iframe vs innerHTML用于模态对话 - 哪个更好?

时间:2021-03-02 17:11:19

I am emulating a modal window functionality on my HTML5 page by creating a div with position: fixed, centered in the browser window etc. In some cases my modal window just shows a message with one or more buttons, such as OK Cancel, but in other cases I'm showing more complicated forms, e.g. an instant messaging dialog.


The question is for the more complicated cases. So which is better, (1) to have an <iframe> in my "modal" window or (2) a <div> plus some Ajax code that retrieves the contents of my form and injects it into the div's innerHTML?


What are some caveats in either case? When you choose one over the other, what is your reasoning?


Browser requirements: IE9+ and the rest of the sane browsers.

浏览器要求:IE9 +和其他理智的浏览器。

1 个解决方案



You should only use an iframe if you actually need an iframe. Reasons to use an iframe are:


  1. The simplest way to load content from another domain.
  2. 从另一个域加载内容的最简单方法。

  3. To isolate the security context for content from a separate domain.
  4. 从单独的域中隔离内容的安全上下文。

  5. To embed a completely independent web page (independent scripts, independent style sheets, etc...) in your web page.
  6. 在您的网页中嵌入一个完全独立的网页(独立脚本,独立样式表等)。

  7. You don't want to write ajax code to load content dynamically and want to just use the built-in .src capability of an iframe.
  8. 您不想编写ajax代码来动态加载内容,并且只想使用iframe的内置.src功能。

If you don't need any of these capabilities of an iframe, then it's generally easier to use use a div (which will auto-size to its content - whereas an iframe will not) and put the desired content in that div.

如果您不需要iframe的任何这些功能,那么通常更容易使用div(它将自动调整其内容大小 - 而iframe不会)并将所需内容放入该div中。

Either can be made to work.




You should only use an iframe if you actually need an iframe. Reasons to use an iframe are:


  1. The simplest way to load content from another domain.
  2. 从另一个域加载内容的最简单方法。

  3. To isolate the security context for content from a separate domain.
  4. 从单独的域中隔离内容的安全上下文。

  5. To embed a completely independent web page (independent scripts, independent style sheets, etc...) in your web page.
  6. 在您的网页中嵌入一个完全独立的网页(独立脚本,独立样式表等)。

  7. You don't want to write ajax code to load content dynamically and want to just use the built-in .src capability of an iframe.
  8. 您不想编写ajax代码来动态加载内容,并且只想使用iframe的内置.src功能。

If you don't need any of these capabilities of an iframe, then it's generally easier to use use a div (which will auto-size to its content - whereas an iframe will not) and put the desired content in that div.

如果您不需要iframe的任何这些功能,那么通常更容易使用div(它将自动调整其内容大小 - 而iframe不会)并将所需内容放入该div中。

Either can be made to work.
