
时间:2021-02-11 17:13:30

I have found this code in the internet and it was for arrays ,I want to change it for doubly linked list(instead of index we should use pointer) would you please help me that how can i change merge method(I have changed sort method by myself) also this is not my home work ,I love working with linked list!!

我发现这段代码在互联网和数组,我想改变为双向链表(而不是指数我们应该使用指针)请你帮我,我怎么能改变合并方法(我自己改变了排序方法)也这不是我回家工作,我喜欢使用链表! !

public class MergeSort {

private DoublyLinkedList LocalDoublyLinkedList;

public MergeSort(DoublyLinkedList list) {
    LocalDoublyLinkedList = list;


public void sort() {

    if (LocalDoublyLinkedList.size() <= 1) {
    DoublyLinkedList listOne = new DoublyLinkedList();
    DoublyLinkedList listTwo = new DoublyLinkedList();
    for (int x = 0; x < (LocalDoublyLinkedList.size() / 2); x++) {
        listOne.add(x, LocalDoublyLinkedList.getValue(x));
for (int x = (LocalDoublyLinkedList.size() / 2) + 1; x < LocalDoublyLinkedList.size`(); x++) {`
    listTwo.add(x, LocalDoublyLinkedList.getValue(x));
//Split the DoublyLinkedList again
    MergeSort sort1 = new MergeSort(listOne);
    MergeSort sort2 = new MergeSort(listTwo);

    merge(listOne, listTwo);

private void merge(DoublyLinkedList a, DoublyLinkedList b) {
    int x = 0;
    int y = 0;
    int z = 0;
    while (x < first.length && y < second.length) {
        if (first[x] < second[y]) {
            a[z] = first[x];
        } else {
            a[z] = second[y];
//copy remaining elements to the tail of a[];
    for (int i = x; i < first.length; i++) {
        a[z] = first[i];
    for (int i = y; i < second.length; i++) {
        a[z] = second[i];

5 个解决方案



Merge sort requires splitting the list quite often. Isn't iterating to the middle of a LinkedList pretty much the most expensive operation you can perform on it (well, short of sorting it)? I could see the merge step working pretty well (you're iterating forwards over two linked lists), but I'm not sure that this implementation is worth the trouble without an O(1) split operation.



As pointed out to me, the O(n) split operation doesn't really add much to complexity when you're already doing O(n) things during the merge phase. Nevertheless, you're still going to run into trouble doing iteration like you're doing (not using an Iterator but instead using get on a List with poor random-access characteristics).


I was bored while debugging some other issue so wrote you what I consider to be a decent Java implementation of this algorithm. I followed Wikipedia's pseudocode verbatim and sprinkled in some generics and print statements. If you have any questions or concerns, just ask.


import java.util.List;
import java.util.LinkedList;

 * This class implements the mergesort operation, trying to stay
 * as close as possible to the implementation described on the
 * Wikipedia page for the algorithm. It is meant to work well
 * even on lists with non-constant random-access performance (i.e.
 * LinkedList), but assumes that {@code size()} and {@code get(0)}
 * are both constant-time.
 * @author jasonmp85
 * @see <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Merge_sort">Merge sort</a>
public class MergeSort {
     * Keeps track of the call depth for printing purposes
    private static int depth = 0;

     * Creates a list of 10 random Longs and sorts it
     * using {@link #sort(List)}.
     * Prints out the original list and the result.
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        LinkedList<Long> list = new LinkedList<Long>();

        for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
            list.add((long)(Math.random() * 100));

        System.out.println("ORIGINAL LIST\n" + 
                           "=================\n" +
                           list + "\n");

        List<Long> sorted = sort(list);

        System.out.println("\nFINAL LIST\n" +
                           "=================\n" +
                           sorted + "\n");

     * Performs a merge sort of the items in {@code list} and returns a
     * new List.
     * Does not make any calls to {@code List.get()} or {@code List.set()}.
     * Prints out the steps, indented based on call depth.
     * @param list the list to sort
    public static <T extends Comparable<T>> List<T> sort(List<T> list) {
        String tabs = getTabs();

        System.out.println(tabs + "Sorting: " + list);

        if(list.size() <= 1) {
            return list;

        List<T> left   = new LinkedList<T>();
        List<T> right  = new LinkedList<T>();
        List<T> result = new LinkedList<T>();

        int middle = list.size() / 2;

        int added = 0;
        for(T item: list) {
            if(added++ < middle)

        left = sort(left);
        right = sort(right);

        result = merge(left, right);

        System.out.println(tabs + "Sorted to: " + result);

        return result;

     * Performs the oh-so-important merge step. Merges {@code left}
     * and {@code right} into a new list, which is returned.
     * @param left the left list
     * @param right the right list
     * @return a sorted version of the two lists' items
    private static <T extends Comparable<T>> List<T> merge(List<T> left,
                                                           List<T> right) {
        String tabs = getTabs();
        System.out.println(tabs + "Merging: " + left + " & " + right);

        List<T> result = new LinkedList<T>();
        while(left.size() > 0 && right.size() > 0) {
            if(left.get(0).compareTo(right.get(0)) < 0)

        if(left.size() > 0)

        return result;

     * Returns a number of tabs based on the current call depth.
    private static String getTabs() {
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("");
        for(int i = 0; i < depth; i++)
        return sb.toString();

To Run

  1. Save the code to a file named MergeSort.java
  2. 将代码保存到名为mergesor .java的文件中
  3. Run javac MergeSort.java
  4. 运行javac MergeSort.java
  5. Run java MergeSort
  6. 运行java归并排序
  7. Marvel
  8. 奇迹
  9. Optionally, run javadoc -private MergeSort.java to create the documentation. Open the index.html file it creates.
  10. 可选地,运行javadoc -private MergeSort。创建文档的java。打开索引。它创建的html文件。



It depends on what DoublyLinkedList is - is it a concrete user-defined type, or just an alias name for a linked list type?


In the first case, you should have indexed get/set methods and/or an iterator defined in it, which make the task simple.


In the latter case, why not use the standard java.util.LinkedList?


In terms of the List interface, the operation could be implemented like this:


<T> List<T> merge(List<T> first, List<T> second, List<T> merged) {
  if (first.isEmpty())
  else if (second.isEmpty())
  else {
    Iterator<T> firstIter = first.iterator();
    Iterator<T> secondIter = second.iterator();
    T firstElem = firstIter.next();
    T secondElem = secondIter.next();

    do {
      if (firstElem < secondElem) {
        firstElem = firstIter.hasNext() ? firstIter.next() : null;
      } else {
        secondElem = secondIter.hasNext() ? secondIter.next() : null;
    } while (firstIter.hasNext() && secondIter.hasNext());
    //copy remaining elements to the tail of merged
    if (firstElem != null)
    if (secondElem != null)
    while (firstIter.hasNext()) {
    while (secondIter.hasNext()) {

This implementation is a bit more tedious than it would be with arrays, mostly since iterators are "consumed" by the next operation, so one must keep account of the current item in each list. With get, the code would be simpler, quite similar to the array solution, however it would be way slower for big lists, as @sepp2k pointed out.


A couple more notes:


  • the Java tradition is to use lowercase variable names, hence localDoublyLinkedList
  • Java的传统是使用小写的变量名,因此使用localDoublyLinkedList
  • Java has no pointers, only references.
  • Java没有指针,只有引用。



I came across this problem yesterday. Here are some thoughts.


Sorting a DoublyLinkedList is different from sorting an Array as you can not make index based references to any arbitrary item in the List. Instead you need to remember the items during each recursive step and then pass them on to the merge function. For each recursion step you only need to remember the first item of each list half. If you do not remember these items you will quickly end up with indexes, but this leads you to the problem that in your merge-function you need to traverse the whole list with for-loops to find the items to merge. That in turn means you get a complexity of O(n^2).

对DoublyLinkedList进行排序与对数组进行排序不同,因为不能对列表中的任意项进行基于索引的引用。相反,您需要在每个递归步骤中记住条目,然后将它们传递给merge函数。对于每个递归步骤,您只需要记住每个列表的第一部分。如果您不记得这些项,您将很快得到索引,但是这会导致您在您的合并函数中需要使用for循环遍历整个列表,以找到要合并的项。这反过来又意味着你得到一个O(n ^ 2)的复杂性。

Another important point is the step of recursing into the list and dividing the list in two halves. You can do this step in the recursive part by using for-loops. Contrary to the merge-part at this step the for-loops will only yield a complexity of O(log(n) * n/2) and this is still below the overall O(n*log(n)) complexity. Here is why:

另一个要点是递归到列表中并将列表分成两半。您可以使用for循环在递归部分中执行此步骤。与此步骤的合并部分相反,for循环只会产生O(log(n) * n/2)的复杂性,这仍然低于O(n*log(n))的复杂性。这里是原因:

  1. You always need to find the first item of each half of list part.


  2. In the first recursion step you need to pass the first item and the item at position n/2. This takes n/2 steps to find.


  3. In each following step you need to find the middle item for each of the two halves of the list which gives us n/4 to find the item in the first halve and n/4 in the other halve. In total thats n/2.

    在接下来的每一步中,你需要为列表的两个部分找到中间的项,这两个部分给了我们n/4来找到第一个一半的项和另一个一半的n/4。总n / 2。

  4. In each following recursive step the amount of list parts double and the lengths is divided by two:


    • 4 * n/8 in the 3rd recursion depth

      4 * n/8在第三递归深度

    • 8 * n/16 in the 4th recursion depth, and so on...

      8 * n/16在第4递归深度,等等…

  5. The recursion depth is log(n) and in each step we perform n/2 steps. This equals O(log(n)*n/2)

    递归深度为log(n),每一步我们都要执行n/2步。这等于O(log(n)* n / 2)

Finally here is some code:


public DoublyLinkedList mergesort(DoublyLinkedList in, int numOfElements) {
    in.first = mergesort(in.first, numOfElements);      
    return in;



public ListElement mergesort(ListElement first, int length) {
    if(length > 1) {
        ListElement second = first;
        for(int i=0; i<length/2; i++) {
            second = second.next;
        first = mergesort(first, length/2);
        second = mergesort(second, (length+1)/2);
        return merge(first, second, length);
    } else {
        return first;

and merge:


public ListElement merge(ListElement first, ListElement second, int length) {
    ListElement result = first.prev; //remember the beginning of the new list will begin after its merged
    int right = 0;
    for(int i=0; i<length; i++) {
        if(first.getKey() <= second.getKey()) {
            if(first.next == second) break; //end of first list and all items in the second list are already sorted, thus break
            first = first.next;
        } else {
                break; //we have merged all elements of the right list into the first list, thus break
            if(second == result) result = result.prev; //special case that we are mergin the last element then the result element moves one step back.
            ListElement nextSecond = second.next;
            //remove second
            second.prev.next = second.next;
            second.next.prev = second.prev;
            //insert second behind first.prev
            second.prev = first.prev;
            first.prev.next = second;
            //insert second before first
            second.next = first; 
            first.prev = second;
            //move on to the next item in the second list
            second = nextSecond;
    return result.next; //return the beginning of the merged list

The maximum amount of memory used is also pretty low (not including the list itself). Correct me if I'm wrong but it should be less than 400 bytes (on 32bit). It would be 12 byte per call on mergeSort times the recursion depth of log(n) plus 20 bytes for the variables of merge thus: 12*log(n)+20 bytes.


P.S. Code tested on 1 million items (takes 1200ms). Also DoublyLinkedList is a container that stores the first ListElement of the list.


Update: I have answered a similar question about Quicksort using the same data structures, however in comparison to this Mergesort implementation it runs much slower. Here are some updated timings for reference:




1.000.000 Items:  466ms
8.300.000 Items: 5144ms



1.000.000 Items:  696ms  
8.300.000 Items: 8131ms

Note the timings are specific to my hardware and you might get different results.




First of all, you must NOT use indexes when dealing with linked lists. Do it like this:


while (i < in.size/2){
  listOne.addLast( in.remove(in.first()) );
  listTwo.addLast( in.remove(in.first()) );

And for merging


merge(a, b, out){
  while(!a.empty && !b.empty){
    if(a.first() >= b.first())
      out.addLast( a.remove(a.first()) );
     out.addLast( b.remove(b.first()) );

  //remember to take care of the remaining elements 
    out.addLast( a.remove(a.first()) );
    out.addLast( b.remove(b.first()) );

This way it will still be O(n log n)

这样它还是O(n log n)



Another idea is to create an array with all the elements of the list, sort the array and then insert the elements to the list again.


Pro: very simple to implement, faster if poor implementation of list mergesort (maybe also faster than good implementations)


Contra: uses some extra space (O(n))




Merge sort requires splitting the list quite often. Isn't iterating to the middle of a LinkedList pretty much the most expensive operation you can perform on it (well, short of sorting it)? I could see the merge step working pretty well (you're iterating forwards over two linked lists), but I'm not sure that this implementation is worth the trouble without an O(1) split operation.



As pointed out to me, the O(n) split operation doesn't really add much to complexity when you're already doing O(n) things during the merge phase. Nevertheless, you're still going to run into trouble doing iteration like you're doing (not using an Iterator but instead using get on a List with poor random-access characteristics).


I was bored while debugging some other issue so wrote you what I consider to be a decent Java implementation of this algorithm. I followed Wikipedia's pseudocode verbatim and sprinkled in some generics and print statements. If you have any questions or concerns, just ask.


import java.util.List;
import java.util.LinkedList;

 * This class implements the mergesort operation, trying to stay
 * as close as possible to the implementation described on the
 * Wikipedia page for the algorithm. It is meant to work well
 * even on lists with non-constant random-access performance (i.e.
 * LinkedList), but assumes that {@code size()} and {@code get(0)}
 * are both constant-time.
 * @author jasonmp85
 * @see <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Merge_sort">Merge sort</a>
public class MergeSort {
     * Keeps track of the call depth for printing purposes
    private static int depth = 0;

     * Creates a list of 10 random Longs and sorts it
     * using {@link #sort(List)}.
     * Prints out the original list and the result.
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        LinkedList<Long> list = new LinkedList<Long>();

        for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
            list.add((long)(Math.random() * 100));

        System.out.println("ORIGINAL LIST\n" + 
                           "=================\n" +
                           list + "\n");

        List<Long> sorted = sort(list);

        System.out.println("\nFINAL LIST\n" +
                           "=================\n" +
                           sorted + "\n");

     * Performs a merge sort of the items in {@code list} and returns a
     * new List.
     * Does not make any calls to {@code List.get()} or {@code List.set()}.
     * Prints out the steps, indented based on call depth.
     * @param list the list to sort
    public static <T extends Comparable<T>> List<T> sort(List<T> list) {
        String tabs = getTabs();

        System.out.println(tabs + "Sorting: " + list);

        if(list.size() <= 1) {
            return list;

        List<T> left   = new LinkedList<T>();
        List<T> right  = new LinkedList<T>();
        List<T> result = new LinkedList<T>();

        int middle = list.size() / 2;

        int added = 0;
        for(T item: list) {
            if(added++ < middle)

        left = sort(left);
        right = sort(right);

        result = merge(left, right);

        System.out.println(tabs + "Sorted to: " + result);

        return result;

     * Performs the oh-so-important merge step. Merges {@code left}
     * and {@code right} into a new list, which is returned.
     * @param left the left list
     * @param right the right list
     * @return a sorted version of the two lists' items
    private static <T extends Comparable<T>> List<T> merge(List<T> left,
                                                           List<T> right) {
        String tabs = getTabs();
        System.out.println(tabs + "Merging: " + left + " & " + right);

        List<T> result = new LinkedList<T>();
        while(left.size() > 0 && right.size() > 0) {
            if(left.get(0).compareTo(right.get(0)) < 0)

        if(left.size() > 0)

        return result;

     * Returns a number of tabs based on the current call depth.
    private static String getTabs() {
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("");
        for(int i = 0; i < depth; i++)
        return sb.toString();

To Run

  1. Save the code to a file named MergeSort.java
  2. 将代码保存到名为mergesor .java的文件中
  3. Run javac MergeSort.java
  4. 运行javac MergeSort.java
  5. Run java MergeSort
  6. 运行java归并排序
  7. Marvel
  8. 奇迹
  9. Optionally, run javadoc -private MergeSort.java to create the documentation. Open the index.html file it creates.
  10. 可选地,运行javadoc -private MergeSort。创建文档的java。打开索引。它创建的html文件。



It depends on what DoublyLinkedList is - is it a concrete user-defined type, or just an alias name for a linked list type?


In the first case, you should have indexed get/set methods and/or an iterator defined in it, which make the task simple.


In the latter case, why not use the standard java.util.LinkedList?


In terms of the List interface, the operation could be implemented like this:


<T> List<T> merge(List<T> first, List<T> second, List<T> merged) {
  if (first.isEmpty())
  else if (second.isEmpty())
  else {
    Iterator<T> firstIter = first.iterator();
    Iterator<T> secondIter = second.iterator();
    T firstElem = firstIter.next();
    T secondElem = secondIter.next();

    do {
      if (firstElem < secondElem) {
        firstElem = firstIter.hasNext() ? firstIter.next() : null;
      } else {
        secondElem = secondIter.hasNext() ? secondIter.next() : null;
    } while (firstIter.hasNext() && secondIter.hasNext());
    //copy remaining elements to the tail of merged
    if (firstElem != null)
    if (secondElem != null)
    while (firstIter.hasNext()) {
    while (secondIter.hasNext()) {

This implementation is a bit more tedious than it would be with arrays, mostly since iterators are "consumed" by the next operation, so one must keep account of the current item in each list. With get, the code would be simpler, quite similar to the array solution, however it would be way slower for big lists, as @sepp2k pointed out.


A couple more notes:


  • the Java tradition is to use lowercase variable names, hence localDoublyLinkedList
  • Java的传统是使用小写的变量名,因此使用localDoublyLinkedList
  • Java has no pointers, only references.
  • Java没有指针,只有引用。



I came across this problem yesterday. Here are some thoughts.


Sorting a DoublyLinkedList is different from sorting an Array as you can not make index based references to any arbitrary item in the List. Instead you need to remember the items during each recursive step and then pass them on to the merge function. For each recursion step you only need to remember the first item of each list half. If you do not remember these items you will quickly end up with indexes, but this leads you to the problem that in your merge-function you need to traverse the whole list with for-loops to find the items to merge. That in turn means you get a complexity of O(n^2).

对DoublyLinkedList进行排序与对数组进行排序不同,因为不能对列表中的任意项进行基于索引的引用。相反,您需要在每个递归步骤中记住条目,然后将它们传递给merge函数。对于每个递归步骤,您只需要记住每个列表的第一部分。如果您不记得这些项,您将很快得到索引,但是这会导致您在您的合并函数中需要使用for循环遍历整个列表,以找到要合并的项。这反过来又意味着你得到一个O(n ^ 2)的复杂性。

Another important point is the step of recursing into the list and dividing the list in two halves. You can do this step in the recursive part by using for-loops. Contrary to the merge-part at this step the for-loops will only yield a complexity of O(log(n) * n/2) and this is still below the overall O(n*log(n)) complexity. Here is why:

另一个要点是递归到列表中并将列表分成两半。您可以使用for循环在递归部分中执行此步骤。与此步骤的合并部分相反,for循环只会产生O(log(n) * n/2)的复杂性,这仍然低于O(n*log(n))的复杂性。这里是原因:

  1. You always need to find the first item of each half of list part.


  2. In the first recursion step you need to pass the first item and the item at position n/2. This takes n/2 steps to find.


  3. In each following step you need to find the middle item for each of the two halves of the list which gives us n/4 to find the item in the first halve and n/4 in the other halve. In total thats n/2.

    在接下来的每一步中,你需要为列表的两个部分找到中间的项,这两个部分给了我们n/4来找到第一个一半的项和另一个一半的n/4。总n / 2。

  4. In each following recursive step the amount of list parts double and the lengths is divided by two:


    • 4 * n/8 in the 3rd recursion depth

      4 * n/8在第三递归深度

    • 8 * n/16 in the 4th recursion depth, and so on...

      8 * n/16在第4递归深度,等等…

  5. The recursion depth is log(n) and in each step we perform n/2 steps. This equals O(log(n)*n/2)

    递归深度为log(n),每一步我们都要执行n/2步。这等于O(log(n)* n / 2)

Finally here is some code:


public DoublyLinkedList mergesort(DoublyLinkedList in, int numOfElements) {
    in.first = mergesort(in.first, numOfElements);      
    return in;



public ListElement mergesort(ListElement first, int length) {
    if(length > 1) {
        ListElement second = first;
        for(int i=0; i<length/2; i++) {
            second = second.next;
        first = mergesort(first, length/2);
        second = mergesort(second, (length+1)/2);
        return merge(first, second, length);
    } else {
        return first;

and merge:


public ListElement merge(ListElement first, ListElement second, int length) {
    ListElement result = first.prev; //remember the beginning of the new list will begin after its merged
    int right = 0;
    for(int i=0; i<length; i++) {
        if(first.getKey() <= second.getKey()) {
            if(first.next == second) break; //end of first list and all items in the second list are already sorted, thus break
            first = first.next;
        } else {
                break; //we have merged all elements of the right list into the first list, thus break
            if(second == result) result = result.prev; //special case that we are mergin the last element then the result element moves one step back.
            ListElement nextSecond = second.next;
            //remove second
            second.prev.next = second.next;
            second.next.prev = second.prev;
            //insert second behind first.prev
            second.prev = first.prev;
            first.prev.next = second;
            //insert second before first
            second.next = first; 
            first.prev = second;
            //move on to the next item in the second list
            second = nextSecond;
    return result.next; //return the beginning of the merged list

The maximum amount of memory used is also pretty low (not including the list itself). Correct me if I'm wrong but it should be less than 400 bytes (on 32bit). It would be 12 byte per call on mergeSort times the recursion depth of log(n) plus 20 bytes for the variables of merge thus: 12*log(n)+20 bytes.


P.S. Code tested on 1 million items (takes 1200ms). Also DoublyLinkedList is a container that stores the first ListElement of the list.


Update: I have answered a similar question about Quicksort using the same data structures, however in comparison to this Mergesort implementation it runs much slower. Here are some updated timings for reference:




1.000.000 Items:  466ms
8.300.000 Items: 5144ms



1.000.000 Items:  696ms  
8.300.000 Items: 8131ms

Note the timings are specific to my hardware and you might get different results.




First of all, you must NOT use indexes when dealing with linked lists. Do it like this:


while (i < in.size/2){
  listOne.addLast( in.remove(in.first()) );
  listTwo.addLast( in.remove(in.first()) );

And for merging


merge(a, b, out){
  while(!a.empty && !b.empty){
    if(a.first() >= b.first())
      out.addLast( a.remove(a.first()) );
     out.addLast( b.remove(b.first()) );

  //remember to take care of the remaining elements 
    out.addLast( a.remove(a.first()) );
    out.addLast( b.remove(b.first()) );

This way it will still be O(n log n)

这样它还是O(n log n)



Another idea is to create an array with all the elements of the list, sort the array and then insert the elements to the list again.


Pro: very simple to implement, faster if poor implementation of list mergesort (maybe also faster than good implementations)


Contra: uses some extra space (O(n))
