
时间:2021-10-20 17:13:18

I'm using Laravel5 and, I want to create a notification system for my (web) project. What I want to do is, notifying the user for new notifications such as;


  • another user starts following him,
  • 另一个用户开始跟踪他,
  • another user writes on his wall,
  • 另一个用户在他的墙上写道,
  • another user sends him a message, etc,
  • 另一个用户给他发信息,等等,

(by possibly highlighting an icon on the header with a drop-down menu. The ones such as *).


I found out the new tutorials on Laracast: Real-time Laravel with Socket.io, where a kind of similar thing is achieved by using Node, Redis and Socket.io.


If I choose using socket.io and I have 5000 users online, I assume I will have to make 5000 connections, 5000 broadcastings plus the notifications, so it will make a lot of number of requests. And I need to start for every user on login, on the master blade, is that true?


Is it a bad way of doing it? I also think same thing can be achieved with Ajax requests. Should I tend to avoid using too many continuous ajax requests?


I want to ask if Socket.io is a good way of logic for creating such system, or is it a better approach to use Ajax requests in 5 seconds instead? Or is there any alternative better way of doing it? Pusher can be an alternative, however, I think free is a better alternative in my case.


1 个解决方案



A few thoughts:


  1. Websockets and Socket.io are two different things.


    Socket.io might use Websockets and it might fall back to AJAX (among different options).


  2. Websockets are more web friendly and resource effective, but they require work as far as coding and setup is concerned.


    Also using SSL with Websockets for production is quite important for many reasons, and some browsers require that the SSL certificate be valid... So there could be a price to pay.


  3. Websockets sometimes fail to connect even when supported by the browser (that's one reason using SSL is recommended)... So writing an AJAX fallback for legacy or connectivity issues, means that the coding of Websockets usually doesn't replace the AJAX code.


  4. 5000 users at 5 seconds is 1000 new connections and requests per second. Some apps can't handle 1000 requests per second. This shouldn't always be the case, but it is a common enough issue.


    The more users you have, the close your AJAX acts like a DoS attack.


    On the other hand, Websockets are persistent, no new connections - which is a big resources issue - especially considering TCP/IP's slow start feature (yes, it's a feature, not a bug).


    Existing clients shouldn't experience a DoS even when new clients are refused (server design might effect this issue).


  5. A Heroku dyno should be able to handle 5000 Websocket connections and still have room for more, while still answering regular HTTP requests.

    Heroku dyno应该能够处理5000个Websocket连接,并且仍然有空间进行更多的连接,同时仍然能够响应常规的HTTP请求。

    On the other hand, I think Heroku imposes an active requests per second and/or backlog limit per dyno (~50 requests each). Meaning that if more than a certain amount of requests are waiting for a first response or for your application to accept the connection, new requests will be refused automatically.... So you have to make sure you have no more than 100 new requests at a time. For 1000 requests per second, you need your concurrency to allows for 100 simultaneous requests at 10ms per request as a minimal performance state... This might be easy on your local machine, but when network latency kicks in it's quite hard to achieve.


    This means that it's quite likely that a Websocket application running on one Heroku Dyno would require a number of Dynos when using AJAX.

    这意味着,在Heroku Dyno上运行的Websocket应用程序在使用AJAX时很可能需要大量的Dynos。

These are just thoughts of things you might consider when choosing your approach, no matter what gem or framework you use to achieve your approach.


Outsourcing parts of your application, such as push notifications, would require other considerations such as scalability management (what resources are you saving on?) vs. price etc'




A few thoughts:


  1. Websockets and Socket.io are two different things.


    Socket.io might use Websockets and it might fall back to AJAX (among different options).


  2. Websockets are more web friendly and resource effective, but they require work as far as coding and setup is concerned.


    Also using SSL with Websockets for production is quite important for many reasons, and some browsers require that the SSL certificate be valid... So there could be a price to pay.


  3. Websockets sometimes fail to connect even when supported by the browser (that's one reason using SSL is recommended)... So writing an AJAX fallback for legacy or connectivity issues, means that the coding of Websockets usually doesn't replace the AJAX code.


  4. 5000 users at 5 seconds is 1000 new connections and requests per second. Some apps can't handle 1000 requests per second. This shouldn't always be the case, but it is a common enough issue.


    The more users you have, the close your AJAX acts like a DoS attack.


    On the other hand, Websockets are persistent, no new connections - which is a big resources issue - especially considering TCP/IP's slow start feature (yes, it's a feature, not a bug).


    Existing clients shouldn't experience a DoS even when new clients are refused (server design might effect this issue).


  5. A Heroku dyno should be able to handle 5000 Websocket connections and still have room for more, while still answering regular HTTP requests.

    Heroku dyno应该能够处理5000个Websocket连接,并且仍然有空间进行更多的连接,同时仍然能够响应常规的HTTP请求。

    On the other hand, I think Heroku imposes an active requests per second and/or backlog limit per dyno (~50 requests each). Meaning that if more than a certain amount of requests are waiting for a first response or for your application to accept the connection, new requests will be refused automatically.... So you have to make sure you have no more than 100 new requests at a time. For 1000 requests per second, you need your concurrency to allows for 100 simultaneous requests at 10ms per request as a minimal performance state... This might be easy on your local machine, but when network latency kicks in it's quite hard to achieve.


    This means that it's quite likely that a Websocket application running on one Heroku Dyno would require a number of Dynos when using AJAX.

    这意味着,在Heroku Dyno上运行的Websocket应用程序在使用AJAX时很可能需要大量的Dynos。

These are just thoughts of things you might consider when choosing your approach, no matter what gem or framework you use to achieve your approach.


Outsourcing parts of your application, such as push notifications, would require other considerations such as scalability management (what resources are you saving on?) vs. price etc'
