
时间:2021-09-23 17:16:42

We have hundreds of XML files with no XML schema (XSD) defined in advance. I was able to generate an XSD from one of those files with a tool (IntelliJ Idea), but it is not smart enough to recognize which elements and attributes are optional and which are required.

我们有数百个XML文件,没有预先定义的XML架构(XSD)。我能够使用工具(IntelliJ Idea)从其中一个文件生成XSD,但它不够聪明,无法识别哪些元素和属性是可选的,哪些是必需的。

One way to automate that would be to reverse engineer XSD from multiple XML files using the following heuristic:


An attribute/element is optional (use="optional"/minOccurs=0) if in some instances it occurs and in other does not. Otherwise, it is required (use="required"/minOccurs=1).

属性/元素是可选的(use =“optional”/ minOccurs = 0),如果在某些情况下它发生而在其他情况下不发生。否则,它是必需的(use =“required”/ minOccurs = 1)。

Obviously, the heuristic would work also for a single XML file, if this XML is sufficiently representative.


For instance, aflightNumber would be considered optional given the following input:


     <carrier name="BA" flightNumber="213" />
     <carrier name="CY" />

Do you know any tool to generate XSD and recognize whether an attribute/element is optional?


1 个解决方案



Try QTAssistant (I am associated with it). Under the Tools tab



There's an XSD from XMLs command.



Your XML files should ALL be in one folder. From the dialog box, you'll have to select the ones you want to consider in generating the XSD(s). The XSDs will be generated in the same folder and loaded for you.

您的XML文件应该都在一个文件夹中。在对话框中,您必须选择要在生成XSD时考虑的那些。 XSD将在同一文件夹中生成并为您加载。

However, I haven't tried it for hundreds of XML files. If you run into any troubles, let me know through the support address on our web site. The download is free of charge to try it, but it requires registration.




Try QTAssistant (I am associated with it). Under the Tools tab



There's an XSD from XMLs command.



Your XML files should ALL be in one folder. From the dialog box, you'll have to select the ones you want to consider in generating the XSD(s). The XSDs will be generated in the same folder and loaded for you.

您的XML文件应该都在一个文件夹中。在对话框中,您必须选择要在生成XSD时考虑的那些。 XSD将在同一文件夹中生成并为您加载。

However, I haven't tried it for hundreds of XML files. If you run into any troubles, let me know through the support address on our web site. The download is free of charge to try it, but it requires registration.
