《Convolutional Simplex Projection Network for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation》-20180724,一篇来自德国波恩大学与锡根大学的paper。
The method introduces a novel layer which applies simplex projection on the output of a neural network using area constraints of class objects.
该方法可以自然无缝地与任意CNN架构融合在一起,同时,作者所提出的投影层允许强监督模型通过替换ground truth标签而毫不费力地适应弱监督模型。
1 Introduction:
The task of semantic image segmentation, which requires solving the problem of assigning a semantic class label to each pixel in a given image。这句话极好,可以借鉴!
2 Related work:
read history。
3 Convolutional Simplex Projection Network (CSPN):
3.1 Simplex Projection Layer
3.2 CSPN for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
Figure 1 gives an overview of how the simplex projection layer can be applied in a weakly
supervised setting, in which only image-level labels are available. In order to enforce some
given constraints at the last layer, we introduce a softmax layer after the last fully convolu-
tional layer in the network, which performs:
3.3 Simplex Projection Layer in SEC