
时间:2021-04-06 17:21:42

I've got a code that lists the running application on a win32 box, and then displays theirs icons.


So far so good, I get the hwnd of the app, then call for GetClassLong(hwnd,GCL_HICONSM), and everything's fine.


But the case of a java apps is a pain to deal with, as the process answering to my calls is javaw.exe, and not the shiny-pimpy java application, who's got a so beautiful icon...

但是java应用程序的情况很难处理,因为回答我的调用的过程是javaw.exe,而不是闪亮的pimpy java应用程序,谁有一个如此漂亮的图标......

I gave a shot at GetWindowThreadProcessId also, but alas, it's the PID of javaw that's returned...

我也试着GetWindowThreadProcessId,但是唉,这是返回的javaw的PID ...

There's a way to do this though, as the task manager (alt+tab) displays the good icon.

有一种方法可以做到这一点,因为任务管理器(alt + tab)显示好图标。

2 个解决方案



Mmm, it can be done, because Process Viewer has a Show Applications button which does that (even if the main view shows the Java's icon). Alas this freeware isn't open source, so it won't tell its secret... :-(

嗯,它可以完成,因为Process Viewer有一个Show Applications按钮来执行该操作(即使主视图显示了Java的图标)。唉这个免费软件不是开源的,所以它不会告诉它的秘密... :-(

Sysinternals' ProcMon doesn't do that, alas.


I will dig a bit more... :-)

我会再挖一点...... :-)

[EDIT] Both a MS KB article and a Code Project article recommend using WM_QUERYDRAGICON if GCL_HICON fails...

[编辑]如果GCL_HICON失败,MS KB文章和Code Project文章都建议使用WM_QUERYDRAGICON ...



I answer to my own question, thanks to PhiLho who put me on the right track: an article from Codeproject with the right algorithm to get a window icon (wether it's java or not):


//first, try:


//if no icon found, try



//if still no icon, try



//if still no icon, you're doomed, return an error, or a void icon


For some reason a java app answers to the first call, but not to the others, which seems to be handled by javaw.exe.


Thanks again PhiLho.




Mmm, it can be done, because Process Viewer has a Show Applications button which does that (even if the main view shows the Java's icon). Alas this freeware isn't open source, so it won't tell its secret... :-(

嗯,它可以完成,因为Process Viewer有一个Show Applications按钮来执行该操作(即使主视图显示了Java的图标)。唉这个免费软件不是开源的,所以它不会告诉它的秘密... :-(

Sysinternals' ProcMon doesn't do that, alas.


I will dig a bit more... :-)

我会再挖一点...... :-)

[EDIT] Both a MS KB article and a Code Project article recommend using WM_QUERYDRAGICON if GCL_HICON fails...

[编辑]如果GCL_HICON失败,MS KB文章和Code Project文章都建议使用WM_QUERYDRAGICON ...



I answer to my own question, thanks to PhiLho who put me on the right track: an article from Codeproject with the right algorithm to get a window icon (wether it's java or not):


//first, try:


//if no icon found, try



//if still no icon, try



//if still no icon, you're doomed, return an error, or a void icon


For some reason a java app answers to the first call, but not to the others, which seems to be handled by javaw.exe.


Thanks again PhiLho.
