
时间:2022-05-13 17:12:45

Is there any way to set a css property to the screen width?

What I want to achieve is something close to this:


div{width: screen width; }


.divTest{width: screen width; }

Edit 1: I would like to use the class to exactly size other elements with the current width as i choose with css.


Edit 2: I don't believe it can be done without scripting of some sort but what do I know.


Edit 3: Final Thoughts A post about the widow re-sizing script using JavaScript is here in Alex V's answer. You'd just add in the script flavor you want. In my case it'd be setting a class property. However I believe setting visual attributes with JavaScript can be bad practice/undesirable in certain uses.

编辑3:最后的想法关于使用JavaScript的寡妇重新调整大小脚本的帖子在Alex V的回答中。你只需添加你想要的脚本风格。在我的情况下,它将设置一个类属性。但是我认为用JavaScript设置视觉属性在某些用途中可能是不好的做法/不合需要的。

3 个解决方案



Try width: 100vw; or as the above comment suggests, width: 100%;.


You may also want to set the meta tag in the HTML if it applies:


<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">


If the <div> isn't fitting 100% of the screen width, perhaps you need to have the default margin/padding reset:


不适合屏幕宽度的100%,可能需要重置默认的margin / padding:

*, :before, :after {
    box-sizing: border-box; // habit
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;



Generally, a div, if it's set to display:block (which is the default in most browsers, I believe) will expand to the full width of it's parent. If you want it to be the full width of the screen, it really depends on the way your page is configured.


If the div is within another element that is only set to width:500px or any other size, the div will only be the width of the parent. But if div's parent is the html body, then it should be the full width of the screen.


I've been smacking my head around on html and css a lot lately, and the best tool I've found to figure out CSS issues like this is Chrome's developer tools. You can actually right-click and "inspect" the div you are looking at. Then you can try out all the different css settings you want and Chrome will show you in real-time what effect those things will have.




Viewport units for CSS


vw, vh
1vw = 1% of viewport width
1vh = 1% of viewport height

Sizing div based on window width




Try width: 100vw; or as the above comment suggests, width: 100%;.


You may also want to set the meta tag in the HTML if it applies:


<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">


If the <div> isn't fitting 100% of the screen width, perhaps you need to have the default margin/padding reset:


不适合屏幕宽度的100%,可能需要重置默认的margin / padding:

*, :before, :after {
    box-sizing: border-box; // habit
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;



Generally, a div, if it's set to display:block (which is the default in most browsers, I believe) will expand to the full width of it's parent. If you want it to be the full width of the screen, it really depends on the way your page is configured.


If the div is within another element that is only set to width:500px or any other size, the div will only be the width of the parent. But if div's parent is the html body, then it should be the full width of the screen.


I've been smacking my head around on html and css a lot lately, and the best tool I've found to figure out CSS issues like this is Chrome's developer tools. You can actually right-click and "inspect" the div you are looking at. Then you can try out all the different css settings you want and Chrome will show you in real-time what effect those things will have.




Viewport units for CSS


vw, vh
1vw = 1% of viewport width
1vh = 1% of viewport height

Sizing div based on window width
