Createprocess error = 206;文件名或扩展名太长[重复]

时间:2021-11-28 17:17:40

This question already has an answer here:


I know this question has been asked before, but I wasn't able to fix it using solutions from other posts. I'm trying to compile a complex hierarchy of gwt projects using maven. Everything worked fine until I had to add one more library, more specifically: org.eclipse.birt.runtime


Now I get this error:


[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.mojo:gwt-maven-plugin:2.6.1:debug ....

..... [Lots of jars, many containing birt, no duplicates though] .....

Error while executing process. Cannot run program "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_20\jre\bin\java": CreateProcess error=206, The filename or extension is too long

The dependency I'm using is:



2 个解决方案



I finally managed to solve it:


Turns out birt, together with its dependencies, was simply adding too many libraries and the classpath became too long for windows command to handle. Furthermore, birt libraries have stupidly long names.


Solved it using this dependency (I only needed the runtime), I created the lib and birt directories and placed the jar there myself:





Birt has no reason to be in the classpath if it's not used client-side.


Unfortunately, Maven sometimes makes things harder than necessary; so with Maven you need your GWT client code to be a specific Maven module with no dependency on server-side code; then "merge" everything into a single WAR using WAR overlays.


With that layout (let's call the modules app-client and app-server), you have several solutions to launch gwt:run or gwt:debug:


  • never tried but you could probably configure hostedWebapp to point to your app-server output directory:



    Make sure you run mvn clean before packaging your app-server WAR though to be sure the generated JS files come from app-client (as a WAR overlay) and not app-server (generated by gwt:run)

    确保在打包app-server WAR之前运行mvn clean,以确保生成的JS文件来自app-client(作为WAR覆盖)而不是app-server(由gwt:run生成)

  • what I use in gwt-maven-archetypes: launch the server-side code in a distinct servlet container, and use <noServer>true</noServer>

    我在gwt-maven-archetypes中使用的:在不同的servlet容器中启动服务器端代码,并使用 true

    Make sure you run mvn clean before packaging too, or use -Dgwt.compiler.force, to be sure gwt:compile won't treat the DevMode-generated *.nocache.js file as up-to-date and will recompile the application.

    确保在打包之前运行mvn clean,或者使用-Dgwt.compiler.force,以确保gwt:compile不会将DevMode生成的* .nocache.js文件视为最新文件,并将重新编译应用程序。



I finally managed to solve it:


Turns out birt, together with its dependencies, was simply adding too many libraries and the classpath became too long for windows command to handle. Furthermore, birt libraries have stupidly long names.


Solved it using this dependency (I only needed the runtime), I created the lib and birt directories and placed the jar there myself:





Birt has no reason to be in the classpath if it's not used client-side.


Unfortunately, Maven sometimes makes things harder than necessary; so with Maven you need your GWT client code to be a specific Maven module with no dependency on server-side code; then "merge" everything into a single WAR using WAR overlays.


With that layout (let's call the modules app-client and app-server), you have several solutions to launch gwt:run or gwt:debug:


  • never tried but you could probably configure hostedWebapp to point to your app-server output directory:



    Make sure you run mvn clean before packaging your app-server WAR though to be sure the generated JS files come from app-client (as a WAR overlay) and not app-server (generated by gwt:run)

    确保在打包app-server WAR之前运行mvn clean,以确保生成的JS文件来自app-client(作为WAR覆盖)而不是app-server(由gwt:run生成)

  • what I use in gwt-maven-archetypes: launch the server-side code in a distinct servlet container, and use <noServer>true</noServer>

    我在gwt-maven-archetypes中使用的:在不同的servlet容器中启动服务器端代码,并使用 true

    Make sure you run mvn clean before packaging too, or use -Dgwt.compiler.force, to be sure gwt:compile won't treat the DevMode-generated *.nocache.js file as up-to-date and will recompile the application.

    确保在打包之前运行mvn clean,或者使用-Dgwt.compiler.force,以确保gwt:compile不会将DevMode生成的* .nocache.js文件视为最新文件,并将重新编译应用程序。