Coinbase GDAX NodeJS - 无效的API密钥

时间:2022-09-18 17:09:39

I'm trying to write a script that will cancel all my orders on GDAX. According to the documentation for Cancel an Order I need to send a DELETE request to /delete. But I assume before I can do that I need to sign the message first.


When I submit the request using fetch in Node, I get this response: { message: 'Invalid API Key' }


Here is the a code sample I am working on, with the confidential stuff replaced of course:


var crypto = require('crypto');
var fetch = require('fetch');

const coinbaseSecret = 'abc...';
const coinbaseAPIKey = 'abc...';
const coinbasePassword = 'abc...';
const coinbaseRestAPIURL = "";

function start(){
		cancelAll(time, function(){

function getTime(callback){
	fetch.fetchUrl(coinbaseRestAPIURL + '/time', null, function(error, meta, body){
		var response = JSON.parse(body.toString());
		console.log('response', response);

		var timeStamp = response.epoch;

function cancelAll(timeStamp, callback) {
	// Refer to

	var signature = getSignature('DELETE', '/delete', "");
	console.log('signature', signature);
	var headers = {
		'Content-Type': 'application/json',
		'CB-ACCESS-KEY': coinbaseAPIKey,
		'CB-ACCESS-SIGN': signature,
		'CB-ACCESS-TIMESTAMP': timeStamp, // / 1000,
		'CB-ACCESS-PASSPHRASE': coinbasePassword
	console.log('headers', headers);

	fetch.fetchUrl(coinbaseRestAPIURL + '/delete', {
		method: 'DELETE',
		headers: headers
	}, function(error, meta, body){
		var response = JSON.parse(body.toString());
		console.log('response', response);

function getSignature(method, requestPath, body) {
	// Refer to

	const secret = coinbaseSecret;
	const timestamp = / 1000;
	const what = timestamp + method + requestPath + body;
	const key = Buffer(secret, 'base64');
	const hmac = crypto.createHmac('sha256', key);
	const signature = hmac.update(what).digest('base64');

	return signature;


2 个解决方案



I got the same reject when using PHP call and tried several combination of the rights/IP whitelist when creating the key, no one works.

我在使用PHP调用时得到了相同的拒绝,并在创建密钥时尝试了几个权限/ IP白名单组合,没有人工作。

However the same code works for the sandbox so I think it might not be a problem in the code, unless, sandbox and live requires different header and that will be quite surprising. The sandbox does not work properly neither, the ticker endpoint returns constantly "Internal server error" at the moment I write this...


Not yet find a solution.




Go to the Gdax-Node Github repo and take a look at their code and examples.

转到Gdax-Node Github repo并查看他们的代码和示例。

1) Create an authenticatedClient by configuring it with your api details, 2) Then simply use the authedClient object and calncelAllOrders method:


authedClient.cancelAllOrders({product_id: 'BTC-USD'}, callback);

You could wrap this with a function to call 'x' amount of times (it states in the documentation), or you cold think of something fancier if you'd like.


Note:- make sure you pull the github repo and do not install from npm directly as there are a few bugs and issues that have been fixed on the git repo but NOT pushed to npm.

注意: - 确保你拉github repo并且不要直接从npm安装,因为有一些bug和问题已经在git repo上修复但没有被推到npm。 use npm install coinbase/gdax-node when downloading your gdax package.

...所以在下载gdax包时使用npm install coinbase / gdax-node。

Hope that helps a little...




I got the same reject when using PHP call and tried several combination of the rights/IP whitelist when creating the key, no one works.

我在使用PHP调用时得到了相同的拒绝,并在创建密钥时尝试了几个权限/ IP白名单组合,没有人工作。

However the same code works for the sandbox so I think it might not be a problem in the code, unless, sandbox and live requires different header and that will be quite surprising. The sandbox does not work properly neither, the ticker endpoint returns constantly "Internal server error" at the moment I write this...


Not yet find a solution.




Go to the Gdax-Node Github repo and take a look at their code and examples.

转到Gdax-Node Github repo并查看他们的代码和示例。

1) Create an authenticatedClient by configuring it with your api details, 2) Then simply use the authedClient object and calncelAllOrders method:


authedClient.cancelAllOrders({product_id: 'BTC-USD'}, callback);

You could wrap this with a function to call 'x' amount of times (it states in the documentation), or you cold think of something fancier if you'd like.


Note:- make sure you pull the github repo and do not install from npm directly as there are a few bugs and issues that have been fixed on the git repo but NOT pushed to npm.

注意: - 确保你拉github repo并且不要直接从npm安装,因为有一些bug和问题已经在git repo上修复但没有被推到npm。 use npm install coinbase/gdax-node when downloading your gdax package.

...所以在下载gdax包时使用npm install coinbase / gdax-node。

Hope that helps a little...
