
时间:2022-04-07 17:20:23

The log file from a JVM crash contains all sorts of useful information for debugging, such as shared libraries loaded and the complete environment. Can I force the JVM to generate one of these programmatically; either by executing code that crashes it or some other way? Or alternatively access the same information another way?


3 个解决方案



You can try throwing an OutOfMemoryError and adding the -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError jvm argument. This is new as of 1.6 as are the other tools suggested by McDowell. http://blogs.oracle.com/watt/resource/jvm-options-list.html

您可以尝试抛出OutOfMemoryError并添加-XX:+ HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError jvm参数。这是1.6的新功能,以及McDowell建议的其他工具。 http://blogs.oracle.com/watt/resource/jvm-options-list.html



Have a look at the JDK Development Tools, in particular the Troubleshooting Tools for dumping the heap, printing config info, etcetera.




I am pretty sure this can be done with the IBM JDK as I was playing around with their stack analyzer some time ago. One option to force the dump would just to cause an outOfMemoryException.

我很确定这可以通过IBM JDK完成,因为我之前正在使用他们的堆栈分析器。强制转储的一个选项只会导致outOfMemoryException。

These tools may provide some clues http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/java/library/j-ibmtools1/




You can try throwing an OutOfMemoryError and adding the -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError jvm argument. This is new as of 1.6 as are the other tools suggested by McDowell. http://blogs.oracle.com/watt/resource/jvm-options-list.html

您可以尝试抛出OutOfMemoryError并添加-XX:+ HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError jvm参数。这是1.6的新功能,以及McDowell建议的其他工具。 http://blogs.oracle.com/watt/resource/jvm-options-list.html



Have a look at the JDK Development Tools, in particular the Troubleshooting Tools for dumping the heap, printing config info, etcetera.




I am pretty sure this can be done with the IBM JDK as I was playing around with their stack analyzer some time ago. One option to force the dump would just to cause an outOfMemoryException.

我很确定这可以通过IBM JDK完成,因为我之前正在使用他们的堆栈分析器。强制转储的一个选项只会导致outOfMemoryException。

These tools may provide some clues http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/java/library/j-ibmtools1/
