我可以在RELAX NG紧凑模式中指定模式位置吗?

时间:2022-09-07 17:18:15

I want to use a Relax NG compact schema. Do I specify the .rnc file in the xsi:schemaLocation the way I would for an XSD? I don't want to convert the Relax NG to an XSD because the limitations of XSD that would be a problem in my case.

我想使用Relax NG紧凑模式。我在xsi:schemaLocation中是否按照XSD的方式指定.rnc文件?我不想将Relax NG转换为XSD,因为XSD的局限性在我的例子中会是一个问题。

1 个解决方案



xsi:schemaLocation is specific to XML Schema.


If you need to specify the location of a RNG schema in a document (the usefulness of this practice is not always obvious ;), you can use an XML Model Processing Instruction (assuming of course that you use a tool that supports it, the recommendation being still young).




xsi:schemaLocation is specific to XML Schema.


If you need to specify the location of a RNG schema in a document (the usefulness of this practice is not always obvious ;), you can use an XML Model Processing Instruction (assuming of course that you use a tool that supports it, the recommendation being still young).
