NSMutableDictionary比Java Map慢得多......为什么?

时间:2020-12-03 17:20:53

The following code, which maps simple value holders to an object, runs over 15x faster in Java than Objective-C using XCode 7 beta3, "Fastest, Aggressive Optimizations [-Ofast]". I can get over 280M lookups/sec in Java but only about 19M in the objc example. (I posted the corresponding Java code here as this started as a Swift comparison: Swift Dictionary slow even with optimizations: doing uncessary retain/release?).

以下代码将简单值持有者映射到一个对象,使用XCode 7 beta3,“最快,最具侵略性的优化[-Ofast]”,在Java中运行速度比Objective-C快15倍。我可以在Java中获得超过280M的查找/秒,但在objc示例中只有大约19M。 (我在这里发布了相应的Java代码,因为这开始是一个Swift比较:Swift Dictionary甚至在优化时缓慢:执行uncessary retain / release?)。

This is a simplified version of my real code which is definitely bound by hash lookup time and exhibits this overall performance difference as well. In the test below I'm testing the value for null just to make sure the compiler doesn't optimize away the lookup, but in the real app I'd be using the value in most cases.


When I look at instruments I see a lot of time spent in retain / release, msgSend, and some locking calls that I don't understand.


Any ideas on what could account for this being 10-15x slower than Java or any workarounds would be appreciated. I can actually implement a perfect hash like the one below so I could use a fast int-object dictionary for iOS if I could find one.


@interface MyKey : NSObject <NSCopying>
    @property int xi;

@implementation MyKey
    - (NSUInteger)hash { return self.xi; }
    - (BOOL)isEqual:(id)object    { return ((MyKey *)object).xi == self.xi; }
    - (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone { return self; }


    NSMutableDictionary *map = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:2501];
    NSObject *obj = [[NSObject alloc] init];

    int range = 2500;
    for (int x=0; x<range; x++) {
        MyKey *key = [[MyKey alloc] init];
        [map setObject:obj forKey:key];

    MyKey *key = [[MyKey alloc] init];
    int runs = 50;
    for (int run=0; run<runs; run++)
        NSDate *start = [NSDate date];

        int reps = 10000;
        for(int rep=0; rep<reps; rep++)
            for (int x=0; x<range; x++) {
                if ( [map objectForKey:key] == nil ) { NSLog(@"missing key"); }

        NSLog(@"rate = %f", reps*range/[[NSDate date] timeIntervalSinceDate:start]);

2 个解决方案



You could reimplement your -isEqual: method like this to avoid property accessors:


- (BOOL) isEqual:(id)other
    return _xi == ((MyKey*)other)->_xi;

That would not be acceptable if your MyKey class might be subclassed, but I see from the Java code that the class there is final.




The computational complexity of the NSMutableDictionary is the next (from CFDictionary.h file):


The access time for a value in the dictionary is guaranteed to be at
worst O(N) for any implementation, current and future, but will
often be O(1) (constant time). Insertion or deletion operations
will typically be constant time as well, but are O(N*N) in the
worst case in some implementations. Access of values through a key
is faster than accessing values directly (if there are any such
operations). Dictionaries will tend to use significantly more memory
than a array with the same number of values.

Means, almost all the time you should have O(1) complexity for access/insertion/deletion. For Java HashMap you should get pretty much the same.

意味着,几乎所有的时间都应该具有O(1)访问/插入/删除的复杂性。对于Java HashMap,你应该得到几乎相同的东西。

According to this research there are no benefits in using dictionaryWithCapacity: convenience initializer.


In case you use integer as a key, probably it would be possible to replace dictionary with array.


In this WWDC session they explained objc_msgSend performance issues and how to deal with them. The first solution is to use C++ and STL containers. The second one is to use Swift, because unlike Objective-C it is only dynamic when it notes to be.

在这个WWDC会话中,他们解释了objc_msgSend性能问题以及如何处理它们。第一种解决方案是使用C ++和STL容器。第二个是使用Swift,因为与Objective-C不同,它只是在注意到它时才是动态的。



You could reimplement your -isEqual: method like this to avoid property accessors:


- (BOOL) isEqual:(id)other
    return _xi == ((MyKey*)other)->_xi;

That would not be acceptable if your MyKey class might be subclassed, but I see from the Java code that the class there is final.




The computational complexity of the NSMutableDictionary is the next (from CFDictionary.h file):


The access time for a value in the dictionary is guaranteed to be at
worst O(N) for any implementation, current and future, but will
often be O(1) (constant time). Insertion or deletion operations
will typically be constant time as well, but are O(N*N) in the
worst case in some implementations. Access of values through a key
is faster than accessing values directly (if there are any such
operations). Dictionaries will tend to use significantly more memory
than a array with the same number of values.

Means, almost all the time you should have O(1) complexity for access/insertion/deletion. For Java HashMap you should get pretty much the same.

意味着,几乎所有的时间都应该具有O(1)访问/插入/删除的复杂性。对于Java HashMap,你应该得到几乎相同的东西。

According to this research there are no benefits in using dictionaryWithCapacity: convenience initializer.


In case you use integer as a key, probably it would be possible to replace dictionary with array.


In this WWDC session they explained objc_msgSend performance issues and how to deal with them. The first solution is to use C++ and STL containers. The second one is to use Swift, because unlike Objective-C it is only dynamic when it notes to be.

在这个WWDC会话中,他们解释了objc_msgSend性能问题以及如何处理它们。第一种解决方案是使用C ++和STL容器。第二个是使用Swift,因为与Objective-C不同,它只是在注意到它时才是动态的。