显示:没有} })使用JavaScript来隐藏内容之前,客户端使截图(见阻止用户使用“打印Scrn”)试图禁用或覆盖剪贴板(见本文)
- Images
- Do not use the
tag for images but set the image as background for a<DIV>
的背景 - Wrap images into SVGs or Flash movies to make them very hard to access in a usable format.
- 将图像打包到SVGs或Flash影片中,使它们很难以一种可用的格式访问。
- Disable caching for images (via
tag or by setting the appropriate header on server delivery), so they are not stored in the browser cache (immeaditely accessible on the client's computer). - 禁用图像缓存(通过 标记或在服务器交付时设置适当的头),这样它们就不会存储在浏览器缓存中(在客户端计算机上immeaditaccess)。
- Cut an image into parts, so it takes some extra work to reconstruct the whole image
- 把一个图像分割成几个部分,这样就需要做一些额外的工作来重建整个图像
- Add
events to images, e.g., display a copyright alert. - 向图像添加onmousedown事件,例如,显示版权警报。
- Deliver the image via server script (e.g., PHP) and check the referer.
- 通过服务器脚本(例如PHP)交付图像并检查引用者。
- Do not use the
将图像打包成SVGs或Flash影片的背景,使它们很难以一种可用的格式访问。禁用图像缓存(通过 标记或在服务器交付时设置适当的头),这样它们就不会存储在浏览器缓存中(在客户端计算机上immeaditaccess)。将一个图像分割成几个部分,这样就需要做一些额外的工作来重建整个图像,比如向图像添加onmousedown事件,例如显示版权警报。通过服务器脚本(例如PHP)交付图像并检查引用者。 - Videos
- Stream videos to prevent simple downloading via URL.
- 流视频,以防止简单下载通过URL。
- Wrap videos into a Flash movie.
- 将视频打包成Flash影片。
- Use some nasty format that supports DRM.
- 使用一些讨厌的支持DRM的格式。
- 视频流视频,以防止简单的下载通过URL。将视频打包成Flash影片。使用一些讨厌的支持DRM的格式。
- Texts
- Make text unselectable (see How to make HTML Text unselectable)
- 使文本不可选(参见如何使HTML文本不可选)
- Additionally to overlaying, wrap the text into JavaScript (e.g., after ROT13 or loaded dynamically from a second file), so the text is not directly available in the source code.
- 此外,还可以将文本封装到JavaScript中(例如,在ROT13之后或从第二个文件中动态加载),这样在源代码中就不能直接使用文本了。
- Convert texts to images (this may decrease display quality), SVGs or Flash
- 将文本转换为图像(这可能会降低显示质量)、SVGs或Flash
- 文本使文本不可选(参见如何使HTML文本不可选)。此外,还可以将文本打包到JavaScript中(例如,ROT13之后或从第二个文件中动态加载),因此文本在源代码中不能直接使用。将文本转换为图像(这可能会降低显示质量)、SVGs或Flash
Again, I repeat that none of this will stop an experienced user from grabbing the content (e.g. by making a screenshop and - optionally - run OCR on it). Sometimes it's as easy as using the browser's developer tools or using the website without JavaScript. Yet, it will give inexperiences users a hard time, so they may look fom something easier to grab.
Also keep in mind that the above techniques will affect search engines when reading the page's content (if you're interested in blocking them, start with a robots.txt
Thank you for any other ideas to complement the above list!
If you are using PHP, the best way is to control it the .htaccess
, you need to put your files, images and videos under consideration in a separate folder/directory, and create a new .htaccess
file in this directory with the below:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} \.(mp4|mp3|avi)$ [NC]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^*$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^.* - [F,L]
The first line %{REQUEST_URI}
will prevent getting the file through the web browser, or through curl
. The second line %{HTTP_REFERER}
will prevent accessing the imahe/video using HTML tags <img>
or <video>
from any website except the exception !
you provide instead of
which usually should be your website itself.
第一行%{REQUEST_URI}将防止通过web浏览器或curl获取文件。第二行%{HTTP_REFERER}将阻止使用HTML标记访问imahe/视频或 <视频> ,除了例外!你提供的不是,通常应该是你的网站本身。
You can also have a look at my question and the accepted answer here for more tricks in the browser side.
you can reduce the possibility but not eliminate it...
This is how I do it in case anyone in the future is wondering.
I put this in the .htaccess file on the root server:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://(www\.)? [NC]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://(www\.)?*$ [NC]
RewriteRule \.(mp4|avi)$ - [F]
This stops them from say going to and then saving it from there.
这阻止了他们进入 .mp4,然后从那里保存。
No it's not. You may block right-clicks and simillar stuff but if someone wants to download it, he will do so, trust me ;)
As soon as they view your page that includes the picture or video, the item is downloaded into the temporary folder of their browser. So if you don't want it downloaded, don't post it.
You can mark folders or files so that they don't have read access (any of the main web servers support this). This allows you to store them on the server without any level of access to the outside world. You may want to do this if you have a service that generates images for someone else to download later, or if you use your web account for FTP access, but don't want anyone to view the files. (i.e. upload a .bak file to the server for someone else to FTP down again).
However, as others have said, getting into copyright areas where people can view the image or video but not save them locally is not fully possibly, although there are tools to discourage illegal usage.
Put your image or video in flash format. Works great.
This is an old post, but for video you might want to consider using MPEG-DASH to obfuscate your files. Plus, it will provide a better streaming experience for your users without the need for a separate streaming server. More info in this post: How to disable video/audio downloading in web pages?
Granted that any image the user can see will be able to be saved on the computer and there is nothing you can do about it. Now if you want to block access to other images that the user is not supposed to see, I am actually doing it that way:
- Every link is to the "src" in your image tag is in fact a request send to a controller on the server,
- 每个链接到图像标签中的“src”实际上是发送给服务器上控制器的请求,
- the server checks the access rights of that specific user, and returns the image if the user is supposed to have access to it,
- 服务器检查特定用户的访问权限,如果用户有访问权限,服务器返回图像,
- all images are stored in a directory that is not directly accessible from the browser.
- 所有图像都存储在一个不能从浏览器直接访问的目录中。
- The user will not have access to anything that you don't intent him/her to have access to
- 用户将无法访问任何您不希望他/她访问的内容
- Those requests are slow.. especially is there are lots of images on the same page. I haven't found a good way to accelerate that in fact..
- 这些请求慢. .尤其是在同一页上有很多图片。事实上,我还没有找到加速的好办法。
You can set the image to be background image and have a transparent foreground image.
You can't stop image/video theft but you can make harder for normal users but you can't make it harder for the programmers like us (I mean thieves that know little web programming).
There are some tricks you can try:
1.) Using flash as YouTube and many others sites like does.
2.) Div overlaping or background pic setting (but users with little sense can easily save all resources by opening inspect element or other developer option).
3.) You can disable right click and specific keys like CTRL + S and others possibles with JavaScript but main drawback is that if user disable JavaScript our all tricks fail down.
3)。您可以禁用右键和特定的键,如CTRL + S和其他可能的JavaScript,但主要缺点是如果用户禁用JavaScript,我们的所有技巧将失败。
4.) Save image in none online directories (if you have full access to web server) and read that files with server side languages like PHP every time when image / video is required and change image id time to time or create script that can automatically change ID after every access.
5.) Use .htaccess in apache to prevent linking of your images by others sites. you can use this site to automatically generate .htacess
Insert a transparent gif 1px x 1px just inside the <body>
在标签内插入透明的gif 1px x 1px:
<body><img src="route-to-images/blim.gif" class="blimover">
Then style it with this:
.blimover {
width: 100% !important;
height: 100% !important;
z-index: 1000 !important;
position: absolute !important;
top: 0 !important;
left: 0 !important;
This will remove any click functionality from a page, but it sure stops people stealing any content!
You can apply the same to a <div>
, <section>
, <article>
etc, just name accordingly and prevent your copy and/or images being ripped.
Nothing stops a screengrab though ... ...
If you want only authorised users to get the content, both the client and the server need to use encryption.
For video and audio, a good solution is Azure Media Services, which has content protection and encryption. You embed the Azure media player in your browser and it streams the video from Azure.
For documents and email, you can look at Azure Rights Management, which uses a special client. It doesn't currently work in ordinary web browsers, unfortunately, except for one-off, single-use codes.
I'm not sure exactly how secure all this is, however. As others have pointed out, from a security point of view, once those downloaded bytes are in the "attacker's" RAM, they're as good as gone. No solution is 100% secure in this case (please correct me if I'm wrong). As with most security, the goal is to make it harder, so the 99% don't bother.
There are video hosting services such as vzaar that have this functionality. As far as I know, that will make it really hard to download directly. At least for 95% of the people.
But of course, if the video plays on the screen people can just use a screen recorder and some simple software to record sound from the audio output (but he/she will have to play the ENTIRE thing to save it, totally inconvenient).
No, it's not possible.
If you can see it, you can get it.
Don't post them to your site.
Otherwise it is not possible.
Images must be downloaded in order to be viewed by the client. Videos are a similar case, in many scenarios. You can setup proxy scripts to serve the files out, but that doesn't really solve the issue of preventing the user from getting their own copy. For a more thorough discussion of this topic, see the question How can I prevent/make it hard to download my flash video?
In short, no. If someone can view an image or video in their browser then they have, by definition, downloaded it. That's how the web works - it is client server based. Whatever you can view in your browser (client) has been transfered to your computer from the remote website (server).
I'd like to add a more philosophical comment. The whole intent of the internet, particularly the World Wide Web, is to share data. If you don't want people to download a picture/video/document, don't put it on the web. It's really that simple. Too many people think they can impose their own rules on an existing design. Those who want to post content on the web, and control its distribution, are looking to have their cake and eat it too.
In standard HTML, I don't know of anyway.
You didn't really say, but I'm guessing you are having problems with people deep linking into your content. If that's the case, and you are open to server side code, I believe this might work:
- Create a page that accepts a numeric id, maps it to a server file path, opens that file, writes the binary directly to the response stream.
- 创建一个接受数字id的页面,将其映射到服务器文件路径,打开该文件,将二进制文件直接写入响应流。
- On the page request, generate a bunch of random ids, and map them to the actual media urls, and store that mapping object server side somewhere (in session?) with a limited life.
- 在页面请求中,生成一堆随机id,并将它们映射到实际的媒体url,并将映射对象服务器端存储在某个地方(会话中?),使用时间有限。
- Render your pages with your media links pointing to the new media page with the appropriate id as a query string argument.
- 使用指向新媒体页面的媒体链接呈现页面,并使用适当的id作为查询字符串参数。
- Clear the mapping object and generate all new links on every postback.
- 清除映射对象并在每个回发上生成所有新的链接。
This :
- won't stop people from downloading from within your page
- 不会阻止人们从你的页面内下载
- definitely isn't as lightweight as standard HTML
- 绝对没有标准HTML那么轻量级
- and has it's own set of issues.
- 也有自己的问题。
But it's a general outline of a workable process which might help you prevent users from deep linking.
As many have said, you can't stop someone from downloading content. You just can't.
But you can make it harder.
You can overlay images with a transparent div
, which will prevent people from right clicking on them (or, setting the background of a div
to the image will have the same effect).
If you're worried about cross-linking (ie, other people linking to your images, you can check the HTTP referrer and redirect requests which come from a domain which isn't yours to "something else".
如果您担心交叉链接(例如,其他人链接到您的映像),您可以检查HTTP referrer并将来自非您的域的请求重定向到“其他”。
It also doesn't hurt to watermark your images with Photoshop or even in Lightroom 3 now. Make sure the watermark is clear and in a conspicuous place on your image. That way if it's downloaded, at least you get the advertising!
As the browser needs to transfer the content to display it (text, images, videos), the data is already on the client's computer when the website is displayed. Yet, as the previous answers give little advice on how to make it harder for non-experienced used to grab the content, here are some directions:
- General
- Overlay the respecitve content with a transparent
or a transparent image (as described in some answers to this question) -
- Open the website in a frameset, so saving may miss the frame content.
- 在一个框架集中打开网站,所以保存可能会错过框架内容。
- Open the website via
to hide the menu bar. - 通过windows . Open()打开网站,隐藏菜单栏。
- Disable right-clicks via JavaScript (not recommended due to all the side-effects on usability)
- 通过JavaScript禁用右击(由于对可用性的所有副作用不推荐)
- Load the page's HTML code from another file (which may check for a specific referer or which may be ROT13) via JavaScript, so it's harder to access the source code.
- 从另一个文件(可以通过JavaScript检查特定的引用者或ROT13)加载页面的HTML代码,因此很难访问源代码。
- Tell the browser that all content is
for the printer (something like@media print { body, div, p { display: none } }
) - 告诉浏览器,所有内容都显示为display:none for the printer(比如@media print {body, div, p {display:none})
- Use JavaScript to hide the content before a client makes a screenshot (see Stop User from using “Print Scrn”)
- 使用JavaScript在客户端进行屏幕截图之前隐藏内容(请参见停止用户使用“Print Scrn”)
- Try to disable or overwrite the clipboard (see this post)
- 尝试禁用或覆盖剪贴板(请参阅本文)
- Overlay the respecitve content with a transparent
或一个透明的图像(正如在回答这个问题时所描述的)在一个框架集中打开网站,因此保存可能会丢失框架内容。通过windows . Open()打开网站,隐藏菜单栏。通过JavaScript禁用右击(由于可用性的所有副作用不建议这样做),从另一个文件(它可以通过JavaScript检查特定的引用者或ROT13)加载页面的HTML代码,因此很难访问源代码。告诉浏览器,所有内容显示:所有的打印机(类似@media打印{身体,div,p {显示:没有} })使用JavaScript来隐藏内容之前,客户端使截图(见阻止用户使用“打印Scrn”)试图禁用或覆盖剪贴板(见本文)
- Images
- Do not use the
tag for images but set the image as background for a<DIV>
的背景 - Wrap images into SVGs or Flash movies to make them very hard to access in a usable format.
- 将图像打包到SVGs或Flash影片中,使它们很难以一种可用的格式访问。
- Disable caching for images (via
tag or by setting the appropriate header on server delivery), so they are not stored in the browser cache (immeaditely accessible on the client's computer). - 禁用图像缓存(通过 标记或在服务器交付时设置适当的头),这样它们就不会存储在浏览器缓存中(在客户端计算机上immeaditaccess)。
- Cut an image into parts, so it takes some extra work to reconstruct the whole image
- 把一个图像分割成几个部分,这样就需要做一些额外的工作来重建整个图像
- Add
events to images, e.g., display a copyright alert. - 向图像添加onmousedown事件,例如,显示版权警报。
- Deliver the image via server script (e.g., PHP) and check the referer.
- 通过服务器脚本(例如PHP)交付图像并检查引用者。
- Do not use the
将图像打包成SVGs或Flash影片的背景,使它们很难以一种可用的格式访问。禁用图像缓存(通过 标记或在服务器交付时设置适当的头),这样它们就不会存储在浏览器缓存中(在客户端计算机上immeaditaccess)。将一个图像分割成几个部分,这样就需要做一些额外的工作来重建整个图像,比如向图像添加onmousedown事件,例如显示版权警报。通过服务器脚本(例如PHP)交付图像并检查引用者。 - Videos
- Stream videos to prevent simple downloading via URL.
- 流视频,以防止简单下载通过URL。
- Wrap videos into a Flash movie.
- 将视频打包成Flash影片。
- Use some nasty format that supports DRM.
- 使用一些讨厌的支持DRM的格式。
- 视频流视频,以防止简单的下载通过URL。将视频打包成Flash影片。使用一些讨厌的支持DRM的格式。
- Texts
- Make text unselectable (see How to make HTML Text unselectable)
- 使文本不可选(参见如何使HTML文本不可选)
- Additionally to overlaying, wrap the text into JavaScript (e.g., after ROT13 or loaded dynamically from a second file), so the text is not directly available in the source code.
- 此外,还可以将文本封装到JavaScript中(例如,在ROT13之后或从第二个文件中动态加载),这样在源代码中就不能直接使用文本了。
- Convert texts to images (this may decrease display quality), SVGs or Flash
- 将文本转换为图像(这可能会降低显示质量)、SVGs或Flash
- 文本使文本不可选(参见如何使HTML文本不可选)。此外,还可以将文本打包到JavaScript中(例如,ROT13之后或从第二个文件中动态加载),因此文本在源代码中不能直接使用。将文本转换为图像(这可能会降低显示质量)、SVGs或Flash
Again, I repeat that none of this will stop an experienced user from grabbing the content (e.g. by making a screenshop and - optionally - run OCR on it). Sometimes it's as easy as using the browser's developer tools or using the website without JavaScript. Yet, it will give inexperiences users a hard time, so they may look fom something easier to grab.
Also keep in mind that the above techniques will affect search engines when reading the page's content (if you're interested in blocking them, start with a robots.txt
Thank you for any other ideas to complement the above list!
If you are using PHP, the best way is to control it the .htaccess
, you need to put your files, images and videos under consideration in a separate folder/directory, and create a new .htaccess
file in this directory with the below:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} \.(mp4|mp3|avi)$ [NC]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^*$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^.* - [F,L]
The first line %{REQUEST_URI}
will prevent getting the file through the web browser, or through curl
. The second line %{HTTP_REFERER}
will prevent accessing the imahe/video using HTML tags <img>
or <video>
from any website except the exception !
you provide instead of
which usually should be your website itself.
第一行%{REQUEST_URI}将防止通过web浏览器或curl获取文件。第二行%{HTTP_REFERER}将阻止使用HTML标记访问imahe/视频或 <视频> ,除了例外!你提供的不是,通常应该是你的网站本身。
You can also have a look at my question and the accepted answer here for more tricks in the browser side.
you can reduce the possibility but not eliminate it...
This is how I do it in case anyone in the future is wondering.
I put this in the .htaccess file on the root server:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://(www\.)? [NC]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://(www\.)?*$ [NC]
RewriteRule \.(mp4|avi)$ - [F]
This stops them from say going to and then saving it from there.
这阻止了他们进入 .mp4,然后从那里保存。
No it's not. You may block right-clicks and simillar stuff but if someone wants to download it, he will do so, trust me ;)
As soon as they view your page that includes the picture or video, the item is downloaded into the temporary folder of their browser. So if you don't want it downloaded, don't post it.
You can mark folders or files so that they don't have read access (any of the main web servers support this). This allows you to store them on the server without any level of access to the outside world. You may want to do this if you have a service that generates images for someone else to download later, or if you use your web account for FTP access, but don't want anyone to view the files. (i.e. upload a .bak file to the server for someone else to FTP down again).
However, as others have said, getting into copyright areas where people can view the image or video but not save them locally is not fully possibly, although there are tools to discourage illegal usage.
Put your image or video in flash format. Works great.
This is an old post, but for video you might want to consider using MPEG-DASH to obfuscate your files. Plus, it will provide a better streaming experience for your users without the need for a separate streaming server. More info in this post: How to disable video/audio downloading in web pages?
Granted that any image the user can see will be able to be saved on the computer and there is nothing you can do about it. Now if you want to block access to other images that the user is not supposed to see, I am actually doing it that way:
- Every link is to the "src" in your image tag is in fact a request send to a controller on the server,
- 每个链接到图像标签中的“src”实际上是发送给服务器上控制器的请求,
- the server checks the access rights of that specific user, and returns the image if the user is supposed to have access to it,
- 服务器检查特定用户的访问权限,如果用户有访问权限,服务器返回图像,
- all images are stored in a directory that is not directly accessible from the browser.
- 所有图像都存储在一个不能从浏览器直接访问的目录中。
- The user will not have access to anything that you don't intent him/her to have access to
- 用户将无法访问任何您不希望他/她访问的内容
- Those requests are slow.. especially is there are lots of images on the same page. I haven't found a good way to accelerate that in fact..
- 这些请求慢. .尤其是在同一页上有很多图片。事实上,我还没有找到加速的好办法。
You can set the image to be background image and have a transparent foreground image.
You can't stop image/video theft but you can make harder for normal users but you can't make it harder for the programmers like us (I mean thieves that know little web programming).
There are some tricks you can try:
1.) Using flash as YouTube and many others sites like does.
2.) Div overlaping or background pic setting (but users with little sense can easily save all resources by opening inspect element or other developer option).
3.) You can disable right click and specific keys like CTRL + S and others possibles with JavaScript but main drawback is that if user disable JavaScript our all tricks fail down.
3)。您可以禁用右键和特定的键,如CTRL + S和其他可能的JavaScript,但主要缺点是如果用户禁用JavaScript,我们的所有技巧将失败。
4.) Save image in none online directories (if you have full access to web server) and read that files with server side languages like PHP every time when image / video is required and change image id time to time or create script that can automatically change ID after every access.
5.) Use .htaccess in apache to prevent linking of your images by others sites. you can use this site to automatically generate .htacess
Insert a transparent gif 1px x 1px just inside the <body>
在标签内插入透明的gif 1px x 1px:
<body><img src="route-to-images/blim.gif" class="blimover">
Then style it with this:
.blimover {
width: 100% !important;
height: 100% !important;
z-index: 1000 !important;
position: absolute !important;
top: 0 !important;
left: 0 !important;
This will remove any click functionality from a page, but it sure stops people stealing any content!
You can apply the same to a <div>
, <section>
, <article>
etc, just name accordingly and prevent your copy and/or images being ripped.
Nothing stops a screengrab though ... ...
If you want only authorised users to get the content, both the client and the server need to use encryption.
For video and audio, a good solution is Azure Media Services, which has content protection and encryption. You embed the Azure media player in your browser and it streams the video from Azure.
For documents and email, you can look at Azure Rights Management, which uses a special client. It doesn't currently work in ordinary web browsers, unfortunately, except for one-off, single-use codes.
I'm not sure exactly how secure all this is, however. As others have pointed out, from a security point of view, once those downloaded bytes are in the "attacker's" RAM, they're as good as gone. No solution is 100% secure in this case (please correct me if I'm wrong). As with most security, the goal is to make it harder, so the 99% don't bother.
There are video hosting services such as vzaar that have this functionality. As far as I know, that will make it really hard to download directly. At least for 95% of the people.
But of course, if the video plays on the screen people can just use a screen recorder and some simple software to record sound from the audio output (but he/she will have to play the ENTIRE thing to save it, totally inconvenient).