
时间:2021-12-07 17:20:28

Possible Duplicate:
What is the difference between Eclipse and Netbeans if I want to use only the Java in it?


What is the difference between Eclipse and NetBeans IDEs? What are the specific features of both IDEs?

Eclipse和NetBeans IDE之间有什么区别?这两个IDE的具体功能是什么?

1 个解决方案



Note: I am a Mac user


Eclipse has a massive plugin library and an enormous community behind it. I've found it to occasionally "pinwheel" when doing large refactors, but other than that it's stable for me. The JSP editor, has, in the past been somewhat weak for me with regards to properly differentiating between HTML and embedded Java. I appreciate the extreme configurability of the layout of the different perspectives. I've never been particularly thrilled with it's editor theming with regards to color schemes. It's debugger is top-notch.


NetBeans is sort-of the reference platform, you know? That said, it's plugin library is not as large, though it does have a rather nice vi emulation plugin. It's always felt slower to me than Eclipse, no matter what I do to it. It has been known to out-right dump on me as well. Netbeans has nice integration for different application-deployment platforms, such as Glassfish and Tomcat.

NetBeans是一种参考平台,你知道吗?也就是说,它的插件库并不是那么大,虽然它确实有一个相当不错的vi仿真插件。无论我做什么,对我来说总是感觉比Eclipse慢。众所周知,对我来说也是右转。 Netbeans可以很好地集成不同的应用程序部署平台,例如Glassfish和Tomcat。



Note: I am a Mac user


Eclipse has a massive plugin library and an enormous community behind it. I've found it to occasionally "pinwheel" when doing large refactors, but other than that it's stable for me. The JSP editor, has, in the past been somewhat weak for me with regards to properly differentiating between HTML and embedded Java. I appreciate the extreme configurability of the layout of the different perspectives. I've never been particularly thrilled with it's editor theming with regards to color schemes. It's debugger is top-notch.


NetBeans is sort-of the reference platform, you know? That said, it's plugin library is not as large, though it does have a rather nice vi emulation plugin. It's always felt slower to me than Eclipse, no matter what I do to it. It has been known to out-right dump on me as well. Netbeans has nice integration for different application-deployment platforms, such as Glassfish and Tomcat.

NetBeans是一种参考平台,你知道吗?也就是说,它的插件库并不是那么大,虽然它确实有一个相当不错的vi仿真插件。无论我做什么,对我来说总是感觉比Eclipse慢。众所周知,对我来说也是右转。 Netbeans可以很好地集成不同的应用程序部署平台,例如Glassfish和Tomcat。