如何从路由中的节点返回从PageSpeed Insight收到的数据?

时间:2021-10-26 17:13:26

I am using the PSI npm package in a simple route. https://github.com/addyosmani/psi Used the psi method from the library. However, the script does not wait for the expected result. It works Ok in console. However, I need to return the response to browser and display it there. How can I do this? Note: psi method a Promise.

我在一个简单的路线中使用PSI npm包。 https://github.com/addyosmani/psi使用库中的psi方法。但是,脚本不会等待预期的结果。它在控制台中运行正常。但是,我需要将响应返回给浏览器并在那里显示它。我怎样才能做到这一点?注意:psi方法是一个Promise。

app.get('/psi', function(req, res){
    return psi('example.com',{ key: '*Iz*Sy*****PiZ***wz7****sy*****', strategy: 'desktop'}).then( data => {
        console.log('Speed score: ' + data.ruleGroup.SPEED.score);
        res.json({ 'results' : data.ruleGroup.SPEED.score });


1 个解决方案



I might be wrong but shouldn't you remove the return statement? If psi returns a promise and you return psi I believe the .then() statement should be added after the app.get function since it's returned there, but then you can't access res. So, try simply removing return?




I might be wrong but shouldn't you remove the return statement? If psi returns a promise and you return psi I believe the .then() statement should be added after the app.get function since it's returned there, but then you can't access res. So, try simply removing return?
