eclipse和netbeans 6.1的grails插件

时间:2021-11-10 17:20:17

Has anyone been successful in getting the grails plugin for eclipse to work? How about grails plugin with netbeans?

有没有人成功获得eclipse的grails插件工作?如何使用netbeans grails插件?

6 个解决方案



If you use the NetBeans 6.5 Beta you'll see the Grails functionality is promising, but still buggy(minor). The good thing is in 6.5 Groovy and Grails support is standard, you don't have to install the plugins.

如果您使用NetBeans 6.5 Beta,您将看到Grails功能很有前途,但仍然有缺陷(次要)。好处是6.5 Groovy和Grails支持是标准的,你不必安装插件。



Unfortunately, there hasn't been much progress on the Eclipse plugin for Grails, we have started using IntelliJ IDEA for Grails development, the JetGroovy plugin is excellent and keeps getting better!

遗憾的是,Grails的Eclipse插件没有太大进展,我们已经开始使用IntelliJ IDEA进行Grails开发,JetGroovy插件非常出色并且不断变得更好!



Netbeans 6.5 is pretty good for Grails and allows for debugging, though the code completion is just barely there.

Netbeans 6.5非常适合Grails并允许调试,尽管代码完成几乎没有。



Well, here's a quick update. The Eclipse plugin works, and has refactoring support. But, for some reason I can't get it to recognize the Grails plugins in the Eclipse project.

嗯,这是一个快速更新。 Eclipse插件有效,并且具有重构支持。但是,出于某种原因,我无法识别Eclipse项目中的Grails插件。

It's starting to come along though.




I haven't had any problems getting the Eclipse grails plugin "to work" insofar as it's installed and providing all the features advertised. The problem is that this set of features is minimal, and light years behind IntelliJ. I understand that switching from a free IDE to a commercial IDE isn't at all possible, but if it is, do it! Although Netbeans is better than Eclipse, it's still quite a distance behind IntelliJ.

我已经没有任何问题让Eclipse grails插件“正常工作”,只要它安装并提供所宣传的所有功能。问题是这组功能很少,而且比IntelliJ落后了几年。我知道从一个免费的IDE切换到一个商业IDE是不可能的,但如果是这样的话,就去做吧!尽管Netbeans比Eclipse更好,但它仍然落后于IntelliJ。



Just for future documentation: Netbeans 6.8 is available with a very nice Grails/Groovy Plugin that works like a charme. Additionally you can use a new Code Coverage Plugin. Really nice build.

仅仅为了将来的文档:Netbeans 6.8提供了一个非常好的Grails / Groovy插件,就像一个迷人的工作。此外,您可以使用新的代码覆盖插件。非常好的构建。

Link: Netbeans Homepage


But you have to keep in mind that Grails now belongs to Spring Source. Spring Source is known for developing their own Tool Suite based on Eclipse. Maybe we will see a better grails plugin implementation for Eclipse.

但你必须记住,Grails现在属于Spring Source。 Spring Source因开发基于Eclipse的自己的Tool Suite而闻名。也许我们会看到Eclipse的更好的grails插件实现。



If you use the NetBeans 6.5 Beta you'll see the Grails functionality is promising, but still buggy(minor). The good thing is in 6.5 Groovy and Grails support is standard, you don't have to install the plugins.

如果您使用NetBeans 6.5 Beta,您将看到Grails功能很有前途,但仍然有缺陷(次要)。好处是6.5 Groovy和Grails支持是标准的,你不必安装插件。



Unfortunately, there hasn't been much progress on the Eclipse plugin for Grails, we have started using IntelliJ IDEA for Grails development, the JetGroovy plugin is excellent and keeps getting better!

遗憾的是,Grails的Eclipse插件没有太大进展,我们已经开始使用IntelliJ IDEA进行Grails开发,JetGroovy插件非常出色并且不断变得更好!



Netbeans 6.5 is pretty good for Grails and allows for debugging, though the code completion is just barely there.

Netbeans 6.5非常适合Grails并允许调试,尽管代码完成几乎没有。



Well, here's a quick update. The Eclipse plugin works, and has refactoring support. But, for some reason I can't get it to recognize the Grails plugins in the Eclipse project.

嗯,这是一个快速更新。 Eclipse插件有效,并且具有重构支持。但是,出于某种原因,我无法识别Eclipse项目中的Grails插件。

It's starting to come along though.




I haven't had any problems getting the Eclipse grails plugin "to work" insofar as it's installed and providing all the features advertised. The problem is that this set of features is minimal, and light years behind IntelliJ. I understand that switching from a free IDE to a commercial IDE isn't at all possible, but if it is, do it! Although Netbeans is better than Eclipse, it's still quite a distance behind IntelliJ.

我已经没有任何问题让Eclipse grails插件“正常工作”,只要它安装并提供所宣传的所有功能。问题是这组功能很少,而且比IntelliJ落后了几年。我知道从一个免费的IDE切换到一个商业IDE是不可能的,但如果是这样的话,就去做吧!尽管Netbeans比Eclipse更好,但它仍然落后于IntelliJ。



Just for future documentation: Netbeans 6.8 is available with a very nice Grails/Groovy Plugin that works like a charme. Additionally you can use a new Code Coverage Plugin. Really nice build.

仅仅为了将来的文档:Netbeans 6.8提供了一个非常好的Grails / Groovy插件,就像一个迷人的工作。此外,您可以使用新的代码覆盖插件。非常好的构建。

Link: Netbeans Homepage


But you have to keep in mind that Grails now belongs to Spring Source. Spring Source is known for developing their own Tool Suite based on Eclipse. Maybe we will see a better grails plugin implementation for Eclipse.

但你必须记住,Grails现在属于Spring Source。 Spring Source因开发基于Eclipse的自己的Tool Suite而闻名。也许我们会看到Eclipse的更好的grails插件实现。